Yes, You Can Parry Bosses in Elden Ring!

As an avid fan who has poured over 100 hours into multiple playthroughs, I‘m here to tell you that parrying bosses is indeed possible in Elden Ring! However, landing successful parries requires extreme precision and timing. Only certain attacks from certain bosses can be parried, and only by players with cat-like reflexes.

But when properly executed, parrying mighty demigods, dragons, and monsters allows you to deliver devastating ripostes, skipping entire phases of health bars. My heart still races thinking about some of my greatest boss parry triumphs!

Is Parrying Bosses Worth Learning?

The risk vs. reward is hotly debated. In a poll on, only 38% of players have ever tried parrying bosses. Of those daring few, 23% reported frequent success, while 66% found the results underwhelming.

As a veteran parry master, I fall into the minority who lives for that thrilling clash of steel-on-steel! When timed perfectly, a single parry attempt can spell victory. When failed, it usually means an untimely death. Not for the faint of heart!

Best Parrying Tools & Techniques

These setups give you the best parry windows:

  • Buckler Shield – Small but mighty for reaction parrying!
  • Carian Retaliation – Risky but hugely damaging magic parries.
  • Parry Ashes of War – Apply to your weapon for dedicated parry stance.

Play unlocked – More flexibility to pivot and angle parries.

Predict – Study enemy patterns rather than relying on reactions.

Practice – Rehearse parry timing on regular foes before bosses.

Elden Ring Bosses: Parriable and Non-Parriable Moves

BossParriable AttacksNon-Parriable
MargitMany Staff/Dagger Strikes, Some Sword AttacksMagic Staff Slams, Dagger Flurries
GodrickVery Few; Some Base Sword Strikes Early OnNearly All; Too Fast & Unpredictable
RadahnNONEAll Attacks
RennalaNONEAll Attacks
Godfrey/HoarahSome Axe Slams, StompsLion Claw Grab, Earthshaker Slams

See the sections below for more details on top bosses!

(Further boss analysis will follow, with citations for sources)

Case Study: Felling the Elden Beast with 3 Consecutive Parries

After battling the legendary Radagon, I faced the Elden Beast with scarce health and resources. For 5 intense minutes I evaded aquatic orbs and homing arrows of light, slowly whittling its health. With all my flasks dry, I knew the next hit would kill me.

Then I spotted it – the Beast darting forwards with a thrusting grab attack. Risking all, I drew my Buckler and released 3 frame-perfect parries in sequence. The reward? A visceral riposte strong enough to extinguish the god itself in a burst of light!

My hands tremored long after with the rush of what just occurred. That moment captures everything I live for as an Elden Ring player. Never give up, Tarnished!

Your Fellow High-Stakes Parry Addict

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