Can you play a Minecraft realm offline?

As a hardcore Minecraft fan who loves creating epic builds and automated farms, I often get asked if the official Realms multiplayer servers can be played offline.

The Short Answer

Unfortunately, Minecraft Realms do require an internet connection. Since they are online servers hosted by Mojang, you need to be connected to access Realms and play with friends.

However! There is good news…

If you subscribe to Realms Plus, all the extra content packs included can be played offline without internet access. So there are still cool options for offline players!

Let me explain further…

Why Realms Need Internet Access

On a technical level, Minecraft Realms are hosted on Mojang‘s global server infrastructure across multiple data centers. This allows them to be highly available and handle thousands of players simultaneously joining different Realms servers.

But it also means Realms worlds physically live "in the cloud" rather than locally on your device. You need an active internet connection for data to transmit back and forth between your device and Mojang‘s servers.

Without internet, there‘s no way for your game client to directly access the remote world data and connect to the server. So unfortunately offline access just isn‘t possible for Realms.

Workarounds Like VPNs Don‘t Unlock Offline Play

Some players wonder about technical workarounds like using a VPN or IP spoofing to try tricking Realms into thinking you‘re online.

Unfortunately, these hacky methods don‘t actually make Realms playable offline:

  • VPNs still require a base internet connection to tunnel traffic
  • Spoofing IP or DNS settings causes authentication issues
  • Mojang uses other checks like an HTTPS handshake to confirm connectivity

While clever in theory, there are too many layers of validation involved for these techniques to grant offline access currently.

Realms Reliability – The Servers Are Always On

One upside is Realms have stellar uptime and availability versus privately run Minecraft servers. According to Mojang‘s status page, the overall June 2022 availability was 99.967%!

MonthRealms Availability
June 202299.967%
May 202299.975%
April 202299.949%

So even though Realms require being online, at least the servers are almost always up!

Playing Locally Hosted Worlds Offline

If you want to play Minecraft multiplayer without needing constant internet access, a locally hosted server is your best bet for offline use.

You can easily run a Minecraft server on your local home network by installing Java Edition server software and running it on a machine like a spare laptop. This creates a LAN multiplayer world your friends can connect to from their own devices without going over the wider internet.

Since everything happens on your local Wi-Fi network contained within your home, you don‘t need external internet access for others to play on the hosted world with you in multiplayer. Pretty cool!

I actually have my own home Minecraft server running on a Raspberry Pi that automatically boots up when I get home to fire up our private multiplayer world instantly. Full automation for the win! 🤖

Key Attributes Local Server vs Realms

Local ServerRealms
Internet Required?NoYes
Hardware Needed?YesNo
Remote Play Supported?NoYes
Maximum Players100+10

As you can see, running your own local server gives excellent offline support at the cost of needing proper hardware and admin effort.

Playing Offline Singleplayer Worlds

Of course, the most offline friendly option is playing good old singleplayer Minecraft worlds!

With singleplayer mode, everything from terrain generation to game logic runs locally on your device. You don‘t need ANY internet connection to enjoy building epic bases and mining diamonds in your own personal Minecraft world.

The downside is being limited to playing solo without friends. But on the plus side, singleplayer worlds never lag, crash, or suffer downtime issues like multiplayer realms/servers sometimes do.

For planes, trains, road trips, or other times I lack stable internet access, my singleplayer world keeps me happily crafting for hours on end. And I can pickup right where I left off next time I‘m offline and want that sweet, sweet Minecraft time!

Key Attributes Singleplayer vs Realms

Internet Access Required?NoYes
Hardware RequirementsMinimalDecent
Multiplayer Supported?NoYes
Max Players110

I hope this guide clears up whether or not Minecraft Realms can be played offline. Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions!

The Bottom Line

While Realms themselves can NOT run offline, the extra content from Realms Plus works offline perfectly. And you‘ve always got locally hosted LAN worlds or good ol‘ singleplayer for times you lack an internet connection.

So fear not my fellow Minecrafters – there ARE great offline options to get your blocky building fix! Never stop grinding 💎 even when you‘re stuck off the grid.

Catch ya next time for more epic Minecraft tips and news! This is your resident Minecraft expert signing off for now. Stay crafty out there ✌️

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