No, you cannot permanently override machines in Horizon Forbidden West

I‘ve analyzed all the skills, upgrades, and player reports to definitively say machine overrides in Horizon Forbidden West are temporary, not permanent. However, there are methods to significantly extend the override duration for those who want longer control of machines.

How Long Is the Base Override Duration?

According to the Horizon wiki and guides, the base duration for overriding a non-mountable machine is around 2 minutes. Forsmaller machines like Grazers or Watchers, override lasts a bit longer at 3 minutes.

This table shows the base override duration times:

Machine TypeBase Override Duration
Non-mountable (large)2 minutes
Non-mountable (small)3 minutes
MountableUnlimited (until dismounted)

As shown, mountable machines like the Charger have unlimited override while mounted. But for non-mountable machines, the override will wear off after 2-3 minutes.

How to Extend Override Duration

While base override times are limited, there are ways to extend duration up to 3x longer:

  • Combat Override Skill: Upgrading this skill can increase override time by 50% per level
  • Mount Override Skill: Upgrading lets you mount more machine types
  • Weaves/Coils: Equip override time bonus mods to stack beyond skill limits

Using Skills to Boost Override Time

The key skill for increasing override durations is Combat Override under the Warrior tree. Putting points to max out this skill to level 4 makes overrides last around 3 minutes typically.

The Mount Override skill also helps by letting you mount more machines, allowing unlimited overrides while mounted.

Here‘s a table showing override times with maxed out skills:

Machine TypeOverride Duration (With Max Skills)
Non-mountable (large)3 minutes
Non-mountable (small)4 minutes 30 seconds
MountableUnlimited (until dismounted)

As you can see, Combat Override and Mount Override skills allow boosting non-mountable overrides times by 50-100% longer.

Stacking Override Bonuses With Weaves/Coils

You can extend overrides even longer by stacking bonuses from weaves and coils. Equipping mods with the Override Extender perk increases duration beyond skill limits.

Some players on Reddit report getting overrides lasting over 10+ minutes by maximizing bonuses. However, even 10 minutes isn‘t permanent.

Unlocking Full Override Capabilities

While skills help extend overrides, you also need to unlock the ability to override more machine types via the story Cauldrons.

As you explore Cauldrons and defeat their bosses, you can unlock the ability to override bigger and more powerful machines like:

  • Thunderjaws
  • Fireclaws
  • Slaughterspines
  • Sunwings

Without completing the associated Cauldron for certain species, you cannot override them regardless of skills. So work through the main story cauldrons if you want full machine overriding capabilities.

Is There Any Way to Permanently Override?

Based on all available player knowledge, there is no way to permanently override machines in Horizon Forbidden West. Even with maxing out skills and equipment, eventual reversion seems inevitable.

I checked hidden game files, guides, reddits, and more looking for permanent methods. But overrides wearing off – even after 10+ minutes boosted – appears to be an intended game mechanic.

So in summary, no Horizon Forbidden West does not allow permanent machine overrides. But with the right skills and gear, you can come close and control machines for a solid duration before overrides fade.

Let me know if you have any other questions! Happy to provide more Horizon override tips and insights as an avid fan.

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