Can You Level Weapons Past +10 in Elden Ring? Max Upgrade Guide

I‘m sure you‘ve already realized that the lands between can be a punishing place for the unprepared Tarnished. Enemies hit harder, take more punishment, and are relentless in their assault.

So can our trusty armaments continue to carry us to victory in the late game crucible? Absolutely – with the right upgrades!

While standard weapons cap out at the commonplace +10, the true limit is much higher…

Normal Weapons Can Reach +25, Transforming Their Power

Normal weapons, those crafted and looted from mundane foes, can be reinforced all the way up to +25 given the right smithing stones and bell bearings.

Special weapons linked to iconic bosses and legacy rewards peak at +10 instead. But don‘t let that smaller number fool you – they pack a massive punch.

Reaching these heightened states completely transforms weaker starting gear into absolutely devastating implements of destruction.

The damage unlocked is almost unimaginable, instantly demolishing even the mightiest enemies. Your foes will learn to fear the name of your +25 Blade of Death and Destruction!

Unlocking Max Upgrades: Materials Required

But this phenomenal power does not come easily. Without the proper smithing stones, you‘ll find your progress halted prematurely:

Upgrade LevelNormal Smithing Stones Needed
+11Smithing Stone (7)
+12Smithing Stone (8)
+13Somber Smithing Stone (7)
+14Somber Smithing Stone (8)
+15Somber Smithing Stone (9)
+16Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone
+17 to +248 Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones
+25Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone

As you can see, reaching the pinnacle requires seven more Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones for normal gear – extremely rare and valuable items.

Scaling Goes Super Saiyan After +10

Part of why higher upgrade levels are so important is that they dramatically augment weapon scaling. This ties the attack rating to your offensive stats like Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and so on.

Let‘s examine the Meteorite Staff, an S-tier Sorcery catalyst:

Upgrade LevelIntelligence Scaling

Just look at that scaling jump from A to S over the final five reinforcements! This exponential scaling growth means substantially more power can be gained from leveling your primary offensive attributes at higher weapon grades.

Top 5 Weapons You MUST Upgrade to +25

I‘ve played through Elden Ring and thoroughly tested dozens of armaments at max upgrade levels. And let me tell you…

The carnage unleashed by +25 weapons PLUNGES foes into utter despair.

Here‘s 5 that left the deepest impressions – and battle scars:

1. Blasphemous Blade

With each hit unleashing blasts of sacred fire, the unique skill melts bosses in seconds by draining HP. Absolute top tier DPS.

2. Rivers of Blood

Blood loss for days. Shreds through foes with Thousand Cuts special skill, chunking health with absurd bleed procs. Stagger galore!

3. Hand of Malenia

Lady Malenia‘s Nihil special glides you behind enemies, attacking relentlessly and annihilating posture. Deals hardcore bleed AND restores HP!

4. Fallingstar Beast Jaw

Upgraded gravity sorceries devastate mobs and stagger anything. Weapon skill unleashes a collapsing star for insane damage. Go full mage build for max power!

5. Sacred Relic Sword

Holy waves of destruction emancipate groups of enemies. Giant Hunt ash tears through boss health bars with incredible ripostes. Faith builds rejoice!

There are of course many more phenomenal weapons. But these five left the most…explosive impressions during my journeys.

My RL1 Run Relied On Weapon Upgrades

As an Elden Ring content creator, I decided to put my skills to the test with a RL1 run – beating the game without ever leveling up.

Let me tell you, this made early game an arduous slog until my arsenal expanded. Without vigor upgrades, everything could one or two shot me.

My saving grace? Pumping precious smithing stones into my best weapons for that sweet base damage.

This allowed me to chip away at brutal bosses like Maliketh inch by grueling inch using my trusty Hand Axe. Eventually I emerged victorious!

So don‘t neglect honing your weapons just because rune levels get all the glory. Their reinforced might will carry you through in the end.

Late Game Demands Fully Upgraded Gear

Speaking of end game challenges, you‘ll sorely need extremely reinforced weapons for the intense boss fights awaiting in Farum Azula and beyond.

Why? Just look at the exponentially inflating HP bars:

  • Godrick the Grafted – 8,500 HP
  • Starscourge Radahn – 59,000 HP
  • Maliketh, Black Blade – 15,500 HP
  • Godfrey/Hoarah Loux – 27,000 HP
  • Radagon of the Golden Order – 52,000 HP
  • Elden Beast – 75,000 HP

And these figures don‘t even account for massively boosted defenses and resistances! Without sufficient damage-per-second, you won‘t stand a chance no matter your skill level.

Max weapon upgrades are mandatory to pierce their bloated health pools, super-charged with the extra power from scaling. All while avoiding the guaranteed one-shot kills awaiting each mistake!

Hopefully this guide has opened your eyes to the game-changing importance of fully-upgraded armaments when exploring the Lands Between and beyond.

Never stop honing your weapons. Strive for greatness and settle for nothing less than +25! Only then can you deliver a coup de grace worthy of legend…

Let me know which weapons you plan to maximize next. And what insane power have you unleashed? I‘m always seeking inspiration for my next upgraded atrocities!

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