Yes, You Can Save Your Progress in Far Cry 6 DLCs

The short answer is yes, you can save your game progress while playing the downloadable content (DLC) for Far Cry 6. When you save, it records both your progress in the main Far Cry 6 campaign on Yara as well as any owned DLC packs.

This means you can manually save within the DLC missions and return later to pick up where you left off. However, there are some nuances between the save systems for each add-on that players should understand.

Preserving Your Sanity: Saving in Vaas Insanity

The Vaas Insanity DLC throws players into the warped mind of iconic villain Vaas Montenegro for a disturbing roguelite adventure.

Fortunately, this add-on provides Safe Houses scattered around the islands that serve as checkpoints. You can manually save upgraded weapons and overall progress at these havens.

  • Vaas Insanity Estimated Length: 8-10 hours for completion
  • Features strategic Safe House saving system
  • Quitting mid-mission does not erase all progress

This means you can safely quit out of Vaas Insanity when needed and retain your hard-earned progress. While you may lose some immediate mission gains, you won‘t have to fully restart thanks to the solid save system.

Slipping Between Worlds: Saving in Lost Between Worlds

However, the save system differs over in the psychedelic Lost Between Worlds DLC starring villain Pagan Min.

  • Lost Between Worlds Estimated Length: 5 hours
  • No manual saving – auto-saving only
  • Quitting mid-mission erases Rift progress

Because of the branching narrative nature and repetitive Rift paths, losing progress here stings more. You can‘t manually save within the crazy missions. The game only auto-saves at certain points.

So if you need to abruptly quit while traversing the recursive Rifts, you‘ll lose all immediate progress. You‘ll have to replay those otherworldly branching paths again from the start.

Save System Comparison

DLC PackEst. LengthSave SystemQuitting Mid-Mission
Vaas Insanity8-10 hoursSafe HousesKeeps weapons/progress
Lost Between Worlds5 hoursAuto-save onlyLoses Rift progress

As the table shows, Vaas Insanity offers more forgiveness for interrupted gaming sessions. The manual Safe House saves better respect players‘ time compared to Lost Between Worlds more punitive system.

Tips for New Players

Here are some tips for new players jumping into the Far Cry 6 DLCs:

  • Play in longer sessions if tackling Lost Between Worlds to limit lost progress from quitting
  • Use Vaas Insanity‘s Safe Houses often to manually save
  • Both DLCs have high replay value, so replaying content isn‘t wasted time
  • Adjust gaming schedule for each DLC‘s estimated length
  • Treat Lost Between Worlds saves like old N64 games – can‘t save whenever

Gaming Industry Analysis

The save system dichotomy between the first two Far Cry 6 DLCs exemplifies an interesting industry trend. As the roguelite genre grows, game developers walk a fine line between punishing progress loss and respecting players‘ time.

Roguelite mechanics like procedural generation and permadeath heighten tension. But losing chunks of progress from sudden quitting beyond the player‘s control feels outdated.

According to 2022 industry surveys, the average gamer age is 35 and they game 14 hours per week. With more mature audiences and busier schedules, properly accommodating real-life interruptions grows more important.

Save systems like Vaas Insanity‘s show awareness and respect for shifting gamer demographics and needs. Even notoriously demanding genres like roguelites must evolve to support gamers gaming in smaller chunks.

The gulf between Vaas Insanity‘s and Lost Between World‘s approach illustrates this industry tension. As more DLC releases, it will be interesting to see if Far Cry 6 gravitates towards one design mentality.


In closing, yes you can save your progress in the Far Cry 6 DLC packs. But the precise save system does differ between the postmodern chaos of Vaas Insanity and the recursive alien worlds of Lost Between Worlds.

Vaas Insanity offers manual saving and progress preservation if you need to abruptly quit. Meanwhile, Lost Between Worlds only auto-saves at certain checkpoints, punishing mid-mission exits with lost progress.

Hopefully these saving specifics help you strategize your approach. Now get out there and bring down those villains in classic Far Cry fashion! Just be sure to save first.

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