Can you reset profession skill points?

No, once spent, profession skill points cannot be directly reset or refunded in Dragonflight. I know that may be frustrating if you want to reshape your build.

But before you abandon that hard-earned progress, here is an in-depth look at your options, along with why resets weren‘t part of the design:

Why No Resets?

Resetting points could enable endless optimization with no permanence to choices. The developers instead wanted spending talent points to feel impactful and meaningful.

While restrictive, respecting those choices forces us to thoughtfully plan builds, ask other players for advice, and live with both the benefits and downsides of our decisions:

No Resets UpsideNo Resets Downside
Talent decisions feel impactfulHard to change direction
Encourages intentional planningPunishes new/casual players
Promotes community discussionsRestricts experimentation

As someone who loves to optimize and experiment with unusual builds, I definitely felt limited at first. But discussing talents with my guild ended up being really enjoyable and pushed me to better understand my class.

Alright, No Resets – Now How Can I Change Course?

Even without resets, you still have alternatives to reshape your profession build…

Reroll Identical Profession from Scratch

The simplest option – drop the profession entirely and start fresh with a blank slate for talent points.

  • Downside: Need to relevel profession skill itself
  • Upside: Keep all recipes/patterns/schematics learned previously

For lower skill professions like Fishing or Cooking, this isn‘t too arduous. But releveling a crafting skill like Blacksmithing to 100 is a heavy grind.

Slowly Work Towards a Hybrid Build

Respeccing everything at once isn‘t possible – but you can incrementally nudge your build in a new direction by earning additional talent points.

And at maximum skill level, spending 5 Dragon Shards lets you re-allocate a single point already spent. This gradually transitions a build over time.

  • Downside: Very slow pivot
  • Upside: Retain all existing progress

Unlearn and Later Relearn Profession

By unlearning then relearning down the road, talent points remain ready for you to allocate differently:

Unlearn ProfessionLater Relearn
– Talent points intact– Talent points ready for new path
– Lose skill level– Keep recipes/patterns/schematics

This forces regrinding hundreds of skill points but with a blank talent slate. I‘d only recommend for higher skill crafting professions where fresh allocation matters more.

Losing recipe access temporarily can also really hurt if dependent on that alt!

What‘s Your End Goal?

Ultimately with no resets, choosing a new direction requires releveling skill points somehow. But your options expand based on end goal:

Refine current build: Slowly nudge talents via additional points

Salvage some progress: Unlearn then relearn same profession

Totally fresh start: Reroll profession on that character or alt

None are quick pivots! But I hope mapping out alternatives helps provide some guidance. Please let me know if any questions pop up along the way!

Always happy to help the WoW community make the most out of profession systems and builds 🙂

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