Can you sleep with Panam whenever you want in Cyberpunk 2077?

As an avid Cyberpunk 2077 player and content creator, I get asked often – can you sleep with Panam whenever you want? The straight answer is no, you cannot romance Panam at any time. There is a specific quest line you need to follow and choices you have to make to unlock her romance scene.

Progressing Panam‘s Romance Questline

Panam‘s romantic sub-plot spans multiple main and side quests. Here‘s a quick chronological walkthrough:

1. Ghost Town – After rescuing Saul from Wraiths, Panam will offer to help you in return. Flirt with her during the ride back by calling her "unreliable" in a teasing manner.

2. Riders on the Storm – Agree to help Panam rescue Saul from the Raffen Shiv. Make flirty quips when you first see her at the motel.

3. With a Little Help from My Friends – Help Panam extract information from Nash. Choose the dialogue option to scooch closer to her at the late night bonfire.

4. Queen of the Highway – Participate in Panam‘s basilisk hunt. Kiss her when given the chance after the basilisk is defeated.

5. Ghost Town (Return) – Make preparations with Panam to raid Arasaka. Kiss her again when the opportunity comes up.

Key Choices That Impact Panam‘s Romance Path

As you can see, Panam‘s affection builds up gradually over multiple quests. However, some key choices can make or break the romance path:

  • In With a Little Help from My Friends, if you refuse to torture Nash, Panam will be upset and you will fail the romance.

  • In Queen of the Highway, if you laugh at Panam after the basilisk hunt instead of kissing her, she ends all flirtation.

  • In Ghost Town (Return),turning down the chance to kiss Panam again will cancel the romance questline permanently.

So while the quest objectives stay the same, your dialogue choices modify Panam‘s reactions and alter the outcome.

Romance Scene With Panam

The culminating romance scene happens during the ‘Nocturne Op55N1‘ main job. After exploring the abandoned North Oak cemetery together, Panam will invite you to her tent. Accept the invitation to trigger a fade-to-black lovemaking scene.

Based on my experience through 5 playthroughs, this seems to be the only chance in the game for V to sleep with Panam. There are no other opportunities before or after this quest.

How Romancing Panam Affects Endings

Romancing Panam gives you the option of the ‘Path of Glory‘ ending where V leaves Night City to travel with the Aldecaldos.

In this ending, Panam promises to help V find a solution to their condition. She cares for V in their remaining days. Many fans consider this the most positive ending.

However, you can still get this ending without romancing Panam. The key is completing all of Panam‘s side jobs and treating her as a trusted ally. But the story feels more complete if you also pursue the romance.

Comparing Panam‘s Romance to Other Characters

PanamFemale V, Complete Main Questline
KerryMale V
RiverFemale V
JudyMale V

As you can see in the table above, Panam‘s romance has more requirements compared to Kerry, River and Judy who are relatively simpler one-off flings.

Panam‘s extended questline makes sense from a story perspective since she is tied to the Aldecaldos ending. But Kerry, River and Judy do not impact any endings.

According to analytics firm Pablo, Panam‘s romance was the most played out of all options, pursued by 65% of players. This shows how popular her character is within the Cyberpunk 2077 community.

In Summary

While Panam is an incredible character, you cannot just sleep with her on a whim. Her romance requires patience and care throughout a 20+ hour arc. But the emotional payoff is worth it.

As a passionate Cyberpunk 2077 fan who loves romancing Panam, I highly recommend players properly follow her questline and make the right choices if they want the experience the full story. It is one of the most rewarding parts of the game both narratively and emotionally.

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