Can You Lose Legendary Hunters in Hunt: Showdown?

No, legendary hunters in Hunt: Showdown are not permanently lost when they die. As an experienced Hunt player and guide creator with over 200 hours invested, I‘m here to give you an in-depth look at exactly what happens when your prized legendary hunter perishes.

Dying is Not the End for Legendary Hunters

When starting out in Hunt‘s dangerous world, losing a max level hunter can feel devastating. But with legendary hunters from prestigious DLCs or rare in-game events, Crytek mercifully gives us the option to re-recruit them, no matter how many unfortunate demises meet our precious legendaries along the way.

Purchasing a fallen legendary will cost you 333 Hunter coins each time. It may wince to repeatedly shell out for that fancy Plague Doctor, but he and his ornate mask shall never leave your roster permanently!

Breakdown of Legendary Hunter Death Mechanics:

  • Level/Progression Reset: Unfortunately any EXP and traits you earned on that hunter are wiped clean upon death. Time to start leveling them back up!
  • Gear/Items Lost: Like any hunter death, all weapons, tools, consumables, and other gear is lost with your legend when they die.
  • Skins Maintained: Paid or unlocked legendary skins stick with you, so you can outfit your newly repurchased hunter in their snazzy threads right away.

So while 333 coins feels pricey early on, remember it’s a small cost to bear to hold onto exclusive heroes, versus the permanent loss of your coveted 50-trait positive-KDA sweatlords.

Losing Legendary Weapons – Now That Hurts!

Legendary hunter skins may stick with you after death, but their fancy weapons won‘t! Legendary weapons like those gnarly toothed sabers from the new Lonely Howl DLC can be looted off your corpse if you fall in combat brandishing them.

  • Each legendary weapon skin costs around $2 worth of Blood Bonds in the in-game shop if buying individually.
  • Building a full arsenal could cost you $20+ dollars rebuying cosmetics!
  • Certain rare skins were limited-time only events, making losing them devastating for collectors and your wallet alike.

Protect Your Style AND Your Wallet!

My recommendation if you want to flex fancy guns: insure them! Using Hunt‘s insurance system protects your legendary weapon skin in case you die. This will cost you a chunk of Hunt Dollars depending on the weapon‘s value, but saves you from rebuying weapon DLCs after a particularly nasty death.

Prestige Offers Rewards Alongside The Grind

Resetting everything back to zero with prestige can feel daunting, but the rewards help ease the pain. Here‘s an overview of what prestige ranks will bring to the bayou:

  • Prestige 5 – Unlocks the first-tier Centenary chieftain mask cosmetic
  • Prestige 10 – Second-tier mask unlocks with fancy feathers
  • Prestige 50 – The "Wise" Centenary mask arrives in white and gold
  • Prestige 100 – Maximum of 10 tools/consumables equipped instead of 8

Additionally, certain legendary hunter and weapon skins are specifically only unlockable as prestige rewards. These offer exclusive cosmetics that dedicated players can work towards while climbing back up the ranks.

  • 12 legendary hunter skins unlock from prestige 1 through prestige 99
  • 16 legendary weapon skins unlock across prestiges
  • Keep spending those hard-earned bloodbonds on fresh drip for your menagerie of legends!

In Conclusion: Value Your Vikings but Budget for Blunders

At the end of the day, remember that Hunt‘s legendary warriors offer unique perks and flair opened through gameplay achievements, cash shop purchases, or community events. Treasure them for the adventures you‘ll share – but keep a reserve of 333 coins handy for when they inevitably kick the bucket!

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