Can You Revive a Dead Horse in Skyrim?

TL;DR: No, there is no way to revive horses once they die in Skyrim. You‘ll have to purchase a replacement mount from stables or obtain special summonable horses instead.

Horses unfortunately share no innate ability to return from the dead like the fabled Dragonborn. But while resurrection is impossible, this guide will cover everything you need to know about dealing with the loss of your four-legged compatriot.

Frequently Asked Questions on Dead Horses

Can you use console commands to revive a dead horse?

No. The resurrect and recycleactor console commands work on humanoid NPCs but not horses.

Do horses respawn/revive in Skyrim after dying?

No. Horses do not inherently respawn once dead, unlike other creatures. Their death is permanent.

What happens when your Skyrim horse dies?

You‘ll need to purchase another mount from a stable or acquire a special summonable horse like Arvak or Shadowmere. Any inventory on the dead horse is also lost permanently.

Should I avoid combat or fall damage with my Skyrim horse?

Yes! Even high level horses are far more fragile than humanoid followers when confronted with falls and enemy attacks. Ride cautiously.

Buying New Horses From Stables

When your horse dies, the easiest option is to simply purchase a replacement steed from any of Skyrim‘s major stables like those in Whiterun or Riften.

  • Stables typically charge 1000 gold for a standard horse
  • Stables restock new horses after 1-2 in-game weeks
  • Stabled horses have average stats:
    • Health: 324
    • Stamina: 148

If you can‘t afford to immediately buy a new horse, you can travel by foot or carriage until stables refresh their stock. Just be prepared to pay the high fee again!

Alternative Summonable Horse Options

Skyrim offers two special horses that can be endlessly summoned or revived after death:

Arvak – Soul Cairn Skeletal Horse


  • How To Obtain: Complete Lost to the Ages quest in Soul Cairn
  • Summon: Power, 250 Conjuration skill
  • Stats:
    • Health: 621
    • Stamina: 85
  • Notes: Can traverse water/mountains most horses can‘t

Arvak is an useful summonable mount if you regularly travel through areas standard horses struggle with.

Shadowmere – Dark Brotherhood horse


  • How To Obtain: Reach Goldenglow Estate in Dark Brother questline
  • How To Revive: Fast travel away, will respawn in 10 days
  • Stats:
    • Health: 1067
    • Stamina: 150
  • Notes: High damage resistance in combat

Shadowmere is arguably Skyrim‘s best horse – extremely hardy in all scenarios. A worthy reward for assassins!

Consequences & Prevention Of Horse Deaths

When horses die, inventory is lost and they can no longer aid you in the gameworld. Some key cautions:

  • Store valuable items in follower inventory, not horse inventory!
  • Avoid long falls that generate fatal fall damage
  • Flee combat when horse health drops below 50%
  • Quicksave frequently before risky terrain navigation

With extra care taken, you can safely adventure with horses at your side!

Horse Type Comparison

Horse TypeCostHealthStaminaSpecial Notes
Stable1000 Gold324148Restock every 1-2 in-game weeks
ArvakFree62185Summonable skeletal horse
ShadowmereFree1067150Returns 10 days after dying

Final Thoughts

I hope this guide gives you a sense of options around replacing fallen horses. My best advice is to avoid sentimentality – they are tools serving a purpose like any follower. If one dies, swiftly move to your next steed!

Just take care before battling cliffs and necromancers. And if you do join a pro-horse faction like the Dawnguard, you‘ll unlock the mighty Arvak as a reward.

Let me know if you have any other Skyrim horse dilemmas I can tackle. Safe trails, wanderers!

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