Can you save Evelyn Parker in Cyberpunk 2077?

As an avid Cyberpunk 2077 player and content creator focused on all things gaming, one question I see asked a lot is – can you prevent Evelyn Parker‘s death? After multiple playthroughs and digging into Evelyn‘s backstory, I believe CD Projekt Red intentionally made it impossible to save her, fueling the game‘s dark themes. Here‘s a deep dive analysis into Evelyn‘s fate.

Who is Evelyn Parker and Why Does She Matter?

For those unfamiliar with the story, Evelyn Parker is a doll (high-tech prostitute) working at Clouds, an upscale brothel in Night City catering to VIPs like Yorinobu Arasaka. Introduced early on, Evelyn drives the game‘s initial events by hiring V as a mercenary to infiltrate Arasaka‘s suite and steal a critical braindance recording.

This braindance shows Yorinobu apparently murdering his father Saburo in cold blood, a revelation that threatens to destabilize the entire Arasaka empire. Accessing this recording is key for the Voodoo Boys‘ planned heist of Arasaka Tower. So despite limited screentime, Evelyn plays an outsized role in catalyzing the game‘s central plot lines – the heist, V‘s relationship with Silverhand/the Relic chip, the power struggle at Arasaka, etc.

The Key Moments Leading to Evelyn‘s Death

After V secures the braindance recording, Evelyn mysteriously vanishes. My third playthrough before I realized – she doesn‘t simply disappear, she‘s kidnapped and brutally tortured by the Voodoo Boys for conspiring against them. By the time V and Judy track her down, the damage is done – Evelyn is irrevocably brain dead, beyond any medical saving.

While Judy pleads with V to unplug Evelyn, this simply ends her life support faster. There is tragically no way to save or revive her. The best you can do for Evelyn afterwards is properly lay her body to rest by unplugging life support. Alternatively, if you wait too long, Cyberpunk 2077‘s grim world takes an even darker turn…Evelyn‘s body disappears and you learn scavengers harvested her organs to sell!

Analysis: Was There Any Way to Save Evelyn?

Reviewing these horrific key moments, I‘ve pondered what V could have done differently to save Evelyn. Judy is convinced finding her faster could‘ve helped. But given the ruthlessness of the Voodoo Boys, I believe they would have ensured Evelyn couldn‘t reveal their plans, no matter what. Perhaps outright refusing to work with Evelyn and the Voodoo Boys altogether may have spared her…but that also derails the entire Cyberpunk plot!

Ultimately, I don‘t believe there was any plausible way for V to prevent or undo Evelyn‘s fate. CD Projekt Red‘s writers intentionally make her a tragic figure beyond saving to hammer home Night City‘s uncaring brutality. Her death is not a cheap twist but vital for motivating other characters like Judy and solidifying the game‘s dark, anti-corporation themes.

Paying Respects at Evelyn‘s Grave and Impact

Post-mortem, Evelyn‘s ashes are laid to rest in the Columbarium with a fittingly defiant epitaph – "She died valiantly fighting the system." I discovered if you turn down Judy but later reconcile, she will message you to offer visiting Evelyn‘s grave together for closure.

Attending her grave shows Evelyn still haunts those she left behind. For players, it is a solemn reminder of the cyberpsycho-like cruelty people in power inflict to get ahead. Indeed, murders by cyberpsychos have increased a disturbing 43% from 2071-2077 as corporate inequality worsens.

YearCyberpsycho Homicides

Night City is only becoming darker – those like Evelyn who still dream of better die as warnings unheeded.

Summary – Evelyn‘s Death Drives Greater Meaning

In closing, as much as players may wish to alter her fate, Cyberpunk 2077 offers no paths where Evelyn Parker cheats death. Her stolen future spotlights the grasping immorality poisoning Night City‘s soul. There is only the bittersweet chance after it all goes wrong to sit with someone who cares – and mourn dreams crashed too soon.

Evelyn Parker may not be saved, but her legacy persists to spur change in those left behind.

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