Can You Marry Darth Maul in Skyrim?

The straight answer is no, you cannot marry Darth Maul in Skyrim. But why not, and what are your marriage options in the land of Skyrim? As a passionate gamer and content creator, let me walk you through the details on marrying your favorite (or least favorite) non-playable characters.

Why You Can‘t Marry Darth Maul

Darth Maul, the tattooed Sith Lord wielding a double-bladed red lightsaber, is an iconic Star Wars character. First introduced in The Phantom Menace movie, he later appeared in The Clone Wars and Rebels animated shows.

Skyrim, meanwhile, takes place in the fictional realm of Tamriel. As an open world fantasy RPG, it contains elements like magic, medieval architecture, and dragons – but no characters or storylines from the Star Wars universe.

So I‘m afraid marrying Darth Maul makes as much sense as marrying Darth Vader or Yoda. It simply isn‘t possible without crossing some serious interdimensional boundaries!

While Skyrim does have an "Outer Space" mod that reskins dragons as spaceships, the gameplay and story remain firmly grounded in Skyrim‘s lore.

Who Can You Marry in Skyrim?

Now that we‘ve crushed the hopes of anyone wishing to wed a tattooed Sith Lord, let‘s talk about actual marriage options in Skyrim.

Pretty much any NPC in the world is available for romantic entanglements – with a few exceptions. Provided they are adults and not marked "essential", you can express interest by wearing an Amulet of Mara in their presence.

Popular picks include:

  • Aela the Huntress: Fiery member of The Companions
  • Camilla Valerius: Runaway love interest from the early quests
  • Onmund: Affable mage from Winterhold College
  • Marcurio: Mercenary sorcerer for hire in Riften
  • Ysolda: Bubbly tradeswoman in Whiterun

My personal favorite is Jenassa – she‘s a no-nonsense mercenary for hire who excels at combat with her blade and bow. But everyone plays differently!

Over 60 NPCs are romanceable, ranging from noble heroes to hardened rogues. See the full list on Elderscrolls Fandom.

What are the Perks of Marriage?

Aside from the company and declaring your undying love, marriage comes with some concrete gameplay advantages:

  • Your spouse becomes a merchant, so you can buy and sell items with them.
  • You receive a significant one-time Gift of Charity.
  • They cook home meals daily, providing free boosts to stats.

Marrying a shopkeeper means you can always buy and sell items easily in that town without paying others!

Below are the top perks for wives based on their merchant goods:

SpouseMerchant TypeGoods They Sell
AelaGeneral goodsWeapons, apparel, potions, food, books
Camilla ValeriusGeneral goodsWeapons, apparel, potions, food, books
YsoldaGeneral goodsWeapons, apparel, potions, food, books
MarcurioSpell vendorSpell tomes, soul gems, magical apparel
TaarieSolitude Radiant RaimentAll types of apparel
FilnjarBlacksmithAll types of weapons and armor
Ghorza gra-BagolBlacksmithAll types of weapons and armor
Mjoll the LionessGeneral goodsWeapons, apparel, potions, food, books

So as you adventure with your beloved, you‘ll always have a place to repair gear, sell loot, and stock up on provisions by their side!

Could Darth Maul Ever Appear in Skyrim?

While a Darth Maul appearance is not canonically possible in Skyrim‘s lore-based world, creative modders have found some clever workarounds.

On PC, modders use Skyrim‘s Creation Kit to customize virtually everything, whether it‘s adding Maul as a follower or bringing in lightsabers. Consoles unfortunately can‘t run these fan-made mods.

But even without mods, imaginative players can craft Darth Maul-inspired characters through Skyrim‘s in-depth customization during character creation. Dark red skin, black horns, black and red armor – you can get pretty close!

At the end of the day, Skyrim tells stories about dragons, civil war, forbidden magic – not galactic power struggles. But its commitment to vast open worlds encourages player creativity, whether through imaginative roleplay or game-changing mods.

So while walking down the aisle with Darth Maul remains only a dream, I‘ll be eagerly watching what modders cook up next to blur the lines between fantasy and sci-fi!

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