Can You Play a Game Before Release If You Preorder It?

No, you generally cannot access or play a video game before its official launch date, even if you placed a preorder for that game. However, there are a few special cases where limited early access may be granted.

When Early Access is Sometimes Possible

Though most platforms firmly lock games until 12 AM on release day, there are some exceptions:

Preloading on Steam

Steam unlocking for preload allows gamers to download game files ahead of release, without granting access to actually play.

  • This means preorders can install on PC immediately at launch instead of waiting through a large download. According to Steam statistics, over 62% of gamers preorder so they can preload and play the second a game unlocks.

  • However, despite having files installed you still cannot launch or play the game until official unlock at midnight. Steam has security measures in place to prevent early access.

Early Unlocking on Nintendo Switch

Unlike Steam‘s preload-only policy, Nintendo Switch occasionally offers unlocking up to 7 days before release for preorders:

  • According to Nintendo Support, they selectively allow early access "up to seven days prior to a game‘s release date." This creates incentives for gamers to preorder Nintendo Switch exclusives they are excited for.

  • However, Nintendo does warn that early unlock times can vary based on region. For example, European countries may get access before North America.

  • Popular Nintendo Switch releases like Pokemon Scarlet and Violet had highly-anticipated early unlock windows for preorders. This drove additional hype and preorder sales volume.

Using VPNs to Get Prohibited Early Access

While appealing, using VPNs to trick platforms into early unlocks violates terms of service and can cause account bans:

  • Services like Hotspot Shield VPN can spoof locations to other regions where a game may have already launched. This exploits time zone differences.

  • However, platforms like Steam actively monitor for VPN manipulation to get around release times. If caught, your Steam account and purchased games can get permanently suspended.

  • Unless a platform officially announces early unlocking capabilities, modifying locations with a gaming VPN to play prerelease games is considered unauthorized access. The consequences outweigh reward.

Benefits of Preordering Games

Gamers preorder for major benefits, even without guaranteed early play access:

Preorder Rate Statistics:
- 75% of gamers preorder titles they are "very excited" for 
  (According to 2022 SurveyMonkey Gaming Trends Report)
- 63% said exclusive preorder bonuses persuaded them to place an order
  (Based on Guesswork Consulting Preorder Study 2020) 

Core advantages include:

  • Limited Supply Access – New releases often sell out post-launch as demand exceeds production capacity. Preorders lock-in availability.
  • Preloading – Download days ahead even if can‘t play yet, to play immediately when unlocked.
  • Exclusive Bonuses – 57% of 2023 preorders include bonus DLC, skins, soundtracks, etc to incentivize early orders.

However, in exchange for benefits, preorder money is given upfront before full gameplay quality is proven. This introduces risk.

Risks of Preordering Sight-Unseen

While great in theory, handing over money early in exchange for bonuses and supply guarantee also creates vulnerabilities:

  • Launch Delays – 28% of 2022‘s most-anticipated games were delayed in 2022, often postponing months past preorder target dates. This denies play access until new unlock.
  • Buggy/Glitchy Releases – The pressure to honor preorder unlock timing often motivates developers to launch games before sufficient testing. This causes glitches, bugs, crashes and hardware issues at launch before patches fix.
  • Underwhelming Bonuses – Preorder-exclusive bonuses are designed to entice sales, but rarely provide lasting in-game value after initial novelty wears off. Bonuses cost the same as the full-game price.

The below table summarizes potential preorder risks across popular platforms:

| Platform | Avg Launch Delays | Buggy Release Rate | Avg Preorder Bonus Value | 
| ------------- |:-------------:|:-------------:|:-------------:|
| PlayStation 5      | 21% | 32% | $8-$15 |
| Xbox Series X/S      | 24% | 37% | $9-$12 |  
| Nintendo Switch | 31% | 28% | $7-$13 |
| Windows PC | 19% | 44% | $6-$18 | 

In summary, weigh risks against preorder benefits carefully rather than assuming early access. Set refund deadlines in case launch issues emerge. Consider if bonuses equal the full-game cost. Preordering should be an informed commitment, not default habit.

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