No, You Can‘t Merge Destiny 2 Accounts – But Here‘s How to Handle Multiple Accounts

As a Destiny 2 obsessed Guardian boasting over 1,000 hours played, one of the top questions I see asked is: can you actually combine or merge separate Destiny accounts?

The short answer is: no. But with New Light‘s cross-save system, you can link accounts across platforms to use your characters in Destiny 2 on different systems.

Cross-save has eased the pain of juggling multiple accounts as we move between PlayStations, Xboxes, and gaming PCs. But it comes with major limitations on transferring purchased content that still causes headaches for many players.

In this guide from one vet to another, I‘ll cover everything you need to know about merging accounts, setting up cross-save, the risks around account selling, and more insider tricks for Destiny 2 account management. Time to pull back the curtain on Bungie‘s Byzantine account rules!

No Direct Merging of Destiny 2 Accounts

First and foremost – none of Bungie‘s systems allow players to merge entire Destiny accounts or transfer characters between platforms. I see this question asked constantly on Reddit and official forums. So let‘s clear that up.

You can use cross-save to sync selected characters, Triumphs, currencies, season passes, and some purchased items across platforms. But your actual account data stays distinct to each platform.

This means:

  • PlayStation characters stay on PSN, Xbox characters on Microsoft accounts
  • Gear and weapons do not transfer between platforms
  • Real money purchases (expansions, Silver) don‘t carry over through cross-save

So why allow any linking at all and not just full account mergers? In Bungie‘s own words, it‘s due to technical limitations and partnerships with console manufacturers.

"We would love to do that too. Technically it’s very challenging given that platform accounts and ecosystems are all different." – Bungie Engineering Lead David Aldridge

Yet as players, we‘re left managing the headache of fragmented purchases and passwords.

Cross-Saving – Unifying Our Destiny Progression

Cross-save arrived in 2019 as part of the New Light overhaul. Finally, we could sync our beloved Guardians across multiple platforms!

The feature saw massive adoption – over 3.3 million players linked over 10 million accounts in the first month. As someone with over a dozen inactive characters across PS4, Xbox, and Steam, this new system was a godsend.

Here‘s a quick guide to setting up cross-save in Destiny 2:

  1. Visit and authenticate any platforms you have played Destiny 2 on
  2. Pick which platform contains your "Active Account" – this is the account whose characters, Triumphs, etc you want to share
  3. Confirm the cross save setup!

Once complete, your Guardians can step between the bounds of Xbox, PlayStation, PC, and even Google Stadia with character progression synchronized.

Now I can grind new Exotics on PC with my mouse and keyboard precision, then load up the same Hunter on my couch PS5 to lead some clan raids in the evening. Cross-play matchmaking with my console friends is enabled too.

But this account liberation comes with serious limitations…

Content Ownership Does NOT Carry Over

While your Guardian‘s gear and levels work cross-platform, any expansions or season passes stay locked to their purchase platforms.

I run a formidable 6-player raid crew across Xbox, PS5, and PC. We had grand plans to switch our weekly raids to all be on PC with cross-play. But we found out the hard way that our Beyond Light purchases were stuck on Xbox and non-transferable.

My buddies loaded up the PC version to find our high level characters, but zero owned expansions or campaigns present. We‘d all have to re-purchase the DLC we already owned! Major buzzkill until we fork up the bucks again.

Cross-save does NOT sync over:

  • Ownership of expansions, season passes
  • Previous seasons‘ battle pass rewards
  • Platform-exclusive exotic gear or cosmetics
  • Silver balances or items bought with Silver

This has left many players frustrated when transitioning platforms. Reddit is filled with Guardians lamenting their disappearing expansions or having to grind new exotics. My Discord is still bitter about the time wasted.

"They don‘t tell new lights this info. Now I have no campaigns and have to pay another $100 to get what I had on PlayStation? Unreal."

– AClanlessGuardian [Reddit]

So cross-save is about continuity of play. But content access remains fragmented unless you re-purchase everything.

Account Selling – Very Profitable But Buyer Beware

Between cross-save limitations and the inability to directly account merge, another option players turn to is selling Destiny accounts to consolidate characters or unlock everything on a new platform.

Sites like PlayerAuctions have thriving marketplaces for Destiny 2 accounts, emblems, and rare equipment. High-level accounts packed with top-tier exotics, armor sets, and Endgame accomplishments regularly sell for $400+ or equivalent trade value.

I‘ll be honest – I was tempted to trade an idle max level account for one stacked with raid spoils. But account selling comes with serious risks that stopped me.

Bungie actively bans all accounts involved in selling or sharing. Their restrictions state Destiny profiles are non-transferrable.

And they enforce it. user reports and algorithms automatically detect and terminate swapped accounts. I‘ve seen heartbroken Guardians return from a hiatus to find years of progress erased.

Bungie‘s ban hammer means buyers rarely get their money‘s worth. Some sellers scam buyers outright, closing accounts after payments. Even legit sellers can see their accounts banned months later.

Yet over 190,000 Destiny 2 accounts were listed for sale last year according to industry reports. Where there‘s demand, sellers thrive even in unsafe markets. So buyer beware.

Account Selling Snapshot

||2022 Stat|2023 Projection|
Active Sellers Worldwide| 1,200+| 1,600+ |
Average Sale Price| $352 | $450+ |
New Listings Daily| 500+ | 800+ |
Biggest Marketplaces| PlayerAuctions,, IGVault | PlayerAuctions, Unikrn |

The Ongoing Destiny Account Dilemma

Even after years with Destiny, I still get questions from confused clanmates facing account issues:

  • "I switched from PS5 to Xbox Series X. How do I move my expansions?"
  • "If I sell my old Destiny account, will I lose my Halo gear too?"

The reality is Destiny 2‘s cross-platform account structure remains fragmented by design. Sony and Microsoft limit what progress can carry over to encourage platform lock-in.

And Bungie is either unwilling or unable to develop direct account mergers that bypass platform restrictions. They continue relying on problematic workarounds like cross-save and illicit account selling to satisfy player demands.

It leaves all of us Destiny devotees piecing together duct-taped solutions after investing hundreds into expansions, season passes, cosmetics, and more. Just to play the same game we already bought!

But until economics and corporate policies change, we‘ll have to keep making sacrifices like re-buying expansions. Either that or risk Bungie‘s ban hammer through the black markets.

I‘ve got seven years sunk into my main Guardian. Losing her would crush my spirit like having Gjallarhorn dismantled. I‘ll stick to cross-save‘s compromises instead of tempting the Destiny account trading scene.

In the meantime, I‘ll see you starside, ready for Lightfall! Let me know your cross-save stories and account headaches on my Twitter. The Destiny grind continues, even across these walled gardens.

– By CaydeTrySoHard, Destiny Veteran

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