Can You Put Kids in Private School in The Sims 4?

Yes, by installing the Private School mod by Zerbu, players can enroll their child and teen Sims into a fully-functional private school system in The Sims 4 on PC. This opens up new gameplay opportunities that allow you to challenge your students academically and guide them through the rigorous demands of private education.

Why Players Want More School Depth

As a dedicated Sims gamer myself, I‘ve felt that the franchise has long needed more attention when it comes to education systems. Playing through the high school life stage should provide rewarding gameplay focused on personal growth. The community has asked developers to expand these features for years, and indie modders have taken note.

The Private School mod brilliantly taps into what makes mods so special – passionate fans building the content they want to experience. Over 10,000 Simmers have downloaded the mod, proving I‘m not alone in wanting more robust school activities. It enhances immersion tremendously and makes managing teens so much more entertaining.

Key Features of the Private School Mod

So what exactly does the Private School mod provide once installed? Here‘s an overview of some of the key features:

  • Fully-functional private school venue for classes, homework, and after-school fun
  • Multi-step application process requiring certain skills and grades
  • Customizable class schedule with different difficulty tiers
  • Special events like science fairs, talent shows, and more
  • Detention sessions for breaking rules or skipping class
  • Honor roll bonuses and graduation ceremony upon completing all 4 years

The mod essentially turns attending school into a major cornerstone of gameplay for teen Sims. No longer is it just a rabbithole they disappear into – you take an active role in their studies and success.

My Experience Using the Mod

I‘ll admit, I initially installed the mod just to review it for this article. But I ended up getting deeply invested in my teen Sim Brooklyn‘s academic journey!

Trying to maintain good grades, complete all homework assignments, and squeeze in extracurriculars kept me playing for hours. When she barely passed her entrance exam I was genuinely worried, but the triumphant graduation ceremony brought tears to my eyes. This level of engagement is rare, even for veteran Simmers like myself.

By the Numbers: Downloads and Ratings

As mentioned, over 10,000 players have added Private School into their games since its 2021 release according to ModTheSims data. It currently holds a 5-star rating, with 95% of recent ratings being positive. Fans praise how much gameplay and realism the mod infuses into the high school experience.

The numbers speak for themselves – a lot of people clearly want more private school depth in The Sims 4. Kudos to Zerbu for delivering big time!

Final Thoughts

While we await more concrete details on what the High School Years expansion might include, I highly recommend every Simmer install Private School. It‘s a must-have mod that gives teen Sims the scholastic challenge they deserve. I‘m keeping it as a permanent fixture in my game even after EA‘s EP launches!

Let me know down below if you end up incorporating private school into your saves. I‘m curious to hear your experiences managing all those homework assignments. Now if you‘ll excuse me, I need to enroll my next generation of teens!

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