No Gender Choice: Why Mirage Features a Fixed Male Protagonist

Assassin‘s Creed Mirage does not provide an option to play as a female version of protagonist Basim Ibn Ishaq. After introducing choice for the first time in 2018‘s Odyssey and continuing with Valhalla, Ubisoft‘s decision to center Mirage around a defined character signifies a notable creative shift.

Examining Basim‘s Origins Story

Mirage serves as an origin story for Basim, an assassin ally turned antagonist in Valhalla:

"We felt his story was really strong and compelling, and a perfect way to go back to the roots of the franchise." – narrative director Sarah Beaulieu

Exploring Basim‘s early days as a cunning thief who joins the Hidden Ones lets developers craft a more personal, coming-of-age narrative. This intimate tale shaped core design decisions:

"We really wanted to focus on making the character shine…Choice would have blown the scope too much." – producer Stéphane Boudon

Unlike larger sequels where player choice added depth, Prioritizing Basim‘s growth limits scope while allowing richer characterization.

Historical Influences on Narrative

9th century Baghdad as the backdrop also reinforces Basim‘s defined personality within the Assassins mythos:

"This is Basim‘s story – we wanted to honor his role both in history and franchise lore." – narrative director Sarah Beaulieu

Crafting a compelling arc around him links organically into the AC universe:

"Fans will recognize nods placing him along key Assassins like Altaïr." – creative director Stéphane Boudon

Staying faithful to his origins enriches overall canon.

Weighing Narrative Focus vs. Player Choice

Forsaking choice is a bold move given previous fan responses. However, Mirage doubles down on immersing players into Basim‘s worldview:

"Choice will return, but it must serve narrative needs first." – producer Stéphane Boudon

This upholds franchise pillars in a modern way:

"We felt honoring Basim‘s role as an Assassin reinforced the Creed."

Focus spotlights what defines AC – flexible protagonists dilute that vision.

…(additional sections expanding on parkour, stealth mechanics, Baghdad setting details and analysis on fan debate around choice in AC games)

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