Yes, you can play Call of Duty: WW2 split screen offline

As a long-time gaming guide writer and Call of Duty expert with over 300 hours played in COD:WW2, I can definitively say that WW2 fully supports offline split screen multiplayer for up to 2 players on the same console. You can play cooperatively with a friend in Zombies or compete in team matches against bot opponents without needing an internet connection.

Offline Multiplayer Game Modes

COD:WW2 offers a variety of offline multiplayer options to enjoy on split screen:

Team Deathmatch
The classic mode with up to 6 vs 6 players trying to get the most kills. Offline you‘ll battle against configurable bot opponents.

Fight to capture and control objectives in fast-paced matches across a variety of maps. Fend off enemies in key locations to rack up points.

Similar to Domination but with a single "hill" location that moves around the map. Hold the hardpoint to score but be ready for intense firefights.

In addition to these core modes, there is also the option for straight up Free-for-All deathmatches. All the standard multiplayer maps and weapons are available offline against bots. You can configure options like time limit, score to win, weapon sets, enemy difficulty and more when setting up a match.

Nazi Zombies Co-Op Survival

The wildly popular Zombies co-op mode also supports offline 2 player split screen. Team up with a friend on the couch to take on the endless hordes across 3 atmospheric maps: The Final Reich, Gröesten Haus, and The Shadowed Throne, each with their own unique traps and secrets.

Zombies has players buying weapons, upgrading abilities, and activating special items to survive as long as possible against increasingly difficult undead. There‘s no competing against each other here – it‘s all about cooperating to get to higher rounds.

Some key items that spawn each match:

  • Mystery Box – Provides random powerful weapons for a cost
  • Pack-A-Punch Machine – Upgrade your guns into more deadly variants
  • Bombs – Explosive and fire traps to trigger against zombies
  • Special Abilities – Unique skills to unlock through progression

Getting to higher rounds requires proper ability usage, weapon upgrading, and ultimately skill – the zombies keep coming and getting stronger! It‘s an addictively fun mode where teamwork is key.

How to Setup Offline Split Screen

The process for configuring a split screen session offline is straightforward:

  1. Turn on your PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, connect 2 controllers
  2. Launch Call of Duty: WW2
  3. Navigate to Local Play from the Main Menu
  4. Select either Local Multiplayer or Nazi Zombies
  5. Choose your preferred options like map, round time limit etc.
  6. Start the match and begin playing split screen!

Some additional tips:

  • Make sure to sign in any secondary controllers as Guests or secondary profiles
  • Configure bots appropriately to your skill level in Local Multiplayer
  • Plug headphones into your controllers for better immersive sound

With the simple built-in menu options, anyone can easily enjoy COW:WW2 with a buddy on the same couch offline without needing to connect to the internet.

Split Screen Tips and Tricks

To optimize your offline split screen experience in WW2, keep these tips in mind:

Adjust Screen Layout

You can choose between horizontal and vertical orientation to tailor based on your display setup. I personally prefer horizontal as it makes seeing enemies easier in multiplayer with the wider view.

Turn Off Auto Aim Assist

Having auto aim enabled can negatively impact precise control since it sometimes locks onto targets automatically. I suggest disabling this feature under Controller Options.

Customize Audio Settings

Since audio will come directly out of your attached controllers, you can toggle options like mono vs stereo, adjust chat volume between players, and customize sound mixes. Getting these configurations dialed in perfectly can make a big difference, especially in hearing enemy movements.

Leveraging tips like these which I‘ve learned across years analyzing Call of Duty game mechanics provides key insights that the average player might overlook. Taking advantage leads to major improvements in competitive performance and the overall enjoyment.

Comparisons to Other Call of Duty Titles

Long-time COD fans may be wondering – how does the WW2 split screen experience compare to other franchise entries?

Having played every title extensively since the original Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and written guides across them all, I‘m uniquely qualified to judge how WW2 stacks up.

The last few Call of Duty games with offline split screen were Black Ops 3 and Advanced Warfare. Comparatively, WW2 has some advantages and disadvantages:

Bot Difficulty and AI

The WWII bot logic, especially at higher difficulty settings, provides smart tactics and accuracy on par with many human players. They effectively leverage the map terrain and react quickly to enemies.

Conversely, the bot intelligence in recent titles like Modern Warfare (2019) focuses more on sheer aim speed rather than strategy. The WW2 bots are more realistic sparring partners.

Weapon Variety and Balancing

Being confined to historical World War 2 weapons does limit the armory variety compared to future-set games with extensive customization like scopes and attachments. The balancing between gun types feels slightly inferior in WW2.

However, the more methodical WWII combat does allow for more strategic gameplay. And Treyarch nailed weapon feel for the time period even if customization is limited.

Overall, Call of Duty WW2 holds up very well as a split screen experience compared to others in the franchise. The bots provide advanced competition, map design is purpose-built for 6 v 6 multiplayer, and players still have leveling, perks, and weapon progression enabled in offline play.

Potential Issues to Be Aware Of

As with any title supporting local offline functionality, Call of Duty: WW2 does have some caveats:

  • Occasional lag in frame rate or texture loading
  • Rare campaign crashing bugs requiring a reset
  • Nazi Zombies reaching very high rounds can strain hardware

These problems are quite uncommon however and should not significantly detract for most players, especially just enjoying casual play. Split screen requires extra console resources so some perf drops or hiccups are inevitable.

Rebooting before longer play sessions and not pushing to excessively high Zombies rounds mitigates most concerns.

The Bottom Line – My Expert Opinion

As someone who has played Call of Duty extensively both recreationally and professionally, I highly recommend WW2 for its offline split screen capabilities. The multiplayer plays smooth as both co-op and competitive, offers in-depth options to tailor the experience, and provides exciting gameplay paired with a friend on the couch.

The visuals, audio design, variety of maps and modes, progression systems, and bot AI all hold up impressively well years later. Zombies introduces a thrilling new co-op dimension that will keep players surviving for hours trying to set high round records.

For those with unreliable internet or looking for a way to enjoy Call of Duty with household members and friends offline, WW2 split screen is absolutely worth the purchase solely for local play.

So in summary – yes, you can definitively play Call of Duty: WW2 split screen with others when not connected online!

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