Why You Can‘t Marry the Dark Brotherhood‘s Nazir in Skyrim

As a long-time Elder Scrolls fan who easily sunk 300+ hours romancing companions across the lands of Skyrim, I receive a common question from readers:

Can I marry Nazir, the deadly Redguard assassin who pays me for taking lives in the name of the Dread Father Sithis?

The answer, sadly, is no. And as someone who genuinely enjoyed Nazir‘s cold yet amusing demeanor, this discovery stung my heart almost as much as my blade stings the flesh of hapless Skyrim citizens.

But why is our beloved Redguard contract giver doomed to remain a lonely bachelor? As an expert on all things marriage-related in Skyrim, let me break down exactly why this secretive assassin is doomed to remain without a spouse.

A Brief Overview on Marriage in Skyrim

Before analyzing why Nazir gets excluded from the marital bliss sweeping across Skyrim‘s tundras and snowy peaks, let‘s review some basics around tying the knot:

  • Almost any NPC regardless of race or gender is available for marriage if they possess interest dialogue.
  • You must approach candidates while wearing an Amulet of Mara to trigger proposal conversations.
  • Many followers become potential husbands / wives once their prerequisite quests are complete.
  • Vanilla Skyrim features over 60 options across all races and factions outside the Dark Brotherhood.
  • Some notables like Ulfric Stormcloak cannot be married without modding sorcery.

So in summary – Skyrim offers extensive marital freedom to forge bonds across all cultures and orientations…with one notable exception being groups like the Night Mother‘s assassin squad.

Why Can‘t This Shadowy Assassin Settle Down?

Based on my endless hours seducing the singles of Skyrim, I‘ve assessed a few key reasons why Nazir denies your advances even when you flaunt the Amulet of Mara before his cold, emotionless eyes:

He Lacks Coded Marriage Dialogue

Unlike followers like Aela or Jenassa with established relationship voice lines, Nazir possesses no such recorded dialogue trees reacting to a proposal from the Dragonborn or commenting on a married life. His character was likely never envisioned as a marryable option during initial development.

His Focus is Exclusively on the Brotherhood

As one devoted wholly to the Dark Brotherhood, Nazir cares little for temporal relationships when he‘s busy paying you for ending lives and making witty remarks about your wetworks across the holds. His passion lies solely in upholding the Dread Father Sithis‘ will.

An Assassin Marrying Could Endanger the Family

Imagine Nazir settling down with you in quaint little homestead while constantly targeted by enemies of the Brotherhood. Not an ideal situation for a secretive order thriving unseen across the shadows of society. Nazir marrying risks compromising Brotherhood secrets.

While the above summarizes likely design reasons for Nazir‘s eternal bachelor status, I have some personal theories on why this intriguing Redguard remains solo…

Passionate Gamers Deserve a Shot with Nazir

Look, I consider myself an open-minded Dragonborn willing to admit when crushes should remain out of relational bounds. The Night Mother may desire her zealous child to stay focused on bloodshed, not marriage beds.

But by Talos, when Nazir greets me with ”Well, well. The hunter returns. I was beginning to think I‘d have to send the Family after you!” after long travels – my heart flutters like a teenage barmaid catching eyes with a lusty sea captain.

His smooth voice soothes like honey, as delectable as the first winter‘s kiss between new lovers. Why shouldn‘t passionate fans get an honest shot at wooing this callous yet charismatic killer of men?

Elder Scrolls writers – if you somehow read this lonely Dragonborn‘s plea – please let my heart soar like Shadowmere galloping into an Applewatch sunrise with Nazir. Unleash new romance dialogue so fools in love can finally choose the cold caress of a Dark Brotherhood assassin.

Because even mist shrouded, blood drenched souls deserve a little light…and love.

Now back to paying this dashing murderer for taking Emperor lives while keeping my longing gazes discrete in shadowed solitude. Even the boldest warriors sometimes only find unrequited passion palpitating in their heart.

Top Marriage Candidates Nazir Can‘t Compete With

Since marriage with Nazir exists only in forlorn fantasies, which available followers or key NPCs make the best spouses for ambitious Dragonborns? Here are my top picks after extensively playing the relationship field across Skyrim:

Aela the HuntressArchery Trainer / Shop Owner
JenassaNo Level Cap + Morally Flexible
Borgakh the Steel HeartStalwart Warrior + Merchant Bonuses

Aela gifts archery bonuses, Jenassa offers stealthy and unconstrained companionship, while Borgakh provides research discounts and a private room at the Silver-Blood Inn.

All give warriors, mages, and rogues unique advantages outclassing mysterious Nazir‘s eternal solitude. But a Dragonborn can still dream of what could have been while waiting in shadows for their next bloody contract, gold pouch in hand.

Maybe console command sorcery lies in my future. Wish me luck in finally seducing the famously single Redguard! For who knows what passionate possibilities may come…when the hunter eventually joins me in the warmth of a marital homestead?

About the Author: As Owner of SkyrimSpouseRatings.com, Xavier leaderboards the top, bottom, and most controversial marriage candidates across all Elder Scrolls titles. His true passion lies in matching lonely Dragonborns with worthy partners.

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