Should You Name Your Child After Princess Zelda?

As a passionate gamer and content creator focused on the gaming industry, this is a question close to my heart. And I believe the answer is an emphatic yes! With its literary history, powerful meaning, and pop culture ties, Zelda makes a great first name option for a daughter.

A Name Rooted in History

Many gamers know Princess Zelda as the wise, righteous princess from the iconic Legend of Zelda video game series. But the name has origins long before the digital age.

  • Zelda first emerged as a German nickname for the formal name Griselda, meaning "dark battle"
  • It comes from the Yiddish name Selig, meaning "blessed" or "happy"
  • Literary use dates back to the 19th century in stories and novels
  • Saw a peak in popularity in the early 1920s

So unlike some pop culture name trends that seemingly come out of nowhere, Zelda has vintage roots. I love seeing old-fashioned names revived with modern flare!

Gaming Pop Culture Cred

There‘s no denying the name Zelda carries strong pop culture ties thanks to the globally beloved Legend of Zelda franchise. Premiering in 1986, the fantasy adventure games have sold over 92 million copies worldwide.

The series now spans over 30 years and 19 titles, recently including:

  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017)
  • Cadence of Hyrule – Crypt of the Necrodancer Featuring The Legend of Zelda (2019)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (2021)

With over three decades of popularity and an installment library rivaling top franchises like Super Mario and Pokémon, Zelda is a video game icon.

Princess Zelda always plays a central role as the eponymous legend‘s courageous, quick-witted namesake. So naming a daughter Zelda bestows big pop culture shoes to fill!

Zelda By the Numbers

Wondering just how popular Zelda is for current babies? As a name, it has never cracked the top 500. But ever since the first Legend of Zelda game released in 1986, it has seen a definite boost in usage thanks to gaming influence.

Here are some fun facts about Zelda in the name charts:

  • In 2021, approximately 490 baby girls were named Zelda in the United States
  • That represents 1 out of every 3,632 female births
  • It was the 604th most popular girls‘ name last year

So while far from common, Zelda does land on the radar. We‘ll have to watch and see whether the upcoming 2023 sequel The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom causes another uptick!

How Zelda Compares to Other Gaming Names

Gaming is definitely making its mark on modern naming trends. But how does Zelda stack up to other pop culture name favorites?

Surprisingly high! In the 2020 rankings for girl‘s names, Zelda left other iconic gaming monikers in the dust:

  • Zelda (#578)
  • Peach (#2152)
  • Yoshi (#2728)

As a nod to iconic Nintendo women, it also handily beats:

  • Samus (#1654)
  • Rosalina (#1909)

Plus it charts much higher than classic game console names:

  • Xbox (#3642 for boys)
  • Wii (#4381 for boys)

So while not nearly as widespread in use as longtime staples like Jessica or Emily, Zelda has impressive traction compared to most pop culture naming peers. We‘ll see if the 2023 sequel gives it another boost!

Why Name a Child After Princess Zelda?

Alright, as a passionate gamer, I‘ll be honest. I would be thrilled to pass the name Zelda on to a daughter!

Naming a child comes with big expectations about identity. So why pull inspiration from the Legend of Zelda princess?


Across the Zelda multiverse, Princess Zelda is a constant force for wisdom. She expertly balances courage, power, and wise judgment no matter the reincarnation. I‘d love a daughter to inherit such spirit!


Zelda faces world-threatening evil and adversity with immense bravery. She boldly stands up for her people and her convictions. The name invokes fearlessness even in hard times.


Throughout Legend of Zelda history, Zelda resists evil domination and manipulation, no matter the difficulty. She perseveres for the greater good. Such strength serves as an awesome namesake.

Of course as parents, we shape who children become. But names carry meaning. So for gamers like myself who want to pass on traits like wisdom, courage and perseverance, Zelda makes for an empowering namesake.

Naming a Child After Any Fictional Character

Naming a child after any fictional pop culture character warrants consideration of a few key factors:

  • Staying power – will the reference stand the test of time, or be a fleeting fad? Names echo for life.
  • Positive attributes – does the character represent values you want to evoke? Do they have admirable qualities to emulate?
  • Teasing factor – could constant character comparisons get annoying over time?

By these measures, Princess Zelda scores very high! After over 30 years of popularity, the Legend of Zelda clearly has sticking power. And Princess Zelda‘s embodiment of wisdom, courage, leadership and perseverance in the face of evil create wonderful namesake associations.

The major consideration would simply be dealing with constant Legend of Zelda references. But with such a positive, prominent pop culture persona tied to the name, this seems like more of perk than an annoyance!

So for gamers like myself who want to pass on iconic ties, Zelda makes an excellent option compared to naming trends that may not stand the test of time.

Zelda‘s literary history mixed with modern gaming edge provide a distinctive name not overly common but familiar to many. For parents seeking an empowering, heroic namesake, Princess Zelda certainly delivers.

The biggest downside may simply be answering “Yes, she’s named after the Legend of Zelda game!” for a lifetime. But that seems a small price to pay to invoke such an awesome lineage.

Over 30 years since her first pixelated debut and Princess Zelda continues to awe and inspire gamers. Passing on her courageous, quick-thinking namesake makes for an epic naming decision. So on behalf of gamers everywhere – say yes to Zelda!

Data sources: Social Security Administration, BehindTheName,

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