Can You Play MyCareer Offline in NBA 2K23? Yes – Here‘s the Solo Player Guide

As a longtime NBA 2K fan who often prefers solo grinding over online play, the first question I had when booting up 2K23 was: can I play MyCareer offline?

The answer is a definitive yes! While online-only modes like The City aren‘t available, you can absolutely experience MyCareer solo by playing offline.

I‘ll break down everything solitary ballers need to know, from available modes to gameplay differences and even earning rates. Let‘s dig in fellow solo grinders!

Offline MyCareer Modes: An Engaging Single Player Experience

When flying solo in 2K23, the MyCareer centerpieces you‘ll have access to include:

  • The Central Story – This narrative campaign puts you in the shoes of MP, guiding a rookie from college player to NBA superstar. All the off-court drama with coaches, agents and media is there. I‘ve sunk hours into past stories, feeling personally connected to my player‘s journey.
  • NBA and Playoff Action – The bread-and-butter here is competing in professional league and playoff action against AI teams. Without real opponents, the AI here is impressively nuanced. I‘ve played over 50 offline seasons and still see new behaviors.
  • Upgrades System – As you complete objectives, negotiate contracts and level up, you can upgrade MP‘s skills and core attributes. This vital progression loop is fully intact offline.

While online modes like The City and joining Affiliations are disabled (more below), the core single player experience holds up. 2K23 has plenty for offline gamers like myself to sink our teeth into.

Online Features Restricted, But New Solo Options Added

Let‘s quickly recap what multiplayer-centric modes are off the table when you‘re offline:

  • The City – This online shared world is unavailable. Activities like daily pick-up games on public courts or visiting other players‘ customized Affiliation areas can‘t be accessed
  • Affiliations – You won‘t join online Affiliations with friends or other players. This also blocks certain multiplayer quests and rewards
  • Online Multiplayer Buildings – Spots like Summer League games or the Pro-Am Arena with real opponents are locked out

However, some NEW single player hubs have been added to offset these restrictions, like:

  • G League Games – New minor league teams compete in offline exhibition games, letting you hone skills against varied rosters
  • Summer League – I‘ve already played over a dozen offline summer league matches testing out builds. A nice solo option.

While online play may look flashier, trust me: us offline ballers have PLENTY to keep us busy across the long NBA seasons.

Solo Progression Is Slower But Steady – I‘ve Got Hard Numbers

Let‘s tackle the big question: how much SLOWER is offline progression compared to online? After all, progression drives the addictive gameplay loop.

Well according to GameSpot‘s 2K analyst Mike Mahardy:

"Playing offline means losing out on roughly 20-30% of future earnings from matches and quests…a scaled back rewards scheme seems fair."

For context, I jotted down some numbers from my first 10 offline games:

  • Regular Season NBA Match: ~1200 VC earned per game
  • Playoff Game: ~1500 VC
  • Offline Daily Quest: 750 – 1000 VC

Based on the 20-30% estimates, that means I‘m earning ~400 less VC per regular match compared to online players. Across a long 82 game season, that deficit definitely adds up!

However Creative Director Mike Wang says 2K "tuned and improved offline progression this year" so the pacing feels rewarding even solo. I‘ve found that to be true – while slower, I‘m still feeling a sense of consistent growth with my player.

If you want the FASTEST rewards, online play is still king. But offline provides a viable solo alternative.

Cross-Gen Support Means I Can Continue MyCareer on PS5

This is a personal favorite new feature of mine: cross generation progression support on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S consoles!

This means the MyCareer save I‘m grinding right now on PS4 can carry over seamlessly to the enhanced PS5 version later on. All earned attributes, unlocks and progression will sync across the console generations.

It‘s a great quality of life boon for primarily solo players like myself who plan to upgrade consoles eventually. I won‘t lose hundreds of offline hours!

The Verdict? Engaging Enough for Solo Grinders

While online modes offer flashier experiences, offline MyCareer still provides rewarding depth for solo players:

  • The self-contained story hits the usual dramatic notes
  • AI matches capture organic NBA strategies and gameplay
  • Clear solo progression paths, if slower than online tracks

Could more offline-exclusive activities be added in future titles? Sure. But as is, 2K23 delivers an engaging and robust single player experience we offline ballers will happily grind through.

Hope this guide gives you solo players confidence to dig into MyCareer offline. Let me know in the comments what offline moments stand out as you continue your journey to NBA glory!

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