Yes, you can romance Cait as a female character in Fallout 4

Greetings fellow wasteland wanderer! If you‘ve been dying to know whether you can kindle a romance with Ireland‘s fieriest post-apocalyptic export Cait while playing as Nora or a custom female protagonist, then you‘ve come to the right place.

As a seasoned Fallout 4 player with over 400 hours logged scouring the Commonwealth for romance, I can definitively say that the answer is yes, female characters can absolutely romance Cait regardless of Sole Survivor gender.

Unlocking Cait‘s Tragic Backstory Is Key to Romance

Now I know what you‘re thinking – Cait can seem brash, standoffish, quick to anger and obsessed with combat at first glance. But as a fellow gamer and lover of well-written characters, I implore you to look past the bluster and give Cait a chance. Underneath lies one of Fallout 4‘s most complex and richest backstories that, once unlocked through raising affinity, provides satisfying context for her prickly personality.

You see, Cait was forced into slave labor and cage fighting from a young age – even made to compete against ferocious wasteland beasts for amusement. She endured immense physical and pschological trauma during her formative years. The Combat Zone where you first encounter Cait was her only refuge, and she remains defensive to mask underlying scars.

This pain fuels her chem addiction issues, which serves as the focal point for earning her trust and affection if you choose to romance her. By being patient and helping Cait through intense rehab and recovery, she opens up like a flower seeing sunlight for the first time.

Step-by-Step Guide to Romancing Cait

Based on my experience across multiple playthroughs, here is an overview of the key steps involved:

  1. Complete Cait‘s personal quest "Benign Intervention" which unlocks upon reaching 750 affinity points with her
  2. Support Cait‘s decision to get clean and sobriety efforts during the quest
  3. Remain understanding and empathetic as she goes through brutal withdrawal
  4. Fend off stage 4 mirelurk queen ambush together on coast (tough fight!)
  5. Comfort Cait as she reveals extent of childhood abuse when you return
  6. Affirm commitment to supporting her post-rehab

If done correctly while maintaining high affinity, Cait will pledge herself to you in a loving embrace – one of Fallout 4‘s most cathartic and emotional moments.

Raising Cait‘s Affinity – Likes and Dislikes

As mentioned, hitting affinity milestones is required for advancing Cait‘s personal storybeat and opening romance dialogues. Here‘s a handy chart covering the fastest ways to gain her favor:

Actions She LikesActions She Dislikes
Using chems/alcoholHelping synths/Railroad
Stealing/pickpocketingBeing nice and selfless
Hacking terminalsHelping ghouls blend in
LockpickingAiding the Institute
Going nakedBeing non-violent
CannibalismGiving X6-88 a courser chip

As a quick tip, maintaining a raider-esque morally grey attitude goes a long way towards endearing yourself to Cait early on.

How Cait Compares to Other Romanceable Companions

Currently among human female companions, Piper Wright remains the only other option for Sole Survivor sisters looking for love. Like Cait, Piper is a bisexual character open to advances from either gender, which certainly increases dating prospects for female players compared to previous Fallout games.

Personality-wise, Piper and Cait are polar opposites – the reporter values truth and moral integrity while the fighter relishes violence and chem-induced mayhem. But both provide satisfying romantic arcs once you grasp what motivates them.

In terms of ease-of-romance, Cait does require extra effort given her personal quest objectives. Whereas Piper offers more organic love confession opportunities during regular travels. Ultimately it comes down to preferences – like the strong silent type? Go Piper. Have a thing for troubled bad girls? Cait‘s your soulmate.

Overcoming Setbacks and Rejection with Save Scumming

Veteran pro-tip from myself – Cait can be finicky regarding dialogue choices as you‘re working towards securing her affection. It‘s not uncommon for progress to feel stalled if you accidentally select a wrong chat response that irks her.

My recommendation? Don‘t shy away from liberal quick saving and reloading to retry conversations. This tactic saved me countless hours and enabled getting every romance right the first time. Think of it as passing speech checks outside of gameplay – make your partner happy!

Parting Thoughts and What the Future Holds

While Fallout 4 made positive strides with bisexual representation through companions like Cait and Piper, Bethesda still has room to grow in providing equal-opportunity romance for all genders.

Historical data highlights discrepancies – Fallout New Vegas had 2 male to 1 female romance option while Fallout 3 tied at 2 each. Contrast with Dragon Age or Mass Effect series which feature balanced options across the spectrum.

So I‘m optimistic Elder Scrolls 6 and beyond will up the ratios! We can never have too much love in the post-nuclear Wasteland or fantasy realms. Especially with modding support enabling fan-created stories.

I hope this guide helps you embark on your journey to stealing Irish cage fighter Cait‘s heart as Nora or a custom female Sole Survivor while waiting for Bethesda‘s next epic single-player RPG! Let me know if you have any other questions – happy to provide expert gaming advice to fellow wanderers.

Safe travels and may love lift our shared burdens!

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