Can you play Call of Duty Cold War on Steam Deck?

As an avid Call of Duty player and gaming tech specialist, the first question I get from many fans is: can you play Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War on Valve‘s new Steam Deck portable gaming PC?

The short answer is no, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War does not currently work on the Steam Deck.

According to the Steam Deck Verified program, Cold War has an "Unsupported" status on the handheld device. This means that in its default state out of the box, Cold War will fail to load or be unplayable on the Steam Deck.

Why Doesn‘t Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Work on Steam Deck?

The main technical barrier preventing Cold War from properly functioning is its use of anti-cheat software that conflicts with the Linux-based SteamOS operating system that powers the Steam Deck.

Many competitive multiplayer games like Call of Duty integrate anti-cheat systems to detect hacking and manipulation which give some players unfair advantages. But most anti-cheat programs are designed only with Windows gaming PCs in mind.

Steam Deck however is built on a Linux foundation. So when anti-cheat loads up, it fails to recognize the different Linux environment. This incompatibility causes the game to either crash on startup, or prevents accessing crucial online multiplayer features.

Steam Deck Game Verification Explained

To provide clarity around what games work properly on Steam Deck, Valve introduced a verification program indicating compatibility levels:

VerifiedWorks flawlessly with default Steam Deck settings
PlayableFunctions with minor tweaking needed
UnsupportedFails to load or unplayable

So far, around 80% of the top 1000 most-played Steam games fall under the Verified or Playable categories according to ProtonDB statistics. This indicates generally strong and improving compatibility, but limitations still exist.

Other Steam Deck Gameplay Limitations

Beyond anti-cheat clashes, some other factors currently restrict game capabilities on Steam Deck versus full gaming PCs:

  • Lower powered mobile hardware compared to high-end desktop GPUs
  • Default 30fps frame rate cap to conserve battery life
  • Lack of precision with trackpads versus mouse aiming
  • No native keyboard/mouse input support

These technical constraints around Steam Deck gaming capabilities help explain why many competitive multiplayer titles may not translate perfectly to the handheld experience yet. Efforts to optimize games for the platform are still ongoing.

What Call of Duty Games Work on Steam Deck?

Even though Black Ops Cold War doesn‘t function, some other Call of Duty titles do offer Steam Deck support:

  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 – Playable
  • Call of Duty: Vanguard – Verified
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 – Playable

Based on user reports, these games can successfully install and run on the Steam Deck to deliver portable Call of Duty gameplay on the go.

But some occasional stuttering and optimal configuration tweaking may be required given the "Playable" status indiciation. Watch Modern Warfare 2 running on Steam Deck via this video.

Will Black Ops Cold War Ever Get Steam Deck Support?

There has been no official announcement from either Valve or Activision regarding plans to update Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War with Steam Deck verification.

Realistically, the best path forward would require Activision updating the game‘s anti-cheat software to properly recognize and allow functioning under Linux.

However Activision currently seems focused on promoting the newest Modern Warfare 2 release rather than dedicating resources to improving older game integration.

Additionally, with an estimated only 2% of Steam users running Linux currently, the financial incentives may not align around Linux anti-cheat compatibility. Wider industry adoption of Linux would better motivate this level of Steam Deck optimization by major studios.

So for those hoping to play Black Ops Cold War on the go, your best options remain alternative mobile gaming hardware like the AYA Neo or GPD Win devices. Valve is making strong strides improving Steam Deck game support, but some limitations still persist, especially among competitive online PVP titles utilizing restrictive DRM and anti-cheat protection.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions around getting your favorite games to run on the Steam Deck!

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