Can You Reheat McDonald’s Burgers? (Oven, Microwave + More)

Arriving home eager to dive into a delicious McDonald’s burger only to find it‘s gone cold is an all-too-common tragedy. In fact, a survey by found that 34% of customers have experienced disappointment from a cold McDonald’s burger after returning home. But before you toss your lukewarm burger in the trash, know that you can salvage and safely reheat it using several effective methods.

Why Do McDonald‘s Burgers Get Cold So Quickly?

McDonald‘s burgers have a tendency to cool down faster than homemade burgers for a few key reasons:

  • Small size – With an average weight of just 1.6 oz, McDonald‘s burger patties lose heat quickly.
  • Packaging – The packaging traps in some heat initially but also prevents additional heat from reaching the burger.
  • Ingredients – The higher fat content causes McDonald‘s burgers to lose heat faster than leaner homemade beef patties.

Knowing why your McDonald‘s cheeseburger or Big Mac got cold so fast is the first step to reheating it successfully.

Is It Safe to Reheat a McDonald’s Burger?

Yes, you can safely reheat a McDonald’s burger if it has been handled and stored properly. According to USDA guidelines, hamburgers kept refrigerated at 40°F or below can safely be eaten up to 4 days later if thoroughly reheated.

When reheating, it’s vital to use a food thermometer and heat the burger to an internal temperature of at least 165°F to eliminate any bacteria. As long as you reheat within the safe 4-day timeframe, leftover McDonald’s burgers pose little safety risk.

Best Methods for Reheating McDonald’s Burgers

Below are the most effective methods and tips for safely reheating your cold McDonald‘s burger:


Reheating your McDonald’s burger in the oven ensures even, thorough heating.

  • Prep: Unwrap burger and remove pickles, ketchup and other toppings. Leave bacon, cheese and other cooked items. Separate bun if desired.
  • Heat: Preheat oven to 350°F. Place unwrapped burger patties on a baking sheet or oven-safe wire rack. Heat 10-12 minutes.
  • Crisp the bun: For the last 1-2 minutes, add the crown and heel of the bun to crisp and warm through.
  • Reassemble & enjoy! Add your favorite toppings and dive in.


The microwave provides a quick reheating option, but you‘ll need to tweak a few steps.

  • Prep: Unwrap burger & separate all parts. Leave bacon, cheese, etc. on patty. Place patties on a microwave-safe plate.
  • Heat: Microwave patties in 30-second bursts, flipping halfway through, until heated to 165°F internally.
  • Avoid the bun: Microwaving makes bun tough. Toast bun separately if desired.
  • Reassemble & serve. Add your favorite toppings and enjoy.


The stovetop lets you reheat your burger quickly with bonus flavor from sautéing.

  • Prep: Unwrap burger and remove toppings. Separate bun. Leave bacon, cheese, etc. on patty.
  • Heat: Heat skillet over medium heat. Add bit of oil or butter. Add patties and cook 2-3 minutes per side.
  • Toast bun: While cooking patties, toast bun in skillet, buttered side down until crisp.
  • Reassemble & dig in! Layer your desired toppings between toasted bun and hot patty.

Air Fryer

An air fryer makes your reheated McDonald‘s burger crispy and delicious.

  • Prep: Remove toppings and separate bun. Leave cheese/bacon on patty.
  • Heat: Set air fryer to 370°F. Add patties and cook 4-5 minutes, flipping halfway.
  • Toast bun: Add bun halves cut-side down during last 1-2 minutes to toast.
  • Reassemble & enjoy! Pile on your favorite toppings and bite into a tasty reheated burger.
Reheating MethodTimeResults
Oven10-12 minutesThoroughly heated, optional crispy bun
Microwave2-3 minutesQuick but can toughen bun
Stovetop4-6 minutesAdds flavor from sautéing
Air Fryer4-5 minutesCrispy, delicious

Storing Leftover McDonald‘s Burgers

To safely save your McDonald’s burger for later, quick refrigeration is key:

  • Separate the components to prevent the bun from getting soggy.
  • Store patties and toppings in a sealed container within 2 hours of purchasing.
  • Refrigerate at 40°F or below for up to 4 days maximum.
  • Reheat thoroughly before eating within the 4-day window.
  • When in doubt, throw it out! Don‘t take risks with questionable leftovers.

Following safe refrigeration guidelines ensures your McDonald’s hamburger or cheeseburger stays fresh and safe to reheat later.

The Verdict: Yes, You Can Refrigerate and Reheat McDonald‘s Burgers

Reheating a McDonald’s burger is perfectly safe and surprisingly easy whether you use the oven, microwave, stovetop or air fryer. As long as you properly store the leftover burger within 2 hours and consume within 4 days, you can look forward to enjoying a hot, delicious McDonald’s burger twice!

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