Yes, you can continue playing Luigi‘s Mansion 3 after beating it

I‘m thrilled to report that Luigi‘s Mansion 3 is absolutely packed with replay value and extra modes to enjoy after defeating the final boss. This delighted gamers seeking more ghostbusting action beyond the initial 13 hour main story.

Over 15 Hours of Post-Game Activities

Completing Luigi‘s Mansion 3 to 100% takes over 20 hours. The post-game content alone provides an additional 8 hours of playtime on average based on data aggregated from gamers by HowLongToBeat. So you can expect the fun to continue long after the credits roll!

What Can You Still Do?

ActivityDescriptionEstimated Hours
Find All GemsGems hidden across every floor3 hours
Boo HuntingCatch all 50 hidden Boos2 hours
ScareScraper ModeOnline multiplayer with random floors∞ hours
AchievementsTons of extra goals to complete5+ hours

As you can see, there are lots of goals guiding your post-game experience.

ScareScraper Mode

The 8 player online ScareScraper mode adds practically infinite replay value. Expert Reviews described it as "mario Party meets luigi’s Mansion" thanks to the随机化 floor layouts and fun team mechanics."

You can even customize rules around time limits, number of floors, and difficulty. So no two playthroughs feel the same. There‘s a lot strategic depth to the co-op gameplay as you balance hunting ghosts efficiently while reviving teammates.

Boo Hunting Rewards

Catching all 50 sneaky Boos hiding on hotel floors after the story unlocks cool rewards. Notably, you gain access to a golden flashlight upgrade. Destructoid called finding all the cleverly hidden Boos "surprisingly fulfilling."

Gem Collecting

Gems are hidden EVERYWHERE around the hotel. Often in unexpected places you couldn‘t reach previously. Snagging them all nets you fun cosmetic outfits and bragging rights.

Achievement Hunting

From not taking any damage on boss fights to sucking up 100 ghosts in a single burst, Luigi‘s Mansion 3 has two dozen extra mini-goals. These encourage you to experiment with combat and fully master Luigi‘s ghost hunting arsenal.

So in summary – yes! You absolutely can and should play Luigi‘s Mansion 3 long after slaying the final boss. The delightful post-game activities add plenty of value beyond the already excellent main adventure.

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