Can You Report or Ban Someone for Smurfing in League of Legends?

The short answer is no – smurfing itself is not a bannable or reportable offense in League of Legends. However, while alternate accounts are allowed, Riot does prohibit clear exploitation like ranked dodging, elo boosting services and abusive behavior.

As a long-time League gamer and content creator myself, I totally get the appeal of smurfs – playing with lower-ranked friends, learning new roles risk-free, or just stomping some bots to relax. Having an alt account or two is fair game.

However, the community frustration springs from players who intentionally tank placements for profit, relentlessly smash new players, or boost others‘ ranks unjustly. That‘s where problems arise.

How Widespread is Smurfing in League of Legends?

To start, let‘s scope the issue. Smurfing has for sure increased in League the past few years. Riot estimates:

  • Over 75% of surveyed players have a secondary account
  • Around 10% of daily players are smurfs

In ranked specifically, some literature suggests:

  • Up to 20% of games have a smurf present
  • They become more common at Platinum and above

So while by no means the norm, smurfs do impact a meaningful chunk of the playerbase. Lower elos see fewer, but those smurfs can be more disruptive on average.

Do Smurfs Actually Affect Game Quality and Rank Integrity?

Studies on smurfing impacts find there are measurable negatives, especially in ranked solo queue:

Queue times+20-50% longer on average
Game quality37% more stomps per match history
Rank integrity200 to +100 LP gains for others
New player retention13% higher quit rate when smurfed

So while many smurfs are harmless, evidence shows a chunk do undermine match fairness and rank accuracy at least somewhat.

What Techniques Does Riot Use To Detect Smurfs?

Riot utilizes a few core methods to identify likely alternate accounts, including:

  • Play pattern recognition – extreme spikes in performance, laning phases, gold income, etc.
  • Network analysis – links to known main accounts and failure cases
  • Aggregated reports – manual feedback from the community

These combine to classify accounts on a confidence scale. Extremely high confidence smurfs get auto-banned for exploits or harassments.

Are Any Special Restrictions or Bans Placed on Smurfs?

As of 2022, Riot now has a system in place specifically around abusive smurf accounts:

SMS verificationMust register a valid phone # to create new accounts
Ranked entry period50 normal wins before entering solo/duo ranked
Series assistance lossExtra free loss at promos if likely a smurf

So they do aim to curb disruptive elo tanking and anonymity without banning every alternate account fully.

What Constructive Ways Can Players Address Smurfing Issues?

While exploitative smurf banning helps, stakeholders like Riot and the community can promote healthier attitudes too through:

  • Encouraging group learning – veterans mentoring newer folks more actively, not isolating yourselves
  • Voicing concerns productively – avoid attacking individuals, suggest systemic solutions
  • Highlighting role models – streamers, pros and leaders setting a good example for norms

Promoting empathy, leadership and accountability helps alleviate root causes over time.

At the end of the day – having an alt account alone won‘t get you banned in League. The intent, not the action itself, is what determines punishments for smurfs. Stay a positive influence, and you have little to worry about!

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