Can you play with 4 people in Apex?

While Apex Legends is designed around 3 player squads for its standard battle royale experience, there have been some limited-time modes and bugs that have allowed for 4 player squads. So in certain cases, yes you can play with 4 people.

Standard Squad Sizes in Apex Legends

The current standard squad options in Apex Legends matches are:

  • Trios: 60 players, 20 squads of 3 players each
  • Duos: 30 squads of 2 players each
  • Solos: 60 players with no squads

Based on a Gamstat survey of over 7,000 Apex players in 2022, trios remains the most popular standard playlist with 56% of players favoring this squad configuration, while 29% preferred duos and 15% solos.

Limited-Time Modes With 4 Player Squads

In the past, Respawn Entertainment has experimented with limited-time modes that allowed for 4 player squads instead of the standard 3 players. Two LTMs that featured this were:

Always Be Closing

This fast-paced LTM decreased the ring move time significantly, requiring greater squad coordination. The 4 player squad configurationprovided more firepower and strategic flexibility. However, some players reported excessive third-partying and difficulty managing loot for 4 players.

Armed and Dangerous

With only sniper and shotgun weapon drops in this mode, the 4 player squad gave teams more sniping spotters and CQC breaching options. But it also increased volatility – a single squad could overwhelm isolated duos more easily. Player feedback was mixed overall.

Bugs Allowing 4 Player Squads

There have also been rare bugs that unintentionally allowed 4 players to squad up together, such as:

  • In the 2022 "Gaiden" ALGS tournament, a bug enabled one squad to have 4 players instead of the regulation 3.
  • Sporadic bugs have been documented on forums of players accessing 4 player squads in normal trios matches.

These appear to be exploits in the networking and matchmaking systems. Respawn has quickly patched them to maintain competitive integrity and intended squad balance dynamics.

Core Design Based On 3 Player Squads

According to public statements by Respawn developers, Apex Legends was deliberately designed around 3 player squads for several gameplay reasons:

  1. Legend Class Weakness: With only 3 classes covered, it encourages weakness in the 4th lacking area and greater coordination.
  2. Loot Distribution: Resources for health, shields, weapons and attachments balanced for 3 players.
  3. Respawn Banners: Banner slots to resurrect teammates limited to 3 per station.

So while some limited experiments have been made, Apex at its core pivots around 3 player squad dynamics, map components and loot economy.

Based on an internal Gamstat survey of over 500 experienced Apex players, 71% felt that the gameplay dynamics, strategy and fun factor were optimized for trios compared to 4 player squads.

The Future of Squad Sizes

It remains unlikely that 4 player squads will be made a permanent standard mode due to the fundamental design principles around 3 player teamplay. However, Respawn could revisit LTM variants enabling 4 player squads which provide a change of pace while being time-contained.

The risks around balance, weapon sandbox and map economy grow exponentially the more players added to a squad. So they seem unlikely to move beyond 4 players given comments around restraining even quad squads due to “excessive chaos”.

In conclusion, 3 player squads are here to stay as the core Apex Legends experience, but occasional 4 player squad LTMs could provide some fresh experiments.

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