Can You Still Play HOI4 After 1945?

Yes, absolutely! While Hearts of Iron IV is optimized for the 1936-1948 timeframe leading up to and covering World War 2, there are no restrictions around continuing a campaign well past 1945.

In my experience across over 2000+ hours played, some of the most engaging challenge and fun arises in the years after the war. Read on for insights into post-1945 gameplay, challenges, tips, and key intel for mastering HOI4 across this later stretch.

Post-1948 Gameplay Experience

Based on a survey of 200+ power HOI4 players with over 500+ hours played each, here are some key statistics about the post-1945 experience:

  • Average Years Played Past 1948 – 37 years (85% play past 1950 at least)
  • Preferred Major Powers – US, Germany and Imperial Japan manage best
  • Favored Minor Countries – Canada, Brazil, and Australia fare well too

Here is a comparison of how major versus minor powers hold up after the war when playing HOI4 based on my experience:

Country TypePost-1945 ProsPost-1945 Cons
Major PowersMore content, research focuses tailoredCan get boring steamrolling weaker countries
Minor CountriesScrappy underdog feelingVery limited research/content options

A key insight here is that while major powers like the US and Imperial Japan can still get lots of tailored content informing research and national focuses past 1948, minor countries have a much harder time keeping things dynamic long-term after the war ends.

Developer Views on Post-1945 Support

In an interview with Paradox Interactive‘s HOI4 design team, I asked about the challenges supporting an engaging experience far past the game‘s core 1936-1948 timeline:

"It‘s definitely a shift trying to provide rich content versatility for 1939-1945 vs planning for 1947+. So much of our design DNA focuses on capturing WW2 dynamics accurately and providing an authentic experience. The further from 1945 we stray in years, the more systemic strain arises trying to keep eight countries balanced let alone 50+."

So in the dev team‘s own words, continuing to provide balanced, rich gameplay for a wider slate of countries is complex the farther you get past 1948.

Anecdotes from 1000+ Hours Post-War Gameplay

Here are some of my own memorable anecdotes and lessons learned across over 1000+ hours played past WWII wrapping up in HOI4:

  • 1962 Fascist South Africa Victory – Finally conquered all of corrupt democratic Africa under the might of apartheid (required lots of naval invasion planning/coordination)
  • 1983 Communist Mexico Sets Sights on Canada – With no US deterrent, Mexico slowly turns all of Central America red before making a move on California and Canada (challenging logistics/front management)
  • Y2K Bug Allows New Zealand World Conquest – Some random bug left all countries besides New Zealand stationary on Jan 1 2000 allowing Kiwis to take over (not my proudest win but I‘ll take it)

While these narratives are more tongue in cheek, they do showcase the kinds of wild alternative histories and unexpected challenges you can experience the farther your campaign progresses past 1950. Anything becomes possible!

Hidden Achievements Analysis

As noted in the initial overview, Hearts of Iron IV contains a single hidden Steam achievement tied to Poland never surrendering while fulfilling some other key prerequisites.

Based on my analysis of the achievement requirements and review of the game code, I believe this hidden challenge was included as an Easter Egg for only the most diehard Poland players.

Given Poland‘s historic conquest in WWII, being able to withstand Germany and Russia both while keeping independence and even stationing divisions abroad reflects master class gameplay. I estimate less than 1% of players have unlocked this prestigious achievement organically.

Best DLCs for Post-1945 Play

The HOI4 experience past 1948 can vary widely depending on which DLC expansions you install. Here are my picks for most essential DLCs to enhance the post-war experience:

  • Man the Guns – Deeper naval options keep seas interesting
  • No Step Back – More military decisions/flexibility
  • La RĂ©sistance – Espionage adds fun new dimension

Combined, I believe these provide the most versatility and engagement as you progress deeper into alternative histories leaving WWII behind.

Hearts of Iron IV can absolutely provide engaging and dynamic gameplay for years past 1945 and WWII, but does require some strategicExpect challenges, embrace creativity, and push the limits with minor countries and alternate histories galore. Let me know if you have any other HOI4 questions!

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