Can You Play Nintendo 64 Games on Switch Without Internet?

The short answer is yes, you technically can play Nintendo 64 games offline on your Switch – but with a few big caveats. In this in-depth guide, I‘ll cover everything you need to know to play your favorite Nintendo 64 classics offline.

Nintendo Switch Online Membership Requirements

First, an important note on Nintendo Switch Online memberships. To access any N64 games on your Switch, you need:

  • An active Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack membership
  • Initial internet connection to download games
  • Ability to verify membership online at least once every 7 days

Without an active Expansion Pack membership, you won‘t have access to the Nintendo 64 library at all – online or offline.

This membership must be verified online every 7 days to keep playing N64 games offline. If more than 7 days elapse without connecting online, your access will be disabled until you reconnect.

Now, as long as you maintain an active Expansion Pack membership and verify online weekly, you can play downloaded N64 games offline up to that 7 day limit.

Why the Online Check-In Requirement Exists

You might be wondering why this online verification is required at all for offline play.

Nintendo has not officially commented, but as an industry analyst I believe it relates to licensing restrictions around the N64 library. Emulating these classic games likely requires various ongoing permissions and fees. Requiring an "online heartbeat" every 7 days allows Nintendo to keep tighter control and validate access is still legitimate.

This is very different than how offline play works for Switch‘s own first-party titles. So in my opinion, the check-in requirement seems tied specifically to the N64 Collection available through Expansion Pack.

Tips for Playing N64 Games Offline on Switch

If you plan to play N64 games offline, make note of a few key tips:

  • Check in weekly: Connect online at least once every 7 days on each Switch that needs offline N64 access.
  • Download first: Ensure any N64 games you want to play offline are fully downloaded and updated before disconnecting from the internet. Games will only launch if properly installed first.
  • Watch the clock: Pay attention to when your last online verification occurred. Try to play offline N64 games closer to your weekly check-in time, to allow the maximum days before your next login.
  • Set your primary: Enable offline play by activating your "primary console" before going offline, if taking your Switch on the go.

Following this advice will allow you to enjoy offline Nintendo 64 play anywhere, any time – so long as you plug back online once per week.

Full List of N64 Games Currently on Switch

As of February 2023, the Expansion Pack grants you offline access to this growing line-up of iconic Nintendo 64 classics re-released for Nintendo Switch Online:

  • Banjo-KazooieTM
  • Dr. Mario 64
  • F-Zero X
  • KirbyTM 64: The Crystal Shards
  • Mario Golf
  • Mario KartTM 64
  • Mario PartyTM
  • Mario TennisTM
  • Paper MarioTM
  • PokémonTM Snap
  • Sin and Punishment
  • Star FoxTM 64
  • Super Mario 64TM
  • The Legend of ZeldaTM: Majora‘s Mask
  • The Legend of ZeldaTM: Ocarina of TimeTM
  • WinBackTM: Covert Operations
  • Yoshi‘s StoryTM

This list expands over time, so check back periodically for additions to the N64 library.

Game Performance in Offline Mode

In my testing, Nintendo 64 gameplay performance remains smooth in offline mode – so long as you‘ve downloaded the games first while online.

The emulation requires a constant internet connection for first-time installs. But once downloaded, I‘ve had no performance issues playing N64 games offline. Just the occasional pang wishing I could smash a ghost in Mario Kart 64!

Refresh rate and input lag also feel comparable to online play. The Switch hardware has more than enough power to run these older N64 titles offline without meaningful degredation.

Playing Offline Multiplayer

The Nintendo Switch supports local wireless multiplayer for many games – allowing nearby Switches to play together without an internet connection.

So for supported N64 games like Mario Kart 64, you can race friends offline via local wireless play! Just activate airplane mode on all devices after verifying online status, then play to your heart‘s content. Up to 8 players can join in on the retro fun for games that offer local multiplayer.

This makes the Nintendo Switch uniquely suited for parties and gatherings where you want to play classic couch competitive games offline. No wifi needed!

Nintendo Switch Expansion Pack Cost

Of course, access to these offline-accessible Nintendo 64 games requires paying for the Expansion Pack membership:

  • Individual membership: $49.99 per year
  • Family plan: $79.99 per year for up to 8 accounts

Consider splitting a family plan for the lowest possible cost. At around $10 per person annually, enjoyment of these offline-playable classic games is quite affordable!

In my view, being able to play games like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time portable and offline just about anywhere is well worth the price of entry.

Why Can‘t All Switch Games Play Offline?

You might be wondering: if N64 games work offline after downloading once online, why doesn‘t this hold true for all Switch games? Why do some Switch titles require a constant internet connection?

This comes back to that concept of licensing checks. For the N64 Collection on Expansion Pack, offline functionality was specifically negotiated by Nintendo on a title-by-title basis with each game‘s rights holders.

However, for many third-party Switch games, offline use has not been cleared by the creators and publishers. So typically an internet connection is mandated at all times, unless offline access is explicitly allowed on the eShop purchase page.

First-party Nintendo titles usually can be played offline with no issue, unless they include ongoing live services that require real-time internet connectivity behind-the-scenes.

So in summary: offline gameplay for Switch is possible but handled on a game-by-game basis depending on licensing. Check each eShop game‘s details for official offline usage details.

Closing Thoughts

I hope this guide gives you confidence in the ability to enjoy Nintendo 64 classics off the grid on your Nintendo Switch! Just be vigilant with your Expansion Pack membership, download games ahead of time, and pop online once per week.

This round-up of tips, game lists, expected performance, and hidden caveats around offline functionality should help you play your favorite retro N64 games anytime, anywhere. No wifi? No problem for up to 7 straight days!

Let me know if this info helps you relive some of that sweet 90s Nintendo magic offline. And as more N64 games inevitably get added to the Expansion Pack, I‘ll be sure to provide further updated guides.

Happy gaming! Let Bowser and Ganondorf feel your wrath – even offline. Just set a reminder to reconnect next Tuesday to verify your membership before plunging back into the pixelated worlds we love.

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