Can You Solo the Last Wish Raid in Destiny 2?

The short answer is yes, it is possible for highly skilled players to solo the Last Wish raid with extensive preparation. However, it remains one of the most challenging solo feats in Destiny 2 given the raid‘s length, complex mechanics, and punishing enemies.

As a passionate Destiny 2 player and content creator myself, I wanted to provide a detailed guide for those considering attempting a Last Wish solo run. Below I analyze the feasibility, tips for success, player accomplishments, and more centered around the question: can you solo the Last Wish raid?

Overview: Soloing Raids in Destiny 2

First, let‘s examine the broader concept of soloing raids in Destiny 2.

Raids represent the pinnacle of PvE challenge, designed for full six-player fireteams to take on together. They test combat skill, build crafting, communication, and sheer persistence across multiple demanding encounters.

As such, soloing any Destiny 2 raid requires tremendous skill and practice. Players must deeply understand mechanics, equip optimal gear, leverage defensive builds, and play perfectly for long stretches. Even routine mistakes that are recoverable with a team often lead to fast failure when playing solo.

However, top tier PvE players have proven that solo raids, while extremely hard, are possible. Players like Esoterickk and Bean have soloed all raids over multiple albums. Below I‘ve compiled a table of several prominent examples since Destiny 2‘s launch:

RaidSolo Player(s)Date
Last Wishxb1ua, ZsstudioszMarch 2022
Vault of GlassEsoterickkJune 2021
Deep Stone CryptGladdDecember 2020
Garden of Salvationehroar, IndicaMay 2021

Based on these accomplishments, we can confirm that soloing raids, including Last Wish, is possible for PvE experts with sufficient skill and preparation. However, success requires tremendous persistence even for top players.

Can You Solo Last Wish? Analysis

Now, let‘s focus our analysis specifically on the Last Wish raid and the question of solo viability.

Released in 2018‘s Forsaken expansion, Last Wish remains among the longest, most complex, and challenging raid content in Destiny history. Its six encounters culminate in a final fight against Riven, an utterly merciless dragon Taken boss.

For perspective, according to Player.One, only 18 total players completed Last Wish in the first 24 hours. And full teams spent 13-19 hours attempting the day one clear.

This underscores the immense difficulty of merely completing Last Wish with an optimized fireteam, let alone solo!

Based on Destiny 2 raid history, if any raid could successfully be soloed, few expected it to be Last Wish. Yet as of March 2022, at least two extraordinary players have posted full, verified solo completions of Last Wish.

Player "xb1ua" spent 15 grueling hours completing his solo Last Wish attempt. Documented on his YouTube channel, he explained needing extensive planning, altered sleep schedules, and unbroken focus to achieve the feat. And even then, aspects came down to lucky timing or enemy movement.

Meanwhile, talented streamer Zsstudiosz also posted their successful Last Wish solo clear just days after xb1ua. In an interview with Destiny content creator Fallout Plays, Zsstudiosz discussed meticulous preparation and several past failed attempts before finally succeeding.

So while monumentally difficult and realistically achievable by only a tiny fraction of the playerbase, we can definitively conclude that soloing Last Wish is proven possible by these recent examples. Let’s examine what it takes.

Tips for Soloing Last Wish Raid

For those willing to invest the immense time, practice, and persistence needed for a Last Wish solo attempt, here are some tips:

Study and Perfect Raid Mechanics

When solo, there is zero margin for error in execution. You must know encounter mechanics perfectly for each boss. Study raid guides extensively and master timing for activation plates, cleansing rooms, boss damage events, etc.

Leverage Seasonal Artifact Mods

Make use of each season’s Artifact to equip “champion” weapon mods for stunning certain enemies, plus defensive mods like Resist, Well of Tenacity, etc.

Utilize Support Exotic Armor

Exotics like Mask of Bakris (Hunter), Armamentarium (Titan), and Phoenix Protocol (Warlock) offer enhanced survivability via dodges, barricades, rifts.

Use High Damage Weapons

Bring your best DPS weapons like Gjallarhorn, sleeper simulant, 1K Voices to maximize boss damage output in short damage phases.

Master Subclass 3.0 Builds

Take advantage of 3.0 solar, arc, or void builds for sustain, recovery, resistance, or invisibility depending on your class.

The below table compiles community feedback from solo completions on the optimal gear, mods, and subclasses for a Last Wish attempt:

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Mask of BakrisChampion StunningVoid Hunter
Phoenix ProtocolProtective LightSolar Warlock
ArmamentariumWell of TenacityVoid Titan
AnarchyLucent Blade
GjallarhornMelee Wellmaker
ArbalestElemental Charge

In the end, soloing Last Wish comes down to flawless execution across hours of raiding to overcome the mechanical and combat challenges Bungie intentionally designed for six players.

It is an incredible achievement requiring tremendous skill and persistence. For some useful examples, I highly recommend checking out reaction and analysis videos from knowledgable Destiny content creators like Fallout and GernaderJake on the recent solo completions.

Closing Thoughts

I hope this detailed guide provides valuable insights into the question “Can you solo the Last Wish raid in Destiny 2?

In summary:

  • Soloing raids requires tremendous skill and practice even for top players
  • Last Wish remains among the very hardest raid content Bungie has designed
  • As of March 2022, at least two players have successfully soloed Last Wish
  • It comes down to extensive planning, optimal gear, and flawless execution

While possible for elite players, soloing Last Wish (or any raid) is highly inadvisable for average players. Finding a patient sherpa and solid raid team through LFG is a far more practical means of completion.

But for those PvE experts seeking the ultimate challenge, conquering Last Wish solo represents a remarkable Destiny 2 achievement to add to your résumé. Let me know if you decide to attempt it!

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