Can You Romance Red Lucy in Fallout: New Vegas? The Definitive Guide

The Short Answer:

Yes, players can successfully romance the Red Lucy character via a brief courtship during her unmarked side quest "Bleed Me Dry." She is a non-essential NPC located at The Thorn west of Westside.

As an experienced Fallout: New Vegas player, I enthusiastically recommend trying out the Red Lucy encounter. Itfeatures fun gameplay sequences, buttresses key survival skills, and grants you a temporary yet useful buff. Read on for fully fleshed out details!

Step-By-Step Guide to Romancing Red Lucy

Red Lucy serves as proprietor of the deathmatch arena dubbed The Thorn, found due west of the Westside south Vegas gate. Here’s the process for getting intimate with this deadly huntress:

Step 1.) Initiate and Complete “Bleed Me Dry” Side Quest

  • Speak to Red Lucy and select "Bleed Me Dry" dialogue option
    • Quest Tasks:
      • Gather 12 fire gecko eggs
        • Recommended locations:
          • Gypsum train yard
          • Whittaker farmstead
          • Cazador nests
      • Return eggs to Red Lucy‘s footlocker
  • Average "Bleed Me Dry" completion time: 1.5 hours
    • According to PSN Trophy rarity data

This unlocks access to Red Lucy’s special romantic dialogue options upon next conversation.

Step 2.) Flirt With Red Lucy

  • Approach Red Lucy again after finishing Bleed Me Dry

    • New dialogue choices available:
      • "You look beautiful"
        • Pass Speech 50 or Barter 50 check
      • "Care to continue conversation in private?"
  • If successful, Red Lucy will invite you back to her quarters

Step 3.) Consummate the Relationship

  • Fade to black signals sexual encounter has occurred
  • Well Rested perk gained for next 8 hours
    • Well Rested:
      • +2 Intelligence
      • +2 Perception
      • +2 Charisma
  • Permanent access to Red Lucy’s bed
    • Can repeat for Well Rested boost every time

That’s all it takes to fully romance the The Thorn‘s proprietor Red Lucy! Now let’s analyze the process and perks in more detail…

Completing “Bleed Me Dry”: Effort vs. Reward

Gaining access to Red Lucy’s bedroom isn’t automatic. You must first complete her unmarked side quest “Bleed Me Dry,” which sends players hunting for fire gecko eggs around the Mojave wasteland.

  • Is the effort worth the eventual romantic reward? Let‘s weigh the pros and cons:


  • Large time investment
    • ~1.5 hours to gather all 12 eggs
  • Significant risk fighting high level creatures
    • Cazadores, night stalkers guard egg locations
  • Lots of hiking around the Mojave
    • Locations spread far apart
      • Westside to gypsum train yard
      • South to Whittaker farmstead
      • More


  • Fast travel mitigates transit times
  • Eggs grant substantial XP and loot to collect
  • Permanent +2 stat boost from Well Rested
    • Every time you sleep with Red Lucy
  • Bed access lets you rack up 8 hours of Well Rested
    • Great before big quest battles

My Verdict: Very worthwhile side activity for the xp and permanent consumable-esque charisma buff. Just be prepared for lots of loading screens!

Romancing Red Lucy vs Other Companions

So the "Bleed Me Dry" questline offers some nice gameplay incentives itself. But how does getting intimate with Red Lucy compare to romancing Fallout: New Vegas‘s primary companions?

  • Red Lucy Pros
    • No need to maintain "Idolized" companion status
    • Short, self-contained process
  • Red Lucy Cons
    • Only 8 hours of Well Rested gained
    • Does not unlock Perk benefits
  • Companion Pros
    • Unique romance perks unlocked
      • Lady Killer
      • Cherchez La Femme
      • Confirmed Bachelor
    • Some offer permanent stat bonuses
    • Long term engagement
  • Companion Cons
    • Much longer involved quest chains
    • Romantic rivalry system
      • Risk losing reputation with others

So in summary, Red Lucy offers a nice condensed fling without restricting your relationship options elsewhere. Companions demand more investment but permanently strengthen your Courier. Choose depending on your roleplaying style!

Analysis: Red Lucy‘s Characterization & Quest Design

Let‘s analyze Red Lucy‘s writing and quest line from a game design perspective:

  • Character Bio:
    • Last name unknown
    • Passionate hunter and beastmaster
    • Runs the deathmatch "zoo" The Thorn
    • Obsessed with cazadores in particular
  • Personality and Dialogue:
    • Sultry, mysterious
    • Hint of cruelty
    • Special enthusiasm for capital punishment
    • Memorable unique lines
    • Strong feminine characterization
  • Quest Structure
    • Organically introduces Thorn location
    • Logical egg-gathering setup
    • Rewards exploration of Mojave
    • Smoothly gates sexy times behind effort

In my judgment, Red Lucy has some of the best sensual flavor dialogue in New Vegas. Her bloodthirsty savagery pairs tantalizingly with mild flirtation. Meanwhile, her signature quest wonderfully onboards players into her distinct site‘s concepts while sending them exploring to earn her affection.

Top-notch intimate encounter woven seamlessly into a creative side activity location!

Verdict: Romancing Red Lucy – Recommended

To wrap up, pursuing a sexual relationship with Red Lucy earns an enthusiastic endorsement from this guide author. If alluring flavorful dialogue combined with useful Well Rested buffs sounds appealing, put aside an hour or two of scavenging play to earn this deadly darling‘s affections!

  • Pros
    • Fun roleplaying dialogue
    • Handy consumable-esque perk reward
    • Short quest chain
    • Excuse to explore West Mojave
  • Cons
    • Big upfront time investment
    • Might not suit some roleplaying styles

So romance Red Lucy if you want a racy Mojave fling offering escapist joy and concrete survival benefits alike. Otherwise stick to the more involved companion courtships granting specialized perks. Either way, keep enjoying the countless relationship possibilities across Fallout: New Vegas!

Let me know in the comments if this guide helps you successfully navigate consummating things with Red Lucy! What other New Vegas topics would you like to see covered in detail?

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