Can You Play Pathfinder with Just Two Players?

Yes, Pathfinder absolutely provides satisfying gameplay for just two participants – one Game Master (GM) and one player character (PC). While official adventures presume parties of 4-6, the system affords GMs flexibility to tailor great experiences for duos.

How Does Gameplay Change with Two Players?

Playing Pathfinder with a party of two comes with unique benefits and challenges compared to larger groups:


  • Deeper connections between the lone PC and key NPCs
  • Increased spotlight for the solo PC during scenes
  • Faster pacing for combat and conversations
  • Lower party wealth caps to maintain encounter balance


  • Adjusting encounters & challenges to not overwhelm a smaller party
  • Covering more party roles with just one PC
  • Lacking broader skill coverage for exploration & social pillars

So while Pathfinder officially sets baseline party size at 4, the system enables exciting adventures for just two participants with some thoughtful tweaks by the GM.

Comparison to D&D Duos Gameplay

Like D&D, Pathfinder provides GMs the flexibility to calibrate their campaigns for parties of any size:

SystemTools for Small Parties
PathfinderEasier access to summoned creatures & animal companions
D&D 5EBounded accuracy simplifies encounter adjustment

Both systems can work well for duos with a GM willing to balance on the fly. From personal experience across multiple campaigns, Pathfinder gives players more built-in tools to create highly versatile and self-sufficient characters out of the gate. Pathfinder‘s wealth of character options makes this tuning easier compared to 5E‘s broader archetypes. So with a bit more setup, Pathfinder enables incredible two player adventures.

Official Guidance on Party Size

Paizo‘s official organized play program for Pathfinder provides useful context on baseline party expectations:

  • Pathfinder Society scenarios assume 4-6 player characters
  • Table minimum is 4 participants (so 3 PCs works with adjustment)

So clearly the intended party size is 4-6 PCs. However, the Pathfinder system historically developed out of D&D 3.5 – which defaulted to parties of just 3-5 characters! This precedent confirms that the core mechanics facilitate great experiences even for very small adventuring groups.

Tailoring Gameplay for Just Two

Here are specific techniques I recommend GMs employ to balance Pathfinder for two heroes:

  • Reduce enemy numbers as the main knob for easier encounters
  • Limit enemy abilities which overwhelm action economy
  • Provide an NPC companion to fill missing party roles
  • Allow skill substitutions for exploration gaps
  • Incorporate more puzzles leveraging the PC‘s capabilities
  • Encourage capable character builds during creation

While requiring more initial effort, focusing adventures on a lone PC protagonist with an NPC assistant provides satisfying play procedural generation cannot match.

Key Character Creation Considerations

When playing Pathfinder with two, I advise players lean into character options enabling self-sufficiency:

Cleric / OracleIncredible versatility from spellcasting and healing
BardStrong buffer and party face options
HunterAnimal companion fills missing party slot

I particularly enjoy clerics and oracles in duos games. Their healing magic and buff abilities layered onto martial prowess or casting compensate for a smaller team. And animal companions from classes like Hunter make excellent companions!


While Pathfinder‘s consider 4-6 player parties the baseline, two players can absolutely enjoy exciting adventures together. As both GM and player, I‘ve had tremendous fun in intimate Pathfinder duos games. The system equips game masters with all the tools needed to tailor a satisfying experience around any party size. So partner with a friend to tell an epic tale of just your two heroes!

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