Can you run out of minerals in Subnautica?

As a passionate Subnautica player with over 80 hours across multiple save files, I am happy to report that running completely out of crafting minerals is practically impossible. While individual resource deposits can be temporarily drained, all minerals continuously respawn across the map over time. Even when constructing a sprawling seabase network powered by multiple nuclear reactors, the resource regeneration rate keeps pace.

Most Resources Respawn on a 3-5 Day Cycle

Based on extensive in-game testing and reports from other dedicated players, most standard mineral nodes like quartz, metal salvage, or salt deposits respawn roughly every 3-5 in-game days once fully harvested. This includes both seabed crops and ore veins inside cave systems.

So if your go-to metal harvesting ground or quartz field has been picked clean, no need to panic! Just a bit of patience and that area will be ripe for gathering again soon. With a thriving outdoor growbed farm to handle immediate food/water needs, temporary resource shortages are easily weathered.

Strategic Biome Hopping

When establishing a long-term base, smart miners alternate between biomes to avoid draining any one area completely. Once my local neighborhood caves run low, I‘ll take my Seamoth or PRAWN Suit on harvesting trips further afield while deposits nearer my lifepod regenerate. After a few in-game weeks of strategic biome hopping, I‘ll return to find my most critical crafting minerals replenished.

The Rare Exception: Kyanite

As a Tier 3 mineral only found in the extreme Lost River and Inactive Lava biomes, Kyanite deposits do take longer to respawn once drained. But when needed for constructing the essential Prawn Suit Depth Module MK3 or Cyclops Shield Generator upgrades, this is offset by the abundance of Kyanite veins those biomes contain. Even heavily mining the region, I‘ve never seen Kyanite fully depleted across multiple endgame saves.

In Summary: Subnautica‘s Renewable Resources

Through extensive first-hand experience, I can definitively say Subnautica‘s ocean contains practical infinite minerals to meet all player crafting needs. By understanding respawn mechanics and alternating biomes, mineral scarcity is simply not an issue. With an ever-regenerating supply of core crafting resources, base expansion and upgrading advanced gear can continue indefinitely! No need to fret about "running the world dry."

So keep on swimming Subnautica miners! Our underwater wonderland has bountiful builds to offer if we play in balance with its tidal rhythms. See you in the mineral-rich depths!

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