Can You Make Sims Not Jealous in The Sims 4?

Yes! With a few simple tweaks using mods and in-game settings, you can easily make your Sims non-monogamous and not get jealous in The Sims 4. This guide will cover all the ways to disable jealousy, the relationship configurations that prevent it, and managing non-jealous polyamorous Sims.

What Causes Jealousy in The Sims Games

Before diving into the solutions, let‘s quickly summarize what triggers jealousy in The Sims:

  • Romantic rejection – Getting rejected when making a flirtatious advance
  • Cheating – Catching a romantic partner flirting/WooHooing with someone else
  • Insecurity – Low self-confidence levels or specific traits like Jealous
  • Possessiveness – Strong romantic attachment to partner who interacts with others

These emotional reactions vary by game, but the core triggers remain similar. Now let‘s see how we can prevent them!

Completely Disabling Jealousy in The Sims 4

If you just want to turn off jealousy entirely, using mods is the simplest approach. Here are the best options:

Using WickedWhims

This NSFW mod has a built-in jealousy disable setting:

  1. Access WickedWhims > Settings > Relationship > Cheats
  2. Toggle Disable Jealousy System to True

All Sims will now have jealousy disabled!

With MC Command Center

Another powerful customization mod with a jealousy toggle:

  1. Go to MC Tuner > MC Pregnancy
  2. Set Enable Jealousy System to False

Removing Specific Sims‘ Jealous Trait

You can also disable just certain Sims feeling jealousy by removing this trait in Create-a-Sim or with cheats after game start.

Allowing Non-Monogamy Without Jealousy

If you want Sims in open relationships without turning jealousy off completely, there are a few solid strategies:

Use the Club System

Create a club with activities like "Be Romantic" and "WooHoo" set to target club members. Then add the Sims you want included to enable polyamory without anyone getting jealous!

Avoid Actual Marriages

While married Sims can still feel jealous, unmarried boyfriend/girlfriends don‘t. So have your Sims date around in open relationships without ever getting married.

Designate Specific WooHoo Partners

WooHoo Partners can have physical intimacy without romantic strings attached. So jealousy shouldn‘t be triggered by their interactions.

Adopt the Player Trait

Sims with this trait don‘t feel jealous themselves, though they can still trigger it in others. Useful for guilt-free Sims sleeping around!

Recommended Mods for Open Relationships

Along with disabling jealousy specifically, these mods are great for managing polyamory and non-monogamy:

WonderfulWhimsMore realistic attraction/relationship system
UI Cheats ExtensionAllows manipulating romantic relationships with cheats
SimDa Dating AppOnline dating features for finding partners

WonderfulWhims combined with MC Command Center gives a powerful combo for creating customized relationship rulesets. The dating app also streamlines meeting love interests.

Comparing Jealousy Across Sims Franchise Games

The jealousy mechanics and triggers have changed over time throughout the series:

GameJealousy TriggersDisable Options
The SimsInfidelity, divorceNone
The Sims 2Romantic rejection, cheatingMods only
The Sims 3Insecurity, romantic rivalryMods only
The Sims 4Catching cheating, mean interactionsBuilt-in mods

As we can see, The Sims 4 actually provides official options for controlling jealousy that have improved over time. Earlier games relied solely on mods to tweak these systems.

Conclusion – Liberating Your Sims From Jealous Rage!

Hopefully this guide has clearly illustrated different methods for disabling jealousy and explained what causes it in The Sims games. With the right mods and relationship configurations, you can have guilt-free romantic encounters across as many partners as you‘d like!

I‘m happy to answer any other questions in the comments from fellow Simmers about managing open relationships or polyamory mechanics in these games. So ask away!

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