Can You Restart Your FIFA?

The short answer is yes, you can completely restart your FIFA game progression by deleting existing save files and cache data corresponding to the modes you want to reset. This clears all your Ultimate Team, Career Mode, Pro Clubs or other progress and lets you start over from scratch.

As a FIFA gamer myself, I have reshaped my club in Ultimate Team or started fresh manager careers many times over the years when I want a new challenge or become dissatisfied with my current progression. So I can share some expert advice on fully resetting your FIFA.

Why Restart FIFA Progression?

Here are the most common reasons you may want to reboot your FIFA:

Ultimate Team

  • Unhappy with current squad, want to rebuild club through Draft, SBCs
  • Made poor investments on low-rated players, wasted coins or FIFA Points
  • Want the rewarding experience of starting in Division 10 and earning promotion

Career Mode

  • Tired of managing current club after many seasons
  • Looking for a new challenge with different team, transfer budget etc.
  • Experiment with higher difficulties like Legendary or Ultimate


  • Try new house rules like youth academy only players
  • Replay early progression for nostalgia
  • Simply enjoy building up club/manager from the start

I‘ve personally restarted various FIFA modes over 10 times through the years – it breathes new life into the game!

Deleting Progress in FIFA 22

Here is exactly how to reset your saves in FIFA 22 specifically:

Reset Career Mode in FIFA 22

  1. Go to Customize
  2. Select Profile
  3. Choose Delete
  4. Confirm deletion

This wipes all manager progression like transfers, standings, trophies etc.

Delete Ultimate Team Club in FIFA 22

  1. Navigate to FUT > CLUB
  2. Select SETTINGS
  3. Choose DELETE CLUB option
  4. Confirm decision

This erases your entire club – items, record, coins. A fresh account will be created.

Resetting in FIFA 23

FIFA 23 introduces some changes to restarting progression:

  • Can no longer delete Ultimate Team club. Must create new account instead
  • Can still reset Career Mode through deleting save data

Specific steps:

Reset FIFA 23 Career Mode

  1. Go to game menu and select FIFA 23
  2. Navigate to Options > Manage Game & Add-ons
  3. Find saves data menu and delete all data

This brings you back to the main menu with no existing saves.

The Pros and Cons of Resetting FIFA

Before you restart, consider these potential pros and cons:

– Enjoyable early progression– Lose hard-earned players, coins etc.
– Reshape club more easily– Repeating early challenges
– New experiences– Can get stale quickly

For me, the pros heavily outweigh the cons for restarting modes like FUT – but assess based on your personal preference.

Tips for Restarters

If you do decide to restart, keep these tips in mind:

  • Take untradeable packs early to build starter squad
  • Invest in meta Gold cards which hold value longer
  • Maintain transfer list of quality players to sell later
  • Learn from past mistakes when building your new club!

The Future of Restarting FIFA

Based on the inability to delete FUT clubs in FIFA 23, it seems the series may move away from letting players fully reset progression. This could be intended to:

  • Discourage coin selling services
  • Promote consistent engagement year-over-year

However, EA could introduce alternative options like "Prestige" systems we‘ve seen in other games – reset certain elements while retaining cosmetics.

I‘d expect ongoing demand from players to re-experience early progression. So hopefully we continue to have some restart capabilities in the future!

Final Thoughts

In closing, yes it is definitely possible to restart your FIFA across various modes – with complete data deletion being the most thorough method. Evaluate your motivation for resetting, weigh the pros and cons, and utilize restarting to inject new life into franchise modes you‘ve burnt out on. That initial climb back to Division 1 or Champions League glory can be tremendously enjoyable.

Let me know if this guide helped you reset your FIFA or if you have any other questions! I‘m always happy to offer restart tips from my decade-plus of experience.

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