No, You Cannot Sell Weapons in GTA 5 or GTA Online

I‘ve seen this question asked in gaming forums and message boards more times than I can count, so let me state it clearly:

No, there is no way to sell guns, explosives, or any other weapons back after purchasing them in either GTA 5 singleplayer or GTA Online. I‘ll explain all the details…

As an avid fan and content creator focused on the Grand Theft Auto series, I‘ve researched this topic extensively and unlocked every weapon available. While you can collect and sell many illegal items in the seedy underworld of Los Santos, purchased guns remain permanently in your inventory.

However, that doesn‘t mean you‘re stuck with clutter or can‘t make money. This guide by a dedicated GTA expert (yours truly) will cover weapon management, top money making methods, and tips for building criminal wealth your own way.

Clearing Out Your Overstuffed Arsenal

As a grizzled veteran of Los Santos with countless hours played, I‘ve accumulated more guns than some small countries. Here‘s how to clean up your arsenal if it‘s overflowing:

Drop Weapons to Despawn Them

You can remove an individual weapon from your inventory by dropping it on the ground. However, this is permanent – you‘ll have to shell out cash at Ammu-Nation again if you change your mind!

This seems to primarily remove the purchased weapon for that session. Other players may be able to grab your weapons if you die, but testing showed the despawn over time. Use caution when dropping rare or upgraded guns.

Organize With Weapon Lockers

Any property with a weapon locker allows you to set which guns show up in your weapon wheel and which ones are hidden. It‘s invaluable for hardcore collectors to reduce everyday clutter.

This is huge for me – I have over 300 total weapons in Online, and my weapon locker lets me keep things clean. Must-own for gun nuts!

Trade Weaponized Vehicles

Some vehicles with built-in machine guns, missiles, grenade launchers, or other tools of destruction can be sold back via their workshop. You‘ll get around 50% of what you originally paid – better than being permanently stuck with it!

Great option to pare down and consolidate your armored fleet. I don‘t need both a Grenade Launching Tampa and a Missile Battery Insurgent Pickup Custom! Trade one in.

While you can‘t sell normal guns in GTA Online, you can manage them. Let your inner arms dealer run wild in building up an arsenal, then utilize these tips to tailor it over time.

Bringing in the Green Without Selling Guns

GTA Online offers plenty of highly lucrative criminal enterprises that have nothing to do with pushing weapons. I‘ve mastered the most profitable ones – here are the best legal hustles to stack cash fast:

Prioritize Businesses and Passive Income

Whether it‘s a bunker churning illegal arms behind the scenes or an imported garage of dirty fleet vehicles, properly set up businesses do their work automatically. Even when you‘re offline!

Fully upgrade your ventures ASAP – the increased profits are huge. Five well-run networks can bring in over a $1 million daily – letting money work for you in GTA Online is life-changing!

Master New Missions – The Big Leagues Await

Recent major updates like The Contract and Criminal Enterprises injected new mission types with massive payout potential compared to earlier options.

My current grind is the new Operation Paper Trail robbery missions – over $170k per hour solo with an optimized strategy. That dwarfs old standards like Headhunter‘s $80k max!

Take Advantage of Limited-Time Perks

Special bonuses and discounts to specific activities come and go. When they overlap, now is the time to strike! Whether it‘s a rocket bike getting a HUGE rebate or special cargo crates paying out triple GTA$, act fast.

I doubled my first $1 billion in GTA Online during the 2020 holiday season – bunkers were 40% off AND bunker sale profits were increased 25%! That overlap was a license to print money.

Cayo Perico Heist – Still the Solo Gold Standard

It‘s been nearly two years since its release and countless updates, yet the Cayo Perico heist remains unmatched for solo thieves. Expect over $1.5 million per hour once you optimize the various approaches.

Even after running Cayo countless times, the sheer profit potential keeps me coming back. It may finally meet its match with these new Paper Trail missions however! Hard to choose…

Take the time to build up different income sources and you‘ll have MORE money than you could ever spend – all without having to push weapons like some low-level thug new to the life.

Most Profitable GTA Online Money Makers

Money Making MethodApprox. Earnings Per HourMy Rating
Operation Paper Trail Missions$170,000+💰💰💰💰💰
Cayo Perico Heist$1,300,000-$1,500,000💰💰💰💰💰
Criminal Enterprises New Missions$150,000+💰💰💰💰💰
Gunrunning Bunker$700,000+💰💰💰💰💰
Crates via Warehouses$888,000+*💰💰💰💰
Import/Export Vehicle Warehouse$360,000💰💰💰

*Assuming 5 large warehouses sold with maximum capacity, balanced buy missions – very time intensive!

This table shows the newest and most optimal missions outpacing earlier options – don‘t leave big GTA$ on the table by sticking to old strategies!

Turning Useless Guns Into Cold Hard GTA$

Alright, back to weapons specifically – while normal guns remain locked to your account once purchased, you DO have a couple options to cash out:

Sell Special Weaponized Vehicles

Specific cars, helicopters, planes, and more with built-in offensive capabilities can be sold via their Vehicle Workshop or Hangar Workshop.

You‘ll receive around 50% of what you originally paid. That stings, but it beats keeping an obsolete machine around your garage solely to pile up insurance costs!

I recently sold both my Issi Pickup and technical Aqua to consolidate my armored fleet. Banked $700k!

Discard Heist Loadout Weapons

In something like the Diamond Casino Heist, purchasing select firearms or explosives to use just for that job allows you to return them for a full refund when the job wraps.

Doesn‘t earn you cash, but it essentially allows "renting" weapons only while needed. Frees up space without wasting money!

Utilize Ammu-Nation Shooting Range

Brush up on your skills or test new weapons at the shooting range without needing to own them! You can access and test-fire at every gun in the game.

Another way to try expensive hardware and discard freely after instead of buying blindly from the menu and getting stuck with it forever.

Master Weapons, Master GTA Online

Even without directly selling owned guns, learning to manage your massive arsenal while stacking major bank from business ventures, heists, and next-gen missions proves firearms fluency pays – BIG TIME.

I‘ve clearly laid out methods available to sell and refund in addition to gunrunning tips to help optimize your practice, improve your bottom line, and set you up as a successful modern mogul rising to the top of the Los Santos underworld (without having to push weapons out on the street like some lowly miscreant).

Hopefully you‘ve found my guide as an experienced GTA expert insightful. I‘m here to answer any other questions! Never be afraid to reach out.

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