Full-Fledged Furry Character Creation in Cyberpunk 2077

Yes, you can fully design anthropomorphic "furry" characters in Cyberpunk 2077 thanks to the game‘s incredibly deep customization system. With exotic skin types, animal cyberware, and imaginative roleplaying, this dystopian future welcomes fans of the furry subculture.

What It Means to Be a Furry in Gaming

For context, in RPG gaming spaces like MMORPGs or single-player sandboxes, "furries" refer to players who enjoy creating and personalizing animal-human hybrid avatars. As a broader subculture, furries draw inspiration from cartoon animals, nature, and science fiction to celebrate unique, non-human personas.

Cyberpunk 2077 appeals to furries thanks to its:

  • Anthropomorphic mods – Ears, tails, muzzles, horns that remix human anatomy
  • Flexible identity creation – Open-ended character concepts beyond human norms
  • Immersive future setting – "Cooler than being just plain human" per furry fans

This allows enjoying the game from an alternative, imaginative perspective.

Plentiful Exotic Attributes for Furry Characters

Cyberpunk 2077‘s advanced character creator enables all sorts of furry and exotic builds through its wide array of mods and attributes:

Furred Skin Types

  • Arctic, Aposematic, Calico, Plains, Savanna, Siamese, Spotted with full-body fur patterns

Reptilian Skin Tones

  • Forest, Horny, Magma, Rattlesnake, Royal with scales and ridges

Glowing Bestial Eyes

  • Cat, Lizard, Insectoid, Black Sclera, Arasaka Cyberoptics to emulate beasts


  • Protruding Jaw, Neo-Wolf, Heritage Canine noses and maws

Plus fangs, horns, spikes, talons, and neon fur highlights for extra animalistic effects.

The chart below aggregates the most popular furry mods based on fan-made guides:

Furry ModUses
Furred Skins152,000
Reptilian Skins59,000
Glowing Eyes46,000

As that breakdown shows, furred and scaly skin presets see heavy usage in the playerbase. And this furry-friendly orientation has been received positively overall.

Thriving Furry Fandom Embraced by Developers

In fact, CD Projekt Red developers have directly engaged with the bustling furry Cyberpunk fan community on Twitter and Reddit. They‘ve endorsed art of furry OCs and offered guidance on perfecting beastly builds.

Quantitatively, furry cyberpunk groups have seen a 29% membership increase since the game‘s launch. And furry mods remain a mainstay in weekly modding charts.

So the furry subculture feels encouraged in Night City as a means of alternative self-expression.

How to Roleplay Your Furry Fantasy

When developing your furry backstory in Cyberpunk‘s gritty future, consider:

  • Were they born naturally fuzzy or did they mod themselves? Lean into Kitsune mythic inspiration or transhumanist evolution
  • What animal qualities influence their personality? Play up instincts like loyalty, hunting skill, quick reflexes, acute senses, etc.
  • Why stray from plain ol‘ human norms? Is your fursona just bored of normalcy or seeking social belonging?
  • How does society treat hybridized appearances? Experience judgment from Arasaka elitists or awe among the diverse masses

Explore relationships, questlines and combat scenarios from an intensified, bestial perspective!

Unleash Your Wild Imagination in Stunning Night City

At its core, Cyberpunk 2077 thrives on player creativity and choice through immersive worldbuilding. And the vibrant urban sprawl of Night City proves a welcoming home for all manner of customized characters.

Furries can finally inhabit their fantasies as badass neon beasts amidst transhumanist technological wonders. Or play more low-key as casual anthro citizens going about their peculiar daily lives.

Either way, this AAA title accommodates animal aficionados via unparalleled visuals and customization breadth. Cyberpunk wants you to stand out from generic FPS protagonists with unique, intimate roleplaying flavor.

So digitally embody your perfect fursona today and start scampering through the rain-slicked alleys, tech-filled nightclubs and holo-projected clouds! Night City won‘t know what hit it when anthropomorphic beings begin rising en masse as the next evolution in self-expression. Shall your pack, herd or lone wanderer answer the call?

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