No, You Can‘t Marry Faction Leaders in Bannerlord – But You Can Marry Their Heirs!

As you rise to power and capture the hearts of Calradia‘s most influential nobles, you may dream of marrying an empress like the Southern Empire‘s Rhagaea or King Derthert of Battania. Unfortunately, marrying existing monarchs or clan leaders is not currently possible in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord.

However, all hope for power-hungry strategists isn‘t lost! You can marry the heirs and claimants of faction leaders, allowing you or your own children to potentially inherit control over their kingdom one day.

Betrothal for Future Power: Marrying the Heirs of Kings and Queens

For example, while you cannot directly marry Empress Rhagaea, you can marry her daughter and named successor Ira. This smart match positions you to potentially become Emperor of the Southern Empire through marriage.

Other influential heirs you can marry include:

  • Lady Isolla of Suno: Marrying this claimant to the Northern Empire throne sets you up to help her unseat the reigning monarchs. Any children you have would have a strong claim.
  • Arwa the Pearled One: As the most influential noblewoman in the Aserai culture, marrying Arwa grants you strong influence in the sultanate – and perhaps more someday.
  • Unqid‘s Daughters: The daughters of the current Khuzait Khan offer similar opportunities in the grasslands.

This contrasts with other medieval RPGs like Skyrim, where you can seduce and marry monarchs directly through the Amulet of Mara for immediate power. In Bannerlord, you must play the long game, strategically marrying heirs and claimants instead.

Can You Inherit Faction Leadership Through Marriage in Bannerlord?

While still in early access, Bannerlord has scripts for intestate inheritance and the passing of titles to legitimate children. This suggests that if inheritance laws are ever fully implemented, marrying the heir to a kingdom could allow your player heir to inherit rule.

For now, it‘s unclear if our children will become playable characters. But marriage alliances remain our best method of gaining control by marrying into royal families. It just may take a generation!

The Best Wives for Empowering Your Clan

While plotting future kingdoms with marriage alliances, you can also invite exceptionally skilled heroes into your family for more immediate benefits:

Liena: The Ultimate Governor Wife

With a whopping 160 Leadership and 140 Steward skills, Liena is any warlord‘s #1 pick for governing conquered settlements. She also has Tactics and Medicine over 100 for party leading. Her high Vigor, Intelligence and generous personality make her an unbeatable ally.

Abagai: Ideal for Ruthless Warlords

As a Khuzait Khan‘s daughter, Abagai has 130+ in most combat skills and the Roguery to wage brutal war campaigns. She also has enough Stewardship and Trade skills to manage finances and supply lines. An excellent right-hand for the war tent.

Silvind: Skilled in Commerce and Diplomacy

For clan leaders focused on building commercial networks and diplomatic ties, Silvind makes a fine partner. She boasts 160 Charm, 160 Steward, and 140 Trade skills – turning settlements she governs into prosperous trade hubs.

Leana: Queen of the Underworld

With a whopping 160 Roguery skill, Lean is unmatched at expanding party size limits and reducing troop wages through shady means. She‘s also no combat slouch with solid Vigor, Control, Bow and Crossbow skills.

No matter your playstyle, Bannerlord offers strong marriage candidates to match. And while we await future updates enabling inheritance by our heirs, you can still strengthen alliances and empower clan governance through wise pairings today.

Becoming a Power Couple: Bannerlord‘s Romance Mechanics

To turn companionship into marriage in Bannerlord, you first must successfully flirt and build enough relationship to trigger a romance. This unlocks new dialogue options that eventually lead to a marriage proposal.

Factors that impact flirting success rates:

  • Your Charm skill
  • Their specific tastes
  • Personality compatibility
  • Existing marriages or betrothals

Flirting is easiest with unmarried wanderers and disenchanted nobles. But even married NPCs may fall for your charms with enough effort. Save often in case you need to retry failed flirts.

Once you successfully trigger a romance, continue building relationship through missions and support in battles to reach the climax of a marriage proposal. This unlocks various benefits:

  • Spouse joins clan permanently
  • Relationship bonuses with their allies
  • Help governing settlements
  • Combat support and party leading

After marriage, you can further strengthen the partnership by…

Having Children for Alliances

Children born from marrying faction heirs stand to inherit claims and titles one day. To conceive:

  • Ask spouse to join party
  • Wait in settlements month-by-month
  • Save often; retry until pregnancy triggered

Keeping Your Spouse Happy

Maintain positive relationship through gifts, successful flirts, peaceful policies and including them in decisions. Let them govern towns they get along with. Happy couples empower your clan!

How Marriage Alliances in Bannerlord Compare to Other RPGs

Fans of RPG titles like Skyrim, Dragon Age or even Clash of Clans are used to the strategic power marriages can bring. So how does Mount & Blade II compare on this front?

Ways Bannerlord Improves Marital Alliances:

  • Marry heirs for future inheritance plots
  • Deep clan mechanics and family dynasties
  • Children continue your lineage
  • Rich policy decisions with spouse input

Areas Where Other RPGs Are Stronger:

  • Direct marriages to faction leaders
  • Immediate assumption of power
  • More romance dialogue/scenes
  • Play as married heirs

With plugins and the final game, Bannerlord may address some of these story and roleplay limitations. But the foundation is there for strong marriage gameplay.

Final Advice

As you set out to romance Calradia’s noble bachelors and bachelorettes, keep this guidance in mind:

  • Save first – Flirting is tricky; save before key dialogues.
  • Personality matters – Find someone who complements yours.
  • Heirs offer power – Marry for future inheritance.
  • Skills empower clans – Recruit elite wanderers.
  • Romance for benefits – Relationships aid governance.
  • Have kids – Continue lineage; strengthen claims!

Follow these tips and you’ll go from lone adventurer to power couple poised to dominate the Bannerlord marriage meta. Share your own romance stories and advice in the comments!

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