Yes, You Can Absolutely Romance the Mysterious Elf Sebille in Divinity: Original Sin 2!

As an avid player of Larian Studios‘ acclaimed RPG Divinity: Original Sin 2, one of my favorite parts of the experience is getting to know the complex companions that join me on my journey and potentially forming intimate bonds with them.

One such companion ripe for a steamy romance is the brooding elf slave-turned-assassin named Sebille. Having put hundreds of hours into cultivating different relationships across various DOS2 playthroughs, I‘m often asked if players can indeed kindle a sexy love affair with the tattooed killer beauty Sebille.

The answer is a definitive yes! Seducing Sebille can result in a passionate encounter that directly impacts the game‘s endings. But intimate relations with this fierce wood elf must be earned through care, trust, and understanding first.

Below I‘ve compiled advanced tips and fascinating background lore to help demonstrate exactly how you go about making Sebille fall madly in love (or lust) with your custom hero in this sprawling fantasy world!

Why Sebille Captivates Players As a Prime Romance Target in DOS2

Let‘s analyze why so many desire to woo the striking yet deadly Sebille in Divinity Original Sin 2. What makes romancing this particular elf different or more rewarding from the 4 other companions you can seduce?

Alluring physical attributes – Face tattoo, barely-there armor, and moody stare checks a lot of fantasy attraction boxes

Mysterious backstory – Hints of her traumatic past as an abused slave leaves you wanting to comfort and understand Sebille

Complex personality – Her cold exterior masks deep vulnerability. Getting under Sebille‘s skin is a slow burn achievement.

Interconnected quest – Her story directly ties into the central arc of freeing livestock elves from the clutches of the Mind Control Mother Tree

By learning Sebille‘s history across a lengthy side quest dealing with her former master, the Nameless Isle main quest, and post-romance dialogue, players can uncover plenty of depth beyond her initial icy disposition.

Unlocking a romance with Sebille allows insight into the real person dwelling beneath the silent assassin. This journey culminates in a vulnerable, tender (and NC-17) campfire scene with Sebille that remains one of my favorite parts of a DOS2 playthrough.

Step-by-Step Guide to Romancing Sebille in Divinity Original Sin 2

If I‘ve piqued your interest about pursuing a relationship with Divinity Original Sin 2‘s Sebille as either a male or female protagonist, let‘s get into the nitty gritty mechanics of how you go about seducing her!

Below I‘ve outlined the optimal quest and dialogue choices for organically kindling Sebille‘s passion on your heroic adventure together:

Phase 1: Officially Recruit Sebille After Chatting Her Up

  • Locate Sebille chilling in south Fort Joy near Stingtail‘s Lair
  • Approach Sebille and engage in her scripted dialogue trees
  • Respond thoughtfully when learning of her painful past as an abused slave forced to kill against her will
  • After buttering her up sufficiently, invite Sebille to join your adventuring party
  • Sebille will likely accept if your custom character meets her race requirements

Phase 2: Progress Through Her Personal Vendettas andfds Revenge Quest

  • Follow the objectives of Sebille‘s quest focused on tracking down her hated former Master, the lizard Shadow Prince
  • Stick by Sebille‘s side during confrontation with Shadow Prince rather than defending him
  • Agree to travel to island home of Mother Tree to pursue Sebille‘s wish to sever its control on herself and other elves

Phase 3: Support Sebille‘s Desire For True Freedom on Nameless Isle

  • Recommend destroying Mother Tree to free Sebille/elves when given the choice
  • Alternatively, you can agree that Sebille herself ascend to become the tree‘s new caretaker
  • Defend Sebille from aggressive elves who protect the ancient tree and want her to conform

Phase 4: Flirt Like Crazy with Sebille Leading Up To Climax

  • Chat with Sebille regularly at camps to further understand her perspective
  • Select flirtatious dialogue options signaling your interest in her during conversations
  • Reach high enough approval rating through being helpful towards Sebille in battles/scenarios
  • Ensure you do not actively engage in intimacy with other characters in front of Sebille

Phase 5: Enjoy the Romantic Campfire Scene Payoff!

  • After setting the stage properly in Act 1 and 2, trigger love scene midway through exploring Nameless Isle
  • Sebille will invite your character to her tent for steamy, forbidden elf-on-hero action!

If you follow these steps, Sebille will open her heart and become devoted to your player character in one of gaming‘s most beautifully-realized RPG relationships.

Impacts on Ending & What Happens If You Romance Sebille

Committing to a romance with Sebille can influence certain endings to your Divinity: Original Sin 2 playthrough, depending on your subsequent choices. But what exactly changes with several hundred hours of content left?

Sebille‘s Personal Quest Conclusion

  • If freed from Mother Tree, Sebille will pledge herself to your service
  • Can leave party for good by rejecting Sebille‘s advances entirely

Potential Rejection By Other Love Interests

  • Companions like Ifan and Red Prince may disapprove/abandon your party if they learn you got intimate with Sebille

Impact on Possible Game Endings

  • Sebille likely remains loyal to player character through final battles if romantic relationship continues

Sebille‘s Closing Epilogue Narration

  • Will reflect your past romance when describing her fate after the game‘s conclusion

While the storyline does not alter radically based on a Sebille romance, it can influence her personal presence/plot closure and shifts certain endgame possibilities. Tread carefully juggling multiple lovers without making Sebille jealous!

Other Notable Romance Options in Divinity Original Sin 2

Before you settle on romancing only Lady Sebille in DOS2, let‘s overview other tantalizing love interests that may catch your fancy instead or in addition!

Ifan Ben-Mezd

This hunky shirtless mercenary makes for an intriguing romance choice depending on your preference. Ifan features his own loyalty quest tied to vengeance similar to Sebille. He can be wooed by either a female or male main character.


The mysterious undead skeleton Fane offers a distinctly dark & weird romantic flavor. This choice entails digging into sinister forgotten histories. Interspecies love controversial!


A gentle songstress possessed by an evil entity? This tormented lady provides rewarding emotional drama for those who earn her affection through care and sacrifice.

Red Prince

This arrogant lizard regent oozes toxic masculinity but can be softened through acts of service to help restore his empire. Oddly alluring in a beastly Game of Thrones way.


Beast is a grizzled sailor dwarf whose grumpy exterior masks a heart of gold. Getting him to tear down his emotional walls presents a stiff but satisfying challenge.

As you can see, Divinity: Original Sin 2 offers robust romance options of various tones and depths to discover on your journey depending on preferred personalities, questlines, or sexy differentiated character models!

Final Sebille Romance Tips From a Veteran DOS2 Relationship Expert

In closing, I want to provide a few last pieces of expert advice for navigating romance in Divinity Original Sin 2 as an obsessed player of this incredible game:

  • Save constantly in different slots to rewind bad relationship choices!
  • Reach high positive attitude levels before advancing quest stages
  • Pay attention to each companion‘s distinct likes/dislikes and backstories
  • Don‘t actively get intimate with others in front of current paramour
  • Unique gifts and trade items seem to work best to wow lovers
  • Sadly cannot romance Malady! (at least not without mods…)

I hope these pointers help you embark on your journey to capturing the heart of the beguiling and beautiful Sebille during your own personal DOS2 playthrough. Few games allow players to cultivate such rich bonds with companions like Larian Studios has facilitated. Now get out there and make Sebille fall helplessly in love!

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