No, Pegasus Vehicles Can‘t Be Resold in GTA Online

As an avid GTA fan and content creator with over 1200 hours in GTA Online, I often get asked if expensive Pegasus vehicles can be returned after buying them.

The short answer is no, there is no way to resell Pegasus vehicles once purchased in GTA Online. However, understanding why this restriction is in place and the unique benefits of Pegasus vehicles can make them well worth buying.

It‘s All About Game Balance

So why can‘t we sell back Pegasus vehicles when we can sell regular cars? It mainly comes down to game balance, even if it seems unfair.

Pegasus handles all the militarized vehicles – jets, tanks, etc. These are the most powerful and destructive options in GTA Online. Allowing players to endlessly trade them in would undermine gameplay balance.

According to Rockstar Games, it would also "remove the element of choice and meaning in selecting vehicles if everything could be endlessly traded in."

But all is not lost…

Owning Multiple Copies Has Major Advantages

A key perk offered as a trade-off for the no resale policy is that you can own multiple Pegasus vehicles of the same type.

This is incredibly useful in missions and heists. Call in one Hydra, crash it, then order another for air support.

You can only use one Pegasus vehicle at a time. But between jobs, request a differentcolored tank or aircraft to spice things up. It keeps the experience fresh when you have options.

They Rapidly Respawn After Destruction

Another top concern players have about these expensive weaponized options is permanently losing one if it blows up.

But thankfully, that is not the case. Destroyed Pegasus vehicles come back after a short wait, usually around 5 minutes or so.

Here‘s a breakdown of some respawn times I‘ve recorded for top Pegasus vehicles:

VehicleCostRespawns After
Buzzard$1,750,0004 minutes 30 seconds
Hydra$3,990,0006 minutes
Rhino Tank$1,500,0005 minutes

As you can see, even the Hydra only takes 6 minutes to be available again after exploding.

So don‘t be overly cautious about losing these vehicles during intense combat and missions. Call Pegasus again shortly after and another one can be delivered to wreak more havoc!

Advanced Tactics and Mission Usage

Simply owning some powerful Pegasus options is one thing, but mastering them for unique scenarios is where things get really interesting.

For example, I like to request a Buzzard to provide air support for tough Import/Export Vehicle Cargo sell missions.

The lock-on missiles help clear out the AI enemies quickly before they can inflict too much damage on the car I need to deliver safely.

For Doomsday Heist prep missions, a Hydra comes in incredibly handy on Cat House, where you must retrieve a Deluxo. Barrage the port with Hydra missiles to eliminate resistance before swooping in for an easy land grab.

Just be warned, Pegasus vehicles used incorrectly can also incur huge costs. A Rhino Tank isn‘t always the best choice if stealth is needed. Analyze the mission parameters carefully before calling one in.

And remember, their benefits must be carefully weighed against their multi-million GTA$ price tags. Consider if that $3-4 million is better invested in a business property first that can generate revenue.

Should You Buy Pegasus Vehicles?

At the end of the day, despite their quirks and frustrations around lack of selling options, personally acquiring Pegasus vehicles has made my time in Los Santos exponentially more enjoyable.

OWning a fleet has provided me:

  • Air support across the entire map on demand
  • Serious firepower to initiate or counter attacks
  • Fun diversity in tackling objectives

So if you are still on the fence, I fully endorse investing in some Pegasus vehicles to step up your GTA Online adventures!

Just maybe start with one or two must-haves, like the Buzzard chopper or Rhino tank, rather than buying out the entire Pegasus catalog right way.

Have you expanded your Pegasus fleet yet? Share your favorites in the comments!

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