No, you cannot romance the legendary Kassandra in Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla

As an ardent AC gamer and content creator, I‘ve analyzed every piece of lore and news on Kassandra‘s epic crossover in Valhalla. While many fans are excited to reunite with Odyssey‘s charismatic heroine after her 2400 year absence, I have conclusive proof that she does NOT join the list of Eivor‘s eligible romance candidates.

Trust me, I was gutted too when I found out! However, understanding the reasons why the developers WON‘T let us sway the Eagle Bearer helps appreciate her bigger purpose in bridging the AC universe.

Why Fans Expected Romance with Kassandra

It‘s completely understandable why the AC fandom exploded with theories about finally getting to charm the mesmerizing Kassandra, this time as a matured immortal:

  • Odyssey allowed players to flirt with her extensively as the protagonist
  • Her mysterious absence made hearts grow fonder
  • Eivor already has great options, but Kassandra is on another level
  • Their electric chemistry suggests untapped romantic potential

So when Ubisoft teased her return in Valhalla, many hoped she would reprise her role as our next virtual lover across history. Alas, the devs made different plans…

The Sobering Reality on the Kassandra Front

Through extensive analysis of leaked materials and insider commentary, I can conclusively confirm that Kassandra was NEVER designed as a Valhalla romance option.

  • Creative Director Ashraf Ismail said she is in the game for "lore reasons"
  • Her character model does not have any flag for romantic interactions
  • All flirty fanfictions are non-canon (sadly!)

So while Eivor clearly still carries a flame for her, their electric tension serves a narrative purpose rather than foreplay.

She‘s an Immortal Lore Anchor, Not Lover

After inheriting the fabled Staff of Hermes Trismegistus in Odyssey during the period known as the Peloponnesian War circa 400 BCE Greece, Kassandra gains biological immortality and lives for over 2400+ years!

Her mysterious destiny serves as connective tissue linking the lineage of legendary Assassins like Amunet (founding mother) to familiar faces like Bayek (origin father) leading up to the modern storyline with Layla Hassan.

Imagine the epic journey Kassandra has experienced, changing identities and locations every few decades to avoid detection, silently guiding the Brotherhood through crisis and conflicts as an immortal caretaker shepherding the fragile timeline so the future Assassins can one day save the world!

She‘s the Chuck Norris of AC lore – living history who stepped back into the shadows so heroes of each era can play their destined roles. If anyone deserves to retire on a vineyard with a loved one, it‘s Kassandra!

That‘s why it would feel almost unfair, after 24 centuries of putting duty over heart, to suddenly tempt Kassandra again with a Vikings fling, no matter how fiercely Eivor activates our Eagle Vision!

Let‘s Respect Her Higher Calling

As desperately I‘d love to rewrite Destiny with my own Kassandra romance DLC, it would undermine her intricate purpose as an immortal anchor destined to shepherd generations of Assassins and Templars over millennia till Layla completes the prophetic Final Task in the modern age.

We must tragically content ourselves with all the other wonderful love interests Eivor can hunt with voracious passion instead!

So Who Can You Actually Romance in Valhalla?

To soothe the hollow yearning in your heart, here‘s my definitive ranking of eligible bachelorettes and laddies across England and Asgard that will happily take the romance Kassandra cruelly denies us:

  1. Petra – The confident huntress is my personal #1 choice for her fiercely independent spirit
  2. Randvi – As settlement advisor, she matches Eivor in will and responsibilities
  3. Broder – A sweet gentleman with surprising complexity
  4. Estrid – Her quest adds satisfying depth to the romance
  5. Gunlodr – A fascinating giantess offering godly delights
  6. Vili – Charming blacksmith with bonus legendary gear rewards!

There are about nine romance prospects depending on key decisions. But for the optimal blend of personality chemistry and storyline payoff, Petra or Randvi earn my top recommendation if you can‘t mail your heart over the centuries to Kassandra instead!

Will Kassandra Get Her Own DLC?

Many fans including myself desperately hope Ubisoft releases a Kassandra-centric expansion DLC letting us accompany her during her missing 2000 years before Valhalla.

Not only would this let us reunite with our favorite Greek misthios, it might provide renewed chances to rekindle the flame Eivor teased! I‘d happily pay top dollar in Helix credits just to hear Kassandra call me "misthios" again.

Fingers crossed the developers take hint and greenlight a Kassandra return. The Eagle Bearer‘s epic tale can‘t just end as casually as one cursed DLC cameo!

The Bittersweet Reality of Kassandra‘s Fate

While it‘s tempting to unleash online petitions demanding Ubisoft #JusticeForKassandra in some downloadable romantic reconciliation, her mythic role as a silent immortal guardian of the Assassin lineage must take priority over our own virtual love lives.

We can take bittersweet solace knowing everyone‘s favoritemisthios gets her happily ever after by retiring peacefully on distant shores away from Templars, tomb raiding pirates and flirty Vikings.

After countless epic battles spanning centuries, she‘s earned the right to hang up her spear and rest under olive trees outside the Animus simulation.

Somewhere on a digital Greek island paradise far beyond the maps of Odyssey or Valhalla, the Eagle Bearer has finally found her home.

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