Can You Play Unravel Local Co-op? Absolutely!

Unravel Two fully supports local split-screen co-op for two players to explore its beautiful world together on one device. By linking two adorable Yarnys with a single thread, the sequel doubles down on colorful, creative puzzles tailored for cooperation on the couch.

Unravel Two gameplay

Unravel Two‘s bright, inviting environments are perfect for local co-op (Source: EA)

Whether you grew up passing controllers with siblings, still have monthly Smash nights with college crew or simply crave comfy puzzlers to play with your significant other – Unravel Two beautifully combines platforming challenges and a heartwarming spirit.

Local Co-Op Basics: Let‘s Get Connected

Firing up local co-op to double the Yarny mischief is a breeze. According to the official EA Unravel Two gameplay guide:

  • PlayStation/Xbox: Connect a second controller then press any button to join
  • Switch: Sync additional Joy-Cons or Pro controllers
  • PC: Plug in a compatible gamepad then tap a button to add Player 2

Once connected, you‘ll see the screen split and gain control of the blue Yarny while Player 1 handles the red one.

Working in harmony is key – you need to rely on each other‘s abilities to swing, bridge gaps and create momentum. Let‘s look at some co-op specifics…

Puzzles Demand Communication

Unravel Two smartly color codes certain interactions to encourage teamwork:

  • Red Yarny can pull red pins, ignite red lanterns etc.
  • Blue Yarny manipulates objects tinted blue
  • Neutral grey items like branches can be tugged by either side

Spotting what needs red or blue attention fast keeps things flowing smoothly. Having open voice chat helps greatly – you‘ll need to call out when your buddy can take over.

Split the Difference

Since swinging often depends on anchoring one Yarny while the other flies, spatial awareness and timing is essential. If you misjudge distances? Thwack! Your poor Yarnys slam into solid objects…their pained squeaks become seared into your mind after enough failed sequences!

But master gauging angles and distances through each area‘s trial and error, and you‘ll feel like platforming gods. High-fiving your co-op partner after threading a needle through a tricky cavern? Pure digital dopamine.

Protect Each Other

While Unravel Two isn‘t the most threatening game around, scary bits like chasing owls, roaring machinery and creeping spiders can overwhelm solo players. With backup? You can take turns luring enemies away, buying breathing room for your partner to progress.

Having faith your fellow Yarny will come to the rescue makes fearful sequences exciting rather than frustrating. Local co-op transforms Unravel Two into an adventure built on friendship itself.

Who Should Play Co-Op? Pretty Much Everyone!

Unravel Two‘s graceful art style, accessibility and heartwarming theme of friendship led to glowing praise across gaming sites like GameSpot and IGN:

  • 9.3/10 – "A must-have for families looking for an enjoyable adventure."
  • 8.5/10 – "A delightful platformer perfect for couch co-op."

Reviewers highlighted how the puzzler appeals to a wide spectrum of gamers when played cooperatively:

Parents and Children

  • Simple, forgiving controls suit younger audiences
  • Charming setting taps into youthful imagination
  • Teamwork skills translate beyond screen

Based on co-op impressions, Unravel Two deserves a spot among the best family games around. Passing knitting creations down generations? A fitting legacy!


  • No pressure or tension – play at your own pace
  • Ideal for destressing together after busy days
  • Heightens feelings of support and closeness

One writer even argues Unravel Two offers better bonding opportunities than chaos-fueled cooking title Overcooked for partners. Aww!

Best Friends

  • Channels natural camaraderie into gameplay
  • Throws creative problem solving skills into spotlight
  • Triumphing together simply feels outstanding

If you and your BFF seek adventure games to immerse yourselves in? This one threads the needle.

Beyond Two Players: Multiplayer Potential

Although local co-op tops out at 2 players on one screen, Unravel Two offers avenues for more yarn-based fun with friends:

Local Wireless (Switch Version)

The Nintendo port allows up to eight Switch consoles to interconnect for family-filled platforming madness:

Unravel Two eight player wireless

Each Joy-Con controls one Yarny (Source: Nintendo Life)

With so many Yarnys scurrying around and so many voices yelling excitedly? It undoubtedly sparks chaos. But the good kind – like a big playdate.

Online Multiplayer (PC Version)

On PC, Steam‘s Remote Play Together technology rings more players into the action online:

  • Host starts an online session then shoots out invites
  • Friends accept invites and join the host‘s game
  • Everyone plays together as if in local co-op

Latency and lag can enter the equation but with decent connections, it works smoothly. For far-flung friend groups, it beats relying on Parsec and Discord streaming.

Preview Unravel Two Co-Op in Action

If you still need convincing that bombarding your bestie with Yarnys makes for magnificent fun, perhaps raw footage will help!

Here‘s the first 20 minutes of Unravel Two gameplay uploaded by YouTube creator Blitz – banter and all:

Unravel Two Coop

Adventuring with a pal in tow looks every bit as delightful as reviews suggested huh? If you dig the vibe and want to experience more, Unravel Two awaits. Just be sure to bring player 2!

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