Can You Marry Anyone from Solstheim?

No, despite being an entire new region added in the Dragonborn DLC, the marriage options in Solstheim are extremely limited. Only three NPCs are available as potential spouses:

  • Morwen – A Nord found in the Skaal Village
  • Hilund – A Nord bard in Thirsk Mead Hall
  • Halbarn Iron-Fur – A Riekling chief from Thirsk Mead Hall

This pales in comparison to the over 60 (!) marriage candidates that exist across the vanilla game and official DLCs.

So why is Solstheim so restrictive when it comes to matrimony? As a hardcore Skyrim fan, I have a few theories:

Solstheim‘s Small Population

Solstheim is a frigid island of ash and snow. The inhospitable climate means settlements here are few and far between. In total, there are only 117 NPCs that inhabit Solstheim – compared to the 950+ that fill Skyrim‘s cities and towns. With such a tiny population pool to draw from, marriage options are limited.

Isolationist Cultures

Most native Solstheim residents belong to isolationist cultures that shun outsiders:

  • The Skaal villagers have lived in remoteness for generations, rarely interacting with foreign visitors
  • Rieklings are territorial creatures who attack on sight rather than welcome strangers

So naturally, these groups aren‘t predisposed to romance travelers from afar. Even the Nords of Thirsk, who are less isolationist, only offer one bachelor as a marriage prospect.

Game Design Restraints

With Dragonborn releasing shortly after Hearthfire, it‘s likely the devs at Bethesda didn‘t have resources to make more Solstheim NPCs romanceable. Building those intricate spouse routines – daily schedules, dialogue trees, etc – takes time for every single candidate. And as an isolated DLC, fleshing out Solstheim marriage options wasn‘t a priority.

Despite the limited selection, marrying an NPC from Solstheim is still possible. It just takes a bit more effort given their unique dispositions and quest requirements. Here‘s how to successfully court all three candidates:

Marrying Morwen

Race: Nord
Location: Skaal Village

Step 1: Complete The Fate of the Skaal

This quest helps free Morwen‘s people from the tyrannical rule of Frea‘s father, Storn Crag-Strider. Make the following key choices:

  • Agree to cleanse the Stones around Solstheim when asked
  • Free the Wind Stone from the Lurker‘s control
  • Return the Writ of Sealing to Storn‘s body, releasing his spirit

With her village saved, Morwen will be more receptive to friendship with outsiders.

Step 2: Find Runil in Falkreath

Morwen asks you to deliver her late mother‘s amulet to Runil. He‘s usually found in the Falkreath Graveyard or the Jarl‘s Longhouse.

This short errand is key for unlocking Morwen‘s marriage option later!

Step 3: Return and Speak to Her

Let Morwen know you passed along her amulet. Then compliment her people, home, and cooking to get on her good side through dialogue.

Step 4: Equip the Amulet of Mara

If done correctly, Morwen should comment on the amulet and you can now propose! As a humble Skaal villager just looking for happiness, she makes a sweet and loving wife.

Morwen‘s Backstory & Trivia

  • Child to Skaal shaman Korst Wind-Eye
  • Practices traditional Nord skin-changing abilities
  • Talented jewellry crafter and leatherworker
  • Her name means "maiden" in old Nordic

A shy rural girl at heart, freeing her people endears you both romantically and platonically to Morwen. She leaves her close-knit village solely for you – be sure to provide your new bride a loving home!

Marrying Hilund

Race: Nord
Location: Thirsk Mead Hall

Step 1: Become Chief of Thirsk Hall

This process involves an elaborate questline fighting off riekling occupiers. Ultimately, you must defeat the current Chief Yuril Odgrub in honorable combat.

I‘d recommend saving first as the fights can be quite intense on higher difficulties!

Once victorious, Thirsk will be free and you will be proclaimed the new Chief.

Step 2: Do Quests for the Hall

As Chief, you take on responsibilities like clearing draugr from the hunting grounds, resupplying mead barrels from Tel Mithryn, and hiring a cook. Ensure Hilund is present when turning in each completed objective.

Slowly befriending the bard through good leadership is key here.

Step 3: Talk to Hilund About His Flute

In particular, ask "That‘s a lovely flute you have there. Where did you get it?" Admiring his prized instrument scores big points.

Step 4: Equip the Amulet of Mara

After sufficiently impressing Hilund, he‘ll comment on the amulet and you can pop the question! Behind his aloofness lies a thoughtful poet – wed him to hear his original songs.

Hilund‘s Backstory & Trivia

  • Member of the Windhelm Bards College but prefers remote Solstheim
  • Master of the five-hole flute, his songs deal with Nordic mythology
  • Once traveled across Tamriel gathering songwriting inspiration
  • Name means "one who watches over" in ancient Nordic

Well-traveled and cultured, Hilund is a refreshing break from Solstheim‘s otherwise uncivilized residents. As Chief, getting to know this eccentric bard over evenings of mead and music creates a truly authentic alliance.

Marrying Halbarn Iron-Fur

Race: Riekling
Location: Thirsk Mead Hall

Step 1: Drive Away the Rieklings

Initially, Halbarn is among the rieklings who‘ve invaded Thirsk Hall as their Chief. You‘ll need to complete the quest "Retaking Thirsk" to banish them.

This involves either killing the occupiers or using a Speech check to intimidate them into leaving. Killing will fail the next part of Halbarn‘s quest so I advise the peaceful route!

Step 2: Help the Rieklings

Return to Castle Karstaag Caverns northwest of Thirsk Hall to find the rieklings have set up new camp there. Observing them will trigger the quest "Help the Rieklings".

Offer to assist Halbarn however you can. Be it clearing creatures from the cave or acquiring soul gems to help his people.

Step 3: Fully Furnish the Caverns

Ultimately Halbarn will ask you to provide meat, a shaman, and a bard for the Riekling feast halls – completing their new home.

This part can become quite tedious searching across Solstheim for the right NPCs. As a tip, I highly recommend utilizing the Call Dragon shout to quickly travel between objectives!

Step 4: Equip the Amulet of Mara

Once the caverns are fully restored, Halbarn sees you as an ally to his kind. If you speak to him wearing the amulet, he‘ll enthusiastically offer marriage!

Halbarn‘s Backstory & Trivia

  • Leader of the Thirsk Hall rieklings after Chief Yuril Odgrub‘s death
  • Commands powerful magic through the lost arts of his anscestors
  • Enjoys paralyzing foes then watching subordinates pummel them
  • Name translates to "Battle Bear" which fits his fierce energy

Don‘t let Halbarn‘s size fool you – he‘s a formidable mage with thu‘um abilities that rival even dragons! And as the new Chief of a flourishing riekling settlement, he makes for a distinctive spouse option. Interspecies romance at its finest!

Beyond checking off an item from every diehard completionist‘s Skyrim bucket list, here are some tangible benefits:

Learn New Recipes

Solstheim ingredients like ash yams, watermelon seeds, and scathecraw yield unique potion recipes you can‘t find elsewhere. As a spouse, your Solstheim partner will cook new consumables with these exotic effects daily.

Morwen specifically unlocks powerful Stalhrim-related recipes – a huge value as Stalhrim equipment is highly coveted!

Unique Dialogue & Commentary

Given their distinct backgrounds, Solstheim NPCs offer quirky dialogue options both pre and post marriage. They‘ll also reference unfamiliar flora, fauna, and locales when following you. It adds immensely to immersion.

A Home in Solstheim

If seeking to establish permanent residence on the island, a spouse provides huge perks:

  • Can purchase property deeds in your name
  • Furnishes the home with rare Solstheim décor
  • Functions as a free caretaker, merchant, and innkeeper

No need to return to Skyrim when a Solstheim waifu caters to your every need!

I hope this guide gives you the confidence to successfully court one of Solstheim‘s rare yet rewarding marriage candidates! Let me know in the comments if this breakdown was useful or if you have any other questions around tying the knot on this exotic island.

Safe travels, and congratulations to the lucky bride or groom!

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