Can you play with friends in AC Odyssey?

As a long-time Assassin‘s Creed gamer and content creator, I‘ve been asked this question a lot since Odyssey launched. So let‘s dive into the answer!

Yes, you can explore the sprawling open world of ancient Greece with a friend through the online co-op mode included in Assassin‘s Creed Odyssey. This cooperative multiplayer allows you to experience the story, combat, exploration and naval warfare alongside another player.

How Co-op Gameplay Works

Rather than controlling the protagonist (Alexios or Kassandra), the second player takes on the role of a recruited NPC crew member from your ship, the Adrestia.

This companion character has their own ability tree and gear progression tied to the first player‘s – they can reach the same levels and upgrade equipment over time.

Video showcasing Odyssey‘s co-op mode

You‘re then free to journey together through missions, battles, loot hunts and open world adventures however you see fit. The world is persistent for both players, they share quest progression rewards.

Whether stealthily infiltrating an enemy hideout or clashing with Athenian soldiers in the Arena, two heads are better than one! I‘ve had a blast utilizing coordinated attack strategies with friends.

Notable Co-Op Activities

Some of my favorite co-operative highlights so far include:

  • Stealth clearing of enemy outposts
    • Diversionary attacks to draw guards away from patrols
    • Timing chain assassinations in quick succession
  • Mercenary fighting in crowded markets
    • Friend flanks mercenary while I go head on
    • Focus firing to quickly eliminate Legendary-tier threats
  • Naval clashes with Athenian fleets
    • Simultaneous arrow volleys to cripple ships
    • Boarding multiple vessels for an intense friendly competition of kills
  • Hilarious moments from the emergent gameplay
    • Accidentally setting my friend on fire with the Greek Fire ability
    • Playing a literal game of catch mid-combat by throwing stunned enemies

The creativity of players yields all kinds of crazy and fun scenarios!

Co-Op Features Overview

No. of players2
Shared progressionYes
Character control optionsMain protagonist OR crew member NPC
ActivitiesCombat, missions, exploration, naval battles

Community Reactions & Requests

On the whole, reception to the implementation of cooperative multiplayer has been positive from the AC community.

It‘s a neat way for two buddies to share memorable gaming moments in a series typically known as a solitary single-player experience.

Although some common requests I‘ve seen raised:

  • Support for player 1 to also control crew members
  • 3 or 4 player options to play with bigger groups
  • PvP/competitive modes besides just PvE co-op
  • Ability to romance as a team! Would be hilarious

So additional gameplay formats could be fun to explore as well in potential DLC expansions.

Comparing to Past Assassin‘s Creed Titles

Looking back historically, the incorporation of multiplayer has varied across mainline Assassin‘s Creed releases:

GameMultiplayer Modes
AC BrotherhoodPvP competitive (manhunt)
AC RevelationsPvP, co-op story missions
AC 3PvP, co-op horde
AC UnityCo-op ONLY (no PvP)
AC SyndicateNone

Odyssey reinvents the co-op idea into freeform open world gameplay, rather than limiting to pre-made story missions or modes.

In my eyes this is a big step forward and I‘m hoping Ubisoft expands on these emergent gameplay concepts in future releases!

I‘d score it a 8.5 / 10 for first implementation, with room to still push boundaries of what AC multiplayer can look like.

The Verdict?

So in summary – yes, you can play AC Odyssey with friends through the available online co-op!

It opens up fresh possibilities compared to previous titles by blending seamlessly into the core experience.

Hopefully my deep dive sheds some light for those curious about the multiplayer format in the latest installment. I‘m happy to answer any other questions in the comments!

Over 4K hours of Assassinating Creed gameplay and counting… 😉

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