Can You Play Marauders on PS4?

No, Marauders is currently only available on PC and has not launched on any gaming consoles yet, including PS4 or PS5. As an avid gamer and content creator, I‘ve done extensive research into this new title and can definitively say there is no PS4 version at this time.

However, console support has not been ruled out in the future according to developers Small Impact Games and publisher Team17. For now though, PC via Steam and Xbox Game Pass are the only platforms running Marauders.

What Exactly is Marauders?

Before getting into more details, let‘s quickly cover what this new multiplayer game actually offers. Marauders is a competitive first-person looter shooter set in a sci-fi universe. Up to 3 players team up to invade enemy spaceships, battle AI foes and other players alike in tactical firefights, while collecting valuable resources and gear for extraction.

The gameplay loop takes inspiration from Escape from Tarkov and other hardcore shooters in recent years. Some key features that make Marauders such as compelling PvPvE experience:

  • In-depth weapon modification system – customize from stocks and scopes to barrels, magazines, and more
  • RPG progression via an expansive loot and leveling system
  • High risk extraction gameplay creates tense, tactical decisions
  • Compelling setting across procedurally generated spaceships
  • Permadeath elements make each match an intense struggle to survive

Marauders delivers an innovative take on competitive multiplayer within the looter shooter genre. The early access response has been very positive so far too.

As a fan who has already sunk 20+ hours into Marauders matches, I‘m thoroughly enjoying this fresh experience – it offers intense PvP and PvE action that keeps me coming back. The risk vs. reward decisions mid-match lead to extremely memorable gaming moments as well.

While Marauders shows huge promise already in early access, the lack of PS4 and console support definitely limits the player base currently to only PC gamers.

Release Date & Platform Availability

Marauders first launched into Steam early access on October 3, 2022. This initial release phase is PC-only across two distribution platforms:

  • Steam (Early Access)
  • Xbox Game Pass for PC

As covered already, there is no PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, or Nintendo Switch availability yet. I do expect the game will expand to more platforms as it continues development.

Here is a breakdown of Marauders pricing on Steam for the different early access packages:


Per SteamDB, Marauders peaked at over 32,000 concurrent players showing strong interest even pre-launch. The game currently boasts a 76% positive review score on Steam as well from thousands of reviews.

Based on this early success before a full launch, I anticipate the team will assess opportunities to port Marauders over to more platforms like PS4 and next-gen consoles soon. Just not at this exact point in time quite yet.

Console support would undoubtedly boost interest further and expand the player base – there is certainly demand for more titles similar to Escape from Tarkov on Xbox and PlayStation ecosystems.

Can You Crossplay Between PC and Consoles?

With cross-platform play becoming an increasingly popular trend, gamers rightly wonder if they can team up across PC and console for Marauders matches using crossplay functionality.

Unfortunately crossplay is not an option currently. Again since Marauders is PC-exclusive right now, there is no way to play with or against PS4, PS5, Xbox, or Switch gamers.

If (and hopefully when) Marauders expands to console platforms in the future, I would fully expect crossplay to be enabled as well between the different systems. After all, supporting crossplay opens up teams to a wider audience and makes coordinating with friends on other platforms seamless.

The developers have not stated outright if crossplay support is planned for potential console ports. But for online co-op PvPvE games like Marauders, cross-progression and crossplay features provide a major boost to replayability and retention by uniting the community.

In short, consoles cannot play with PC gamers on Marauders currently and there is no estimate for if or when PS4 support will happen either. But I know plenty of console fans eagerly awaiting the day they can raid spaceships with their PC teammates!

What Does the Future Hold for Marauders?

As Marauders remains in a months-long early access period on Steam, what additional content and features can gamers expect as this title evolves?

The development roadmap from Small Impact Games provides an overview of planned updates:

  • New progression systems – more weapons, mods, attachments
  • Additional maps across varying environment themes
  • Limited-time special events and modes
  • Streaming integration for content creators
  • Bug fixes and optimization

The team also wants to explore the possibility of a campaign mode with join-in functionality down the road. This would provide more structured PvE content – whether played solo or with a crew.

I‘m thrilled to see the developers supporting Marauders for the long haul. The early access pack has delivered extremely strong foundations already for a multiplayer looter shooter experience.

Expanding to consoles and handhelds would further establish Marauders as major player in the genre alongside Escape from Tarkov. I genuinely believe opening up Marauders to Xbox and PlayStation (and maybe even Switch) needs to become a top priority for climbing to that next level.

For now though, PC gamers can enjoy all the intense shooter action as Marauders continues evolving throughout 2023 and beyond!

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