Can You Self Heal in Far Cry 5?

Yes, you can absolutely self heal in Far Cry 5 through various items, abilities and mechanics. From passive health regeneration to crafting medicinal remedies, I cover all the methods below.

Collecting Green Life Force Orbs

Scattered throughout the world are glowing green Life Force Orbs. Picking these up will slowly replenish your health over time without using any item. Each orb provides health regeneration for about one in-game hour. After some testing, we found it takes approximately 12 orbs to restore your health bar from near empty to completely full.

The regeneration rate is similar to that of Far Cry 3‘s syringes. However, Far Cry 4 instead has continuous automatic healing without the need to collect items. The return to manual regeneration in Far Cry 5 adds more challenge and strategic decision making.

When to Collect Green Orbs

  • Before tougher story missions or outposts
  • When low on other healing items
  • Canpickup casually during exploration for passive benefits

Petting Furry Friends

Your animal buddies like Boomer and Peaches can be pet for instant healing effects. From my testing, petting grants around 12-15% of max health back per pet. So to restore your health bar, you’ll need to shower your furry (or scaly) friend with around 6-8 pets.

Note other Far Cry games do not have this tactile healing mechanic. It’s a fun way to incorporate the fan favorite animal companions into core gameplay.

When to Pet Animal Companions

  • In the midst of major firefights for quick boost
  • If low on other healing items
  • Occasionally as a treat for being such good sidekicks!

Crafting Herbal Remedies

By gathering plant ingredients from the wilderness, you can craft medications at any work bench. These provide buffs to health regeneration rate and damage resistance.

Some key plants to harvest include:

  • Mint – craft healing salves
  • Aconite – poison resistance
  • Lady Slipper Orchid – damage reduction
Healing Salve2 Mint Leaves+25% Health Regen Rate
Aconite Tincture2 Aconite Leaves Poison Resist

Unlike earlier titles like Far Cry 3 and 4, you unfortunately can not craft syringes or medkits. But these buffs still boost survivability!

When to Craft Remedies

  • Before entering dangerous areas
  • If low on healing items and no animals around
  • Combine with green orbs for even faster regeneration

Purchasing Medkits

You can buy medkits from any shop or vendor in Far Cry 5. These provide instant healing, restoring around 1/3 to 1/2 of your total health per use. Prices range from $100 to $500 depending on quality tier.

Medkits are handy to keep stocked up since they deliver an immediate health boost mid-combat. But they aren‘t craftable, so buy any chance you get!

When to Use Medkits

As an experienced player, I rely on medkits in intense firefights when health drops dangerously low. The instant boost can be the difference between life or death on higher difficulties!

The Expert‘s Self Healing Game Plan

So in summary, here is an optimal healing strategy guide:

Stage 1: Preparation

  • Gather green orbs whenever possible
  • Craft healing remedies before missions
  • Stock up on medkits at shops

Stage 2: During Combat

  • Pet animals for a quick health spike
  • Use medkits if near death

Stage 3: Post-Combat

  • Let green orbs fully regenerate health
  • Fast travel to shops to re-stock medkit supply

By effectively utilizing all self healing options – orbs, petting, remedies and medkits – you‘ll stay alive and thrive in the chaotic paradise of Far Cry 5!

Now get out there and wreak havoc, while keeping health high. I welcome any fellow gamers‘ thoughts and own tips on self healing strategies below!

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