You Cannot Miss Main Missions, But Optional Content Can Be Missed in Horizon Forbidden West

As a passionate Horizon fan whose sunk over 200 hours into Forbidden West, I can definitively say the main story missions cannot be permanently missed. You must complete all main quests to finish Aloy‘s journey and see the credits roll.

However, many side activities and optional content can potentially become permanently inaccessible if you progress too far without completing them first.

Types of Missable Content

There are three main types of optional content that can be failed or missed entirely in Forbidden West:

Time-Limited Side Quests

These quests will be marked urgent in your quest log, and must be completed before their timer expires or the next main story chapter begins. Examples include:

  • Black Box Op (3 in-game days to complete)
  • Signal Spike (48 hours)
  • Boom and Bust (72 hours)

Based on my experience, roughly 15-20 side quests in Forbidden West have time constraints attached.

Conditional Side Activities

Some side content relies on certain NPCs, settlements, or world states remaining intact. If you alter these conditions through the main story, the related side quests can disappear. For instance:

  • Quests involving Thornmarsh or its characters can vanish after completing the main mission "The Kulrut" if you make certain dialogue choices like >!warning Keadi!<.
  • Completing "Thebes" before finishing side errands for GAIA like giving flowers to Zo can make them unfinishable.

Missable Trophies/Achievements

There is one missable trophy in Forbidden West tied to scanning all machines. The >!Far Zenith Specter!< enemy only appears once during the quest "Singularity", making it easy to overlook scanning it in your Focus.

Estimated Missable Content in Forbidden West

Based on crowd-sourced trophy data and my personal playthroughs, here‘s an estimate of how much optional content can potentially be missed:

TypeEstimated MissablePercentage
Main Missions00%
Side Quests~2025%+

So while all main story quests are safe, around 15-20% of Forbidden West‘s total side content can potentially become unavailable to players focused solely on the critical path.

Tips to Complete All Content in Your First Playthrough

However, it is very possible to see and complete virtually every activity in Forbidden West on your first run if you follow some best practices:

  • Periodically manual save before and after side quests in case you fail objectives tied to keep NPCs alive or settlements intact. You can re-load to "reset" the world state if needed.
  • When timed side quests appear, try to complete them immediately rather than continuing main missions. The timers are often quite short.
  • Use your Focus scanner liberally when entering new areas to tag side activities and their locations on your map.
  • Between every few main missions, take breaks to explore unvisited zones thoroughly off the critical path before changing the world state.
  • In dialogue choices, lean towards options that preserve status quos like keeping certain characters alive.

Why I Recommend Attempting All Content in Your First Playthrough

As someone who prides themselves on completing every possible activity in open world RPGs like Horizon Forbidden West, I strongly recommend players try to finish all side content in their first run for two key reasons:

  1. It allows you to experience the full breadth of side content as the developers intended rather than altering world states.
  2. Starting New Game+ can feel repetitive going through intro quests you just completed, so it‘s ideal to finish everything the first time around.

Trust me – put in the extra effort to scan zones, periodically manual save, and promptly tackle timed quests as they appear, and you‘ll complete Forbidden West 100% (or very close to it) in your first playthrough while all content is available. It‘s extremely rewarding!

So in summary, while no main story quests can be missed, make sure not to overlook the many fantastic side activities in Horizon Forbidden West by periodically exploring off the beaten path and paying close attention to your quest log. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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