Can You Save Milton Witcher in The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine?

The Short Answer: Yes, it is completely possible to track down and rescue Milton Witcher during the Blood and Wine quest "There Can Only Be One" — but it requires finding some key clues, solving a tricky riddle, and making certain dialogue choices along the way.

As an ardent Witcher fan, I‘m here to offer a thorough walkthrough for saving Milton‘s life in CD Projekt Red‘s acclaimed DLC expansion! Join me on an investigative adventure full of deadly stakes, dramatic reveals, and a chance to show the virtues of compassion and cleverness.

Who is Milton Witcher and Why Does He Need Saving?

For context (and the sake of newcomers), Milton Witcher is introduced during an early Blood and Wine quest as a guest invited to an ostentatious nighttime gala thrown by the Duchess Anna Henrietta of Toussaint. However, unbeknownst to Milton, he has been selected by the sadistic vampire Dettlaff van der Eretein to be the human prey in a twisted game of hide-and-seek.

If Milton is found by sunrise, he will be brutally murdered by Dettlaff to send a violent message to the Duchess. Our mutant hero Geralt of Rivia gets reluctantly entangled in this plot when Milton first goes missing, brought in by Anna Henrietta herself to track him down before it‘s too late.

But can Geralt actually save Milton given the sinister forces at play? Let‘s find out!

Step 1: Investigate Milton‘s Room for the First Clue

The first place to sniff out clues pointing to Milton‘s whereabouts is in his guest bedroom on the palace grounds. Head upstairs and look around to trigger some key revelations from Geralt and Henrietta:

Examining Milton‘s room reveals he was whisked away without packing or preparing. Disturbing!

It becomes clear Milton was taken by surprise and could not have gone far or without aid. We also learn that witcher senses strangely cannot track Milton, suggesting powerful magic is obscuring him.

Most importantly, by inspecting Milton‘s mirror Geralt discovers a cryptic box — opening it triggers a magical projection with the first of three clues needed to pinpoint Milton‘s location!

We find out Milton is hidden "under the watchful eye of the one to whom the pheasant chirps each morn." This metaphorical clue fits with the ostentatious aesthetic of Toussaint high society — but alone it makes little sense. We‘ll need to uncover more clues before Milton‘s location clicks into place…

Step 2: Locate the Clue "Keys" and Golden Fish

Your next task from Henrietta is to explore the palace gardens outside to find the elusive "Keys" connected to the game‘s second clue. Specifically you must track down a rare golden fish lurking in a pond past the greenhouse grounds.

Make your way through the gardens, dealing with guards if desired, until you reach a small pond with decorative railings:

Cast the puppet spell to force the golden fish containing your next clue to the surface

At first Geralt suspects the fish is a legendary Golden Trout, but upon catching a glimpse he discovers it is literally a golden carp. Use your Witcher signs to manipulate the environment — I suggest casting the Puppet telekinetic force to stir up debris in the pond, exposing the fish.

You can then cast a tracking spell to highlight the evasive fish and reel it in with your Fishing Pouch item. Once caught, cut open the carp‘s belly to claim an ornate key related to the next line of the riddle!

With two parts of the puzzle in hand, head back to Henrietta at Milton‘s room to make some deductions…

Step 3: Locate the Unicorn Statue & Complete the Riddle

Henrietta surmises the final clue we need involving a "unicorn" must relate to a landmark statue in the palace gardens. Ask her to escort you there directly:

The ornate fountain holds one last clue needed to find Milton

At an ostentatious unicorn statue, use your witcher senses to investigate subtle clues and uncover a hidden compartment. Inside rests the final key to resolving where Milton is being held!

Combined with your earlier finds, the full riddle now reads:

Beneath the watchful eye 
Of the one to whom the pheasant crows each morn, 
There lies a treasure
Bearing the likeness of a herd animal,
Whose horn holds the key.

Review the metaphor again with Henrietta when ready to determine Milton‘s location…

Putting It All Together: Milton is Hidden in a Palace Greenhouse!

Deciphering the riddle makes it plainly clear where Dettlaff has stowed Milton away:

He is trapped in one of the royal greenhouse gardens!

The pheasant line refers to a garden rooster weathervane — denoting an outdoor place. "Likeness of a herd animal" means the unicorn statue we found, and its horn compartment held the final key confirming the greenhouse as Milton‘s prison.

You can double check your deduction, but the conclusion is clear. Now comes the climactic rescue!

Step 4: Rush to the Greenhouse & Confront Dettlaff!

With Milton‘s location revealed, Geralt and Henrietta swift make way to the royal greenhouse section of the gardens. You arrive to find the place covered in disturbing blood trails indicating Milton has already been brutally wounded.

Follow the splatters to trigger an ominous cutscene where Dettlaff reveals himself once more. He forces Geralt to toss over his silver sword, rendering you unable to fight the powerful vampire.

Here is where dialogue choices become crucial — you can attempt to stall, threaten Dettlaff, or bide your time. But with Milton bleeding out, the priority becomes freeing him from this death trap.

Carefully select calm, reasoned lines when prompted. Convince Dettlaff that his revenge is focused on the wrong target in Milton, an innocent pawn in his plot against Anna Henrietta. Appeal to Dettlaff‘s sense of judgment and integrity — can he truly justify the senseless murder of a bystander?

Rescuing Milton requires quick thinking and carefully judged words

Once the tension hits a turning point, rush to free Milton while keeping a watch on Dettlaff. Dislodge debris to clear an escape path then sling Milton‘s arm over your shoulder and lift him up to carry the gravely injured man to safety.

Henrietta will cover your exit with a dazzling crystal dust explosion — wasting no time, make haste with Milton in tow back to the palace proper!

Resolution: Milton is Saved and On Path to Recovery!

After quite the intense rescue, Geralt manages to evacuate Milton from Dettlaff‘s clutches just in the nick of time. You can recommend Henrietta‘s medical staff provide him care for his wounds and trauma — with caution and rest, he should make a full recovery!

Our witcher hero has certainly saved Milton‘s life along with buying critical extra time to uncover the full truth behind Dettlaff‘s elaborate revenge. But lasting peace for Toussaint remains threatened…

For the complete story arc playing out these twisting plot lines toward multiple endings, I recommend all Witcher fans complete Blood and Wine — it deliver delightful hours of epic adventure!

Now you know not only how to rescue Milton Witcher, but the rich lore context that makes unravelling Dettlaff‘s scheme so rewarding. I hope this guide gives you the exact tips and insights needed to save this victim from his brutal fate.

Let me know if you have any other Witcher questions! This brave soldier in the #WitcherGang is always happy to recount tales of mystery, bloodshed, political turmoil and moral complexity against the beautiful backdrop of Toussaint‘s vine-laden hills.

Toss a coin!

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