Can You Own a Gun in Russia as a Civilian?

Straight-up, I know lots of you gamers and gun enthusiasts reading this are wondering – can everyday citizens even legally buy and own firearms over there in Russia? With some of the strict virtual crackdowns we‘ve seen in video games set in Russia, I wouldn‘t blame people for assuming they ban guns for regular folks.

Well, I‘ve dug into the latest intel on Russia‘s civilian gun laws, and have an in-depth briefing to share. Let‘s get into it!

The Short Answer

Yes, the average Russian citizen can obtain and own various firearms – but only by jumping through some no-joke hoops first.

Russia strictly regulates gun purchases and ownership through police permitting, registration, background checks, and more. This table summarizes the main requirements:

LicenseMust obtain police-issued firearm ownership license
RegistrationAll guns must be registered with authorities
Permissible ReasonsSelf-defense, hunting, sports shooting, collecting
Storage ChecksPolice verify secure ammunition + gun storage
Mental Health ExamApplicants undergo a psych evaluation
Gun Safety CourseTraining in safe handling and storage is mandatory

As you can see, Russia is no gun free-for-all. Next let‘s get into more detail on the civilian firearm landscape.

Gun Ownership in Russia Over Time

Legal civilian gun ownership was actually relatively commonplace in Tsarist Russia during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Gun rights took a dark turn in the Soviet era under Stalin, but saw measured liberalization from 1953-1991.

When the USSR collapsed in 1991, the new Russian Federation inherited strict Soviet gun control traditions. However, the instability of the 90s led to a proliferation of illegal weapons.

Over the past 20 years, President Vladimir Putin has overseen reforms bringing Russian civilian gun laws mostly in line with Europe. Let‘s look at the trend:

Year | Legally Owned Civilian Firearms 
2002 | 2,700,000  
2005 | 3,100,000
2010 | 4,200,000
2015 | 6,000,000 
2022 | 6,450,000

So while still strict compared to the over 390 million civilian-owned guns in the United States, Russians have been steadily acquiring more legal firearms over the past decade.

Next let‘s dig deeper into the types of guns Russian citizens can own.

Legal Civilian Firearms in Russia

As a gamer, I wish we could legally gear up with Vityaz-SN SMGs or decked out Kalashnikov rifles like in Escape From Tarkov or Call of Duty. But civilian-owned guns in Russia mostly come in two main categories:

Hunting Rifles and Shotguns

  • Bolt-action rifles, double-barrel shotguns, and similar
  • Must obtain hunting permit or join hunting club

Sports Shooting Rifles/Pistols

  • Target sport/competition pistols and rifles
  • Associated with membership in accredited shooting club

Semi-automatic rifles and carbines in various calibers are also obtainable by civilians. Compared to the wide variety of military-style semi-auto rifles common in America however, Russia‘s laws are restrictive.

Handguns make up just 15% of the civilian gun market, concentrated mostly in remote regions like Siberia where people rely on them for defense against wildlife.

When it comes to combat-oriented hardware, Russian gun laws drawn a clear line. Fully automatics, grenade launchers, silencers, and other military-grade hardware are flat out prohibited for civilians.

Acquiring and Owning Guns Legally

Alright, now you know the lay of the land rules-wise. Let‘s explore the actual process for a Russian citizen to legally buy and own firearms.

1. Choose a Valid Purpose

Self-defense, sports shooting, hunting, or collecting are the sanctioned reasons to own a gun. Different requirements apply for each, so choose wisely!

2. Select Firearm Type

With your intended activity in mind, settle on a allowed shotgun, bolt-action rifle, pistol in a legal caliber, or similar allowed firearm.

3. Pass Mandatory Evaluations

You‘ll need to take medical and psychological examinations, plus written firearm safety tests. Failing these stops the process in its tracks.

4. Buy Approved Gun Safe

Russian law mandates all civilian gun owners properly secure weapons and ammo in certified safes. Police inspect storage.

5. Complete Licensing Paperwork

Fingerprinting, background checks, club references, and piles of bureaucracy stand between you and finally getting your license.

6. Register Firearm

Once purchased, Russian gun owners must formally register each weapon with the police within 2 weeks.

As you can probably tell, the process is lengthy, invasive, and tough compared to many countries. For these reasons, illegal weapons still permeate Russian streets.

Final Thoughts from a Gaming Perspective

Looking at Russia‘s strict civilian gun ownership laws through my lens as a gamer, a few things stand out:

  • The bureaucracy and wait times must test Russian gamers‘ patience as much as an infamous Escort mission!
  • Russia‘s limits on military-style semi-auto rifles impact the authenticity of simulating modern Russian loadouts in FPS games.
  • On the flip side, illegal Russian guns in games reflect an unfortunate real-world dynamic.

So in summary – yes, Russian citizens can legally own certain firearms but face an uphill battle compared to the wider variety of hardware we gamers are used to wielding virtually! I‘ll be keeping an eye on how Russia balances civilian gun rights against public safety concerns in the years ahead.

Let me know in the comments what other aspects of Russian gun ownership have you curious about from a gaming perspective! I‘m aiming to over-deliver the goods in future posts. This is just the intel tip of the iceberg.

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