Can You Live in the Jungle in The Sims 4‘s Selvadorada?

No – the base version of The Sims 4 does not allow Sims to live full-time or set up residential homes in Selvadorada, the lush jungle world introduced in the Jungle Adventure game pack.

Why You Can‘t Officially Live in Selvadorada

Selvadorada is designated as a special "vacation destination world" in The Sims 4. That means it has some restrictions:

  • No residential lots – All lots are set as rental/travel venues
  • Limited duration stays – After a set number of days, Sims must return home

So without any residential lots available, and forced departure after a short visit, permanent residence in Selvadorada isn‘t possible in the standard game.

World TagDescriptionAllows Full-Time Living?
VacationFor temporary visits, has rental lotsNo
ResidentialTraditional world with home neighborhoodsYes
DestinationHybrid world, mix of rental and residential lotsPartial, depends on lots

As seen in this table, only residential worlds allow Sim households to stay indefinitely and settle down long-term on house lots.

Modding Selvadorada into a Livable World

However, for PC players willing to use mods, you can convert the Selvadorada vacation world into a residential one suitable for full-time life!

The main mods that accomplish this are:

  • Zerbu‘s Destination Worlds to Residential Worlds
    • Specifically converts destination worlds into proper residential worlds
    • Allows Sims to move there and freely travel back and forth
  • Zerbu‘s Venue Changes
    • Unlocks the "Residential" lot type option in all worlds
    • Lets you set rental/travel lots to be residential homes

By combining those two mods, Simmers have successfully moved Sims into Selvadorada long term.

You still need to convert a venue lot into residential using Zerbu‘s Venue Changes after installing the other mod. An easy way is to:

  1. Travel normally to Selvadorada
  2. Pick a rental villa venue you like
  3. Open the phone and use "Venue Changes" to set it to Residential
  4. Return home and use phone/map to move into that lot!

And just like that, you‘ve modded Selvadorada into a livable jungle world with a residential home as your base amidst the rainforests!

Gameplay Perks of Living in Selvadorada

So what‘s the appeal of moving to the jungle full time in The Sims 4?

Proximity to adventure – With ancient ruins, traps, treasures, and discoveries abounding in the dense rainforest and winding rivers around your new home, everyday life becomes an Indiana Jones-esque expedition!

Local culture and cuisine – Get to know the unique Selvadoradian villagers better, learn their ways to earn discounts at shops, and sample tropical cuisine using homegrown spices and ingredients.

Off-the-grid independence – Residential jungle lots often lack modern amenities like plumbing or electricity. Living off-the-land can be very fulfilling!

Tropical gardening – Plant and grow exotic plants and crops right on your own property, like starfruit, dragonfruit, and valuable money trees.

Eco-friendly lifestyle – The world is your oyster mushroom in this largely unspoiled natural paradise! Maintain a green existence in harmony with nature.

With mods, Selvadorada offers a unique variant on off-grid, eco-friendly whole-life wilderness gameplay. The jungle changes you!

How Other Sims 4 Worlds Compare for Wilderness Living

Selvadorada isn‘t the only option for an outdoorsy, semi-wild existence in recent Sims 4 expansions. How do other worlds stack up for long-term residence surrounded by nature?

World PackEnvironmentLivabilityPerksDownsides
Outdoor RetreatGranite Falls park, woods/trailsVacation-onlyCamping, herbalism, rustic lodgingCan‘t live there, lacks build mode
Island LivingSulani islands, beachesResidentialOff-grid beach houses, conserve natureModern amenities available if preferred
Jungle AdventureSelvadorada jungleVacation-only (moddable)Ruin exploration, off-grid, rich cultureMore dangerous, extra effort to make residential

Granite Falls is another vacation-oriented destination world focused on outdoor activities. Like Selvadorada, its designation prevents permanent residence – but it also lacks customizable build mode options for player-made lots. Hiking through its forests and parks makes a nice getaway.

The official world best suited for full-time tropical off-grid living is probably Sulani from Island Living. You have the choice to build eco-friendly beach homes lacking modern hookups if desired, though the world doesn‘t push that lifestyle. Activities like dolphin interactions, mermaids, and conservation roles support Sulani‘s idyllic Polynesian paradise vibe.

Considering the extra modding steps needed to live permanently amidst undiscovered ruins and untamed rainforest, Selvadorada takes jungle immersion further for survival enthusiasts. Its rich cultural backdrop also provides engaging long-term goals.

Verdict: Not Officially, but Mods Empower Alternative Living

So can Sims live full-time in Selvadorada‘s jungle environment in vanilla Sims 4? No – its intentionally-limited vacation destination designation prevents that. However, PC players have succeeded in modding Selvadorada into a livable residential world.

It requires installing mods like Zerbu‘s Destination Worlds to Residential Worlds and Venue Changes first. From there, converting a villa or market lot into a residential jungle house is straightforward.

The result opens up a rewarding new off-grid, eco-centric existence surrounded by ancient mysteries and culture ripe for discovery. For Sims wanting to "go native" in the rainforest long-term, modified Selvadorada delivers a compelling, exotic locale to call home.

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