Can You Marry a Black-Briar in Skyrim?

The short answer is no, you cannot marry any member of the Black-Briar family in vanilla Skyrim. However, with the use of PC mods or console commands, marrying a Black-Briar becomes possible.

As an avid Skyrim player and modder, I‘ve explored the possibilities and implications of joining the notorious Black-Briar clan through marriage. Read on for my in-depth perspectives.

Overview of the Black-Briars

The Black-Briars are the most powerful family in Riften and one of the most influential in all of Skyrim. They dominate the mead industry and have deep ties with both the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood.

At the head of the family is the ruthless Maven Black-Briar, who leverages her extensive network of contacts to manipulate politics in her favor. Then there‘s Ingun—an aspiring alchemist, Hemming—who handles the family‘s business affairs, and Sibbi—the wayward son imprisoned for murder.

Most citizens despise the Black-Briars, but rarely dare to openly oppose them for fear of retaliation. The family wields its power through intimidation and violence. Still, some may find the prospect of joining them tempting for the privilege and security it could bring.

Marriage Prospect Analysis

Here‘s a quick breakdown of each potential Black-Briar spouse and why marriage is not possible without modding:

  • Maven – As the clan matriarch, she remains unmarriageable to maintain her autonomy.
  • Ingun – Seems the most morally grounded, but isolated for her studies.
  • Hemming – Ruthless like his mother and already married.
  • Sibbi – A violent drunk locked away in prison.

Now let‘s explore whether marrying into the deceitful and cutthroat Black-Briars would actually make for a happy marriage.

Maven Black-Briar


  • Incredible influence as Riften‘s power broker
  • Vast wealth from near monopoly of the mead trade
  • Ability to leverage underworld connections


  • Obsessed with expanding her empire through schemes
  • Views people as pawns to be manipulated
  • Possible assassination attempts from rivals

As the head of the Black-Briar family, Maven is likely too preoccupied with her machinations to be a caring spouse. Her cold and arrogant demeanor also leaves much to be desired in a marriage partner.

Verdict: An influential but dangerous spouse only concerned with advancing her own interests.

Ingun Black-Briar


  • Kind disposition and moral conscience
  • Devotion to the arcane arts – potential mage training
  • Access to alchemy ingredients and potions


  • Social isolation from obsessive alchemy studies
  • Ties to the underhanded Black-Briar reputation
  • Defying her mother‘s wishes could turn Maven against you

While Ingun seems the most pleasant Black-Briar to wed, life in seclusion with an increasingly crazy alchemist may get tedious over time. And Maven‘s potential backlash gives reason for concern.

Verdict: The best option, but still risky given her family‘s criminality.

Hemming Black-Briar


  • Day-to-day oversight of the prosperous mead business
  • Children to possibly inherit the family empire


  • Already married with kids (cheating required)
  • Arrogance and greed from wealth and status
  • Primary loyalty remains to his mother Maven

Beyond having to become a homewrecker, Hemming seems to share Maven‘s hubris and immorality when it comes to expanding the clan‘s ill-gotten gains. His marriage of convenience to a previous business rival also indicates he may not take marital vows seriously.

Verdict: An amoral businessman fixated on increasing his family‘s crooked fortune.

Sibbi Black-Briar


  • Tough guy bravado as a career thug
  • Continued access to Black-Briar connections, even in jail


  • Imprisoned for murder with no release in sight
  • Repulsive drunken and abusive behavior
  • Shallow loyalty only to himself

Though some may covet the bad boy appeal of the murderous Sibbi, his incarceration and volatility make for an obviously disastrous marriage prospect. Any perceived benefits are clearly outweighed by the risks.

Verdict: A vile murderer right where he belongs behind bars.

Final Verdict: Don‘t Marry a Black-Briar

While being part of an influential family like the Black-Briars has its allure in theory, members examined clearly lack marital appeal. Maven and Hemming are far too devoted expanding their corrupt business schemes, Ingun is rather isolated and eccentric, and Sibbi remains an imprisoned killer.

Ultimately, the underhanded character of the Black-Briars makes them risky spouses likely to draw you into trouble or resent you as an obstacle to their designs. Like most Skyrim residents, you‘d be wise keep your distance rather than get entangled through marriage.

But if you insist on wedding a Black-Briar, console commands and mods open up the possibilities – but likely at great cost to your safety and sanity.

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