Can You Rob the Bank in Rhodes in Red Dead Redemption 2?

Greetings, fellow outlaws! As a fan of Rockstar‘s epic open-world Western, you might have wondered: can you walk into the Bank of Rhodes with guns blazing and make off with the loot?

The Short Answer

Sadly, no. Solo bank robberies are mostly impossible in the base RDR2 game. The story missions have a few scripted bank heists, but Rhodes itself cannot be robbed outside of a special DLC activity.

Opportunities For Bank Jobs

While the Rhodes bank remains off limits, here are the exceptions that let you live out the fantasy:

  • Story Missions: Main character Arthur Morgan carries out raids on the bank in Saint Denis and a riverboat bank as part of story events. These feature explosions, gun battles and daring getaways!

  • Special DLC Mission With Charles & Uncle: An additional DLC mission called ‘The Aftermath of Pestilence‘ lets Arthur join Charles and Uncle to blow open the Bank of Rhodes at night and make off with the valuables inside.

  • Free Robberies in Armadillo & MacFarlane‘s Ranch: John Marston can freely rob the banks here once you complete the story. The law will fight back, but skilled gunslingers can shoot their way out!

So a few limited chances exist to terrorize the tellers and crack safes for that glorious bank loot! Now, let‘s analyze why Rockstar made other banks unrobbable…

The Game Design Limitations

According to Rockstar‘s philosophy, RDR2 aims for an authentic world with logical consequences. Unrestricted robbery raised issues:

Economic Chaos: Letting players loot bank reserves could financially devastate towns and break the economy system.

Historical Accuracy: Wild West banks had limited cash reserves, relying on assets like property deeds. Vaults were more secure than shown in Westerns.

Realistic Law Response: Unchecked robbery would stretch credibility for small 19th century sheriff‘s offices, even with telegraphs calling for backup.

So from a design perspective, wanton violence makes less logical sense than in other open worlds like GTA. Now let‘s study strategies around the few rob-able banks…

Expert Tips For Bank Jobs

Based on community guides, here are pro tips for hitting story mission and special DLC bank heists:

  • Max out Dead Eye ability: This slows down time and lets you pull off precise shots during the escape. Upgrade via quests for more use time.

  • Come armed and ready: Carry potent health cures, ammo and weapons like semi-auto shotguns to fight lawmen. A fast horse aids getaways.

  • Stealth early on: Use suppressed weapons or stealth kills at the start to delay law response.

  • Make a clean getaway: Have escape paths planned to ditch the law pursuit. Changing horses or clothes can also fool pursuers.

Bank Robbery LocationPotential RewardRisk & Difficulty
Saint Denis (Story)$1500⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Rhodes Bank (DLC)$1200⭐⭐⭐⭐
Armadillo Bank$1000⭐⭐⭐
MacFarlane‘s Ranch Bank$800⭐⭐

This covers expert tips to maximize your loot and enjoyment from living the bank robber fantasy in RDR2! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Happy outlawing!

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